How The Forum Works

Welcome to the Themeco Forum! We’ve put together this overview post to explain everything you need to know and so you can quickly find the most helpful information. From best practices to community guidelines, please take a second to read.

Start with Search

Product support is provided in our Support Forum, and there are several helpful resources at your disposal. One of the greatest benefits to these forums is your ability to search prior to posting a question. We strongly encourage you to do so as the vast majority of your questions will be able to be answered by searching. You can use our native search feature or sometimes for more accurate results simply go to Google and type in your question plus add the word Themeco at the end.

Looking for additional help with 3rd party plugins and customizations? Be sure to check out One. This premium service has become very popular with our customers, especially those who want one place to go for all their website building questions. If you’d like our team to take care of things like updates and changes, be sure to check out Total Care.

Browse Docs

Looking for helpful product tutorials and step-by-step instructions? Docs is where you will find all official documentation for Themeco products and services. There are topics there ranging from version compatibility to how updates work and more. This is a great place to visit often in addition to our blog. You can also search on Google for any topic by just adding the word Themeco at the end.

Support Forum vs. Beta Forum

The Support Forum is where you post support questions, and the Beta Forum is where customers can help test and provide feedback on future updates. The Beta Forum is public, but you must optin for access (steps here).

How to Post a New Topic

If you are unable to find an answer to your question by searching first, click the “+ New Topic” button at the top of the forum home when logged into your Themeco account.

When posting be as specific as possible in describing the issue. Simply saying “My site is broken” or “I did an update and now nothing works” is not helpful. List the issue in detail including any steps you have taken to troubleshoot and always remember to first test 3rd party plugins by deactivating them one by one and ensuring all caches have been emptied. Review this common issues article. The vast majority of issues we see can be resolved or at least identified by doing this.

Do not private message a Themeco staff member about support as it will be ignored. All support is provided in the forum. If you need to get in touch about something else, please contact us.

Secure Notes

It is very common to need to share sensitive information with our staff such as login or FTP information. In order to keep this private, be sure to use the Secure Note icon that you will find at the bottom of each reply.

When clicked, you can add content that will only be visible to our staff. Secure Notes are visible to the original poster, so do not post a secure note unless you have started the thread.

Private Threads

Only Themeco has the ability to make an entire thread private, and we will do this when we determine the discussion to be better suited for private discussion. This includes, but is not limited to, posts pertaining to feedback, complaints, or topics not relevant to the forum.

While we provide support via the public forum for the benefit of our customers, we reserve the right to turn any conversation into a private discussion for any reason and at any time. When a thread is unlisted it is removed from the public forum.

How to Find Existing Topics

You can find a list of all your likes, bookmarks, and existing topics by going to your dashboard and clicking on the username that appears beneath your profile picture.


Response Times

Generally speaking, we answer all questions in the order they are received. All support topics are added to a monitored queue, so please do not bump your threads while waiting for a reply as this may delay a response. Please be sure you have first searched the forum and docs prior to creating a new ticket.

It is always our goal to respond as fast as possible. We generally reply within a few hours, but it may take up to a day. It may be longer if we are especially busy (for example around the time of an update). Please remember this is an estimated time frame and not a guarantee. If you are looking for faster response times and assistance with any question including customizations and third party plugins, check out our One service.

Official Replies

Themeco staff have a green badge next to their picture and a “Staff” label next to their name.


No Hijacking Threads

If someone has a support ticket, please don’t hijack their thread. If you are experiencing something similar feel free to simply bookmark the post so you can see future staff replies. If you know the answer or want to help out, feel free to do so.

Liking & Bookmarks Explained

Two great features are liking and bookmarking. Liking is a great way to agree or confirm something.

Bookmarking is a great way to save threads you would like to reference in the future.

Competing Products

While we encourage discussions under the categories listed on our forum, discussion of competing products is prohibited (for example, other themes or builders). This includes features and product comparisons. Thank-you in advance for understanding this is a Themeco-owned and operated community for our customers and members.

Dealing with Conflict

Conflict is guaranteed to happen - we’re human, and this is the internet. You may be frustrated. You may strongly disagree with a person, topic, or answer. Feelings may get hurt. Let’s not let that get in the way of creating the type of community we can all be proud of.

Many times, simply leaving your computer for a few hours or a day can calm your nerves and help you think with a fresh perspective. Remember, we are here to help and serve one another not make each other’s life more difficult. Please don’t make other people’s lives more difficult. We can do much more together than any one of us can do on our own, so let’s all work to show grace to others. It’s a wonderful thing to receive and an even greater thing to give.


We hope this helps provide an overview to some of the many support resources at your disposal. There is much more you’ll discover through experimentation, and a member of the team will be happy to clarify anything further you may need.

Portfolio Not working or displaying
Mobile header optimization
Envira Gallery only partially displays on mobile
Cornerstone not displaying to edit / section not displaying
Cannot update Slider Revolution plugin
Lightbox and ACF
Personify Library Import not displaying thumbnails
CSS to Hide by Class or ID Not Working
Uh Oh Failed To Save Error after trying to update any page
Cornerstone not loading after forcing CAS redirect on our site
Updated to 4.3.3 and my website broke. I have restored a backup and now I have the same issue
Update Modern Event Calendar Update no available
Formatting keeps dropping
Body Copy not changing to custom font
Slider (Inline) Arrows Both On Left
Envira Gallery Conflict?
Rows displaying side-by-side
Tabs Element Not Showing Scroll Bar
Slider Revolution Has Stopped Showing Working
E+P Forms Not Working
"Search Modal" field changed look after update
Navigation Homepage
Html 5 banners
WooCommerce Checkout Broken
Accordions not working on click
Self hosted video not playing when logged out
oEmbed Video Header
Theme x problems after updating to version 9.01 with screenshots
Strange CS behaviour after update to v6: anchor tags wrapped by strong in html
bbPress Layout Assignments
Email form x mailchimp issue
Page not loading in Cornerstone
Portfolio intro images not linking to the pages
Woocommerce 7.0.1 preventing sidebar from loading in X Pro page editor
Wheel of Death on any/all pages when trying to Edit with Pro
Broken "Blank - No container" page template
[ERROR] Frame missing CORNERSTONE_FRAME signature
PRO 4.3.3 not validating
Admin Toolbar not displaying on pages after trying all the stuff
Post Single Layout Template not Assigning
RC1: Font weight is not being honoured for responsive screen sizes
"Remove from cart" button not appearing on Cart page
Full Width columns not full width
Custom WooCommerce login/registration page
Column border turns Black when hovering text
Cornerstone Save Error: element type not set
Menu dropdowns not working in Chrome only
Xtheme problem with Yoast
WooCommerce pages are weird and show errors
The Grid not adding more rows
Theme Options Pre-loader Won't Go Away
Problem Validating License After Changing URL
Font Manager not working for Text element (only classic text)
Updating to x theme 9.01 -- cornerstone 6.0.1 broke my site
Version 5 Update Crashes a Legacy Page Build
Breakpoints Layout Error
Custom post type single template override not working
Issues with Pro 5.0.1 & The Event Calendar
Conerstone Not activating - Fatal Error
Issue with Posts Magazine Following Update
Inserting slider revolution hero
Сustom shop notices in Pro Layout
Theme Update Removed Renew Creative and Can't Get Back
ICON stack sidebar not scrolling
Nested External API Looper - Looper Key In Endpoint
Current Terms Provider, incorrect result
How Can I Align Horizontal Menu in Renew With Center of Logo Vertically?
Fatal error when i tired to activate the cornerstone plugin
Issue with Slider Revolution on mobile
Essential Grid Filter - Element Count
ACF Pro License Not Working
Burger menu doesnt close on mobil devices
Missing pages with new update
Reading specific elements of a dynamic content array
Mailchimp form throwing error on Email form submit button
Reduce spacing between footer buttons
Essential Grid items not responding to being clicked on
Pro - Header doesn't load in Cornerstone + console errors
Homepage text moves on 4k screen
Pricing section not displayed one after the other (vertically) on mobile
X Theme - Cornerstone spinning wheel
Embedded google map no longer working
WC layout builder dynamic URL for product category
Problems with mobile navigation after update
Unable to turn off slider on Home page
Copy updates not showing when logged out
Footer background color disappearing on product pages
Image doesn't open in lightbox. Adds broken link
Post picture is too big
Import template fails
ConvertPlus Adons Not Showing
WooCommerce discount price not showing
Our developers are investigating the issue already
The Grid – Padding around logos
Can't open Cornerstone anymore
Cornerstone & Charts plugin - update issues
New tab in link using ACF Link array
Critical error On my website, unable to log into Wordpress
Off Canvas This element failed to render
WooCommerce Product price not showing
Parent Menu Items Not Clickable on Collapsed Nav
Mobile button (hamburger button) not working on theme X
Mix-blend-mode with SVG
Under construction seems not to be working
Site won't validate with Pro Unlimited
Theme Validates. But then refreshed to unvalidated. Repeatedly
Mobile Issue
Footer duplicated (one unstyled)
Customising a Global Block
Site broken with all plugins off
Critical Error When Cornerstone is Activeated
Php errors in ethos blog post
Can't validate X theme. It says "This looks like a brand new license that hasn't been added to a Themeco account yet."
Cornerstone: Toggle All collapsed control groups not working
Dynamic Content and Font Weight
Cornerstone Builder Issues
Ref to old issue
Formatting broken with new Cornerstone update
My Portfolio has disappeared?
Google Maps will not load anymore (worked for years very well)
Uh oh! Failed to create Page. Invalid typed array length: -3821254649
Unlinked borders not accepting hex color codes with Pro version 5.05
Woocommerce Products layout
Website "sticking" when scrolling: part II
Dynamic Content and Font Weight
How do I hide woocommerce product description tab if empty?
Cornerstone dont work after update
Edits applied to pages that are showing in editor look completely different when live
Cannot edit page with pro
Autoplay not starting
ACF pro and php > 7.4 | bug
Footer visible in Cornerstone, but missing in live/preview, on one page only
Website Works but ThemeCo Editor with Cornerstone is Blank
Cant access to Cloud Templates
Pro theme Page builder won't load
Elements not activating in Cornerstone on X
Uber menu hover
Imges are rendered and not showing
Create an anchor link in Max
Cornerstone not opening up in Pro
MEC Calendar Arrows for the slider are missing
Unable to remove header
How to input slider revolution
Pro 5.0.0 - Warnings on Mobile After Updating
DC Strangeness in Pro 6.5.1
Retrieve URL from a PDF ID set with ACF field
Google Font Issues
Problem with formatting after theme update
Essential grid not saving any checkbox options for choosing Lightbox source
Pro Theme / WPBakery Conflict
Display Posts in Looper which are from Custom Post Type or Custom Taxonomy
Page cannot be edit
Featured video does not display in post loop
Stacking footer items
SVG Not Scaling with Shrinking Header
Elements Panel inoperable after 9.0.1 update
Shop archive layout doesn´t apply
Installing Crafty Demo Stuck After "Initializing..."
Text on modal "Play Demo"
My Website is not working--Cornerstone plugin is triggering and error on my website
Pro page builder not loading after updating pro theme
How to exclude current post from recent posts
Design Cloud not working on reference site
Excerpt not showing in pro
Pro Shortcodes not working in new update
I can’t delete Content Area element and I can't save the page
Problems with editing pages in cornerstone
Accordion indicator (component) not showing on the front end?
Unable to verify the theme, creates a critical error on the website
Metadata not showing from ACF
On Page CSS now acts like Global CSS after update
Building Select parameter with dynamic content
Dynamic content using wc_get_products
Plugin's Custom Post Type Dynamic Content Not Working With Template
Cornerstone Responsive Issue
Static top section so next sections overlaps on rollover
Need more guidance: Make button trigger modal, but only upon click (not at pageload)
Cannot Import Demo - Law
Where to Adjust WooCommerce Image Thumbnails in Customizer
Import multiple map markers for Maps element
Either "name" or "" should be specified
Accordian Items not formatted inside Tabs
Text selection and drag
Installation with Design Cloud of ONLY a part of App by themeco
Media Library - Stuck and won't scroll in grid mode
Vertical Slider on Scroll
Single Archive Assignment Issue - All Singular
Can't assign license and have an empty page at cornerstone
Cornerstone out of sync in edit mode
A Green Pro user - How to shrink paragraph space
Page titles change in the header
Hamburger/Mobile menu won't close on certain breakpoint
Post in Categories not appearing
Mobile friendly x theme
Menu missing on mobile
Essential Grid error help
Site Title element says undefined
X pro header issue (after recent update)
OR condition not working when two separate conditions are applied
Entire content of home page repeating
Image box not working
Short codes not working
Cornerstone does not load, Javascript error
Revolution Slider links to posts - how to link title and content link to individual post
Personify Issues
Slider Revolution having Glitches
Simple Lightbox Layout builder
Linear Mask with text
Cornerstone Columns not formatting
The Grid - excerpt sometimes not showing
Some Google fonts do not get all the styles shown in the list (shown for each of those specific fonts)
My Website is not working--Cornerstone plugin is triggering and error on my website
.x-root {min-height:100vh} is pushing down content on my sites
Embed not working on mobile devices
Multiple colors in Navigation Xtheme Pro
Different sizes for text (header and body) on Pro Layout
How to attach a link to a button
Help with UberMenu Responsive Layout Please!
Modern Sliders Full Screen Slider Not Showing Text Element on Every Slide
License failing to validate
Add Curved Separator to Header
Woocommerce shop styling doesn't look right
Using Templates in Post
Builder acting weird. Columns stacked and 100% width. Can't add elements
Post is not displaying correctly
Text element formatting (font size/background color) lost when website is viewed live
Cross-sells product buttons not rendering correctly
Custom 404 plugin creates 'extra' random title
License locked
Unable to edit content & text in Cornerstone
Form not displaying
Essential grid images not loading past thumbnail
Responsive lightbox not working on iPhone
[PRO] Unable to edit header
Website Login error
Update to Theme X 8.1x Cornerstone 5.x unable to edit site
Home page won't save
Help with CPT relationships
Scrolling is bad on my page what is wrong?
UberMenu search bar starts on a new line
Archive Image broken with new posts only
Website (PRO) not scrolling properly on mobile
Unwanted graphic appearing on homepage
Narrowing of container at top
Layering header text over image
Looper Condition on Blog Page
“Scroll down” button (above Masthead)
Essential Grid Portfolio Images
Raw Content - Padding issue
Jerky header
Pro content, page not loading
Essential Grid Just Stopped Showing Up on Page
Custom Fonts upgrading from 4.3.2 to recent version
Help! Dropdown menus not working
X Pro Inline navigation menu no scrolling
Unable to validate my license, even after updating the location
Getting rid of slider revolution above masthead
WP Bakery Page Builder Disappeared from Home Page
Column border being cut off on mobile
Sub menu indent query
Personify Themes not loading , givien UH Oh error
Failed to save colors
Checkout > Internal Server Error
Update broke my website and my ability to fix it
No visual display when trying to edit Pro
Essential Grid Filters Not Showing Up
Modern Events Calendar - Cover Images
Box Won't Center
Footer Sub Nav - Align Left, Won't Stop Center
Xtheme blog excerpts and Read More not displaying after update to 8.07
Fatal error when activating Cornerstone + Design Cloud is not launching
Cornerstone working, but not updating front end
Cornerstone won't work when X child theme is activated
Full page width
Footer colour different on home page
Logo not resizing in header
Pagination on categories showing custom post type posts
The Post Grid
Problems with SVG Solid styled SVG icons
Classic card line problem
Site domain change and licence KO
Strange things in visual baker after update
Cornerstone Update to Latest version - All formatting is off
Ubermenu question display
Header Snaps on Scroll
Page loading in wrong responsive mode? Header glitch?
Adding some space to the left of a content
Convert Plus throws Errors in Firefox console
Menu and Slider problem - Upgrading to Pro
Unable to edit pages with pro after update 4.0.11
Woocommerce shop looks broken after PRO v4.0.x
How to remove Category filter buttons for portfolio pages selectively
Cornerstone error The preview could not load due to the iframe
Text over image / text over another level
UberMenu - backend/frontend difference
Can’t save post
Wordpress Navigation Not Working on certain devices
Problem Integration UberMenu with PRO
Portfolio pages not displaying correctly
gAppointment Conflict with Pro
Woocommerce version 4.5 download link?
Shortcodes in topbar
Header builder preview shows only homepage
Pagination on a custom category page
Content Under Invisible Header
Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server problem in X-Template Manage
Grid not loading on Mobile
Attempting to update footer and receiving a fail to save error
Pro editor not displaying correct default background color
Bug: inconsistent breakpoints
Ubermenu not displaying contents as desired
Layout Builder - Layout issue from 979px - 1200px breakpoint
Display date under title on post
Pro Header Assignment Issues and Ghost Header Displaying
Portfolio page loads intermittently
Layout shift following update
Url link to tabs not scrolling anymore
How to define specific action (scroll) when click on picture
Pro 4.0.8 totally unusable
Fronted editor disappears
Search results disappear
Section divs missing when saving (home)page in WPML site
The theme doesn't work in my Wordpress, I had to pay for support because there was no way to solve
In default search modal of cornerstone i want to remove extra erase icon?
The Grid with Facebook posts
Parenthesis, Divs, and some inline-styles won't allow Content Builder to save, X-Pro
X Theme Fatal Error
Add License to Themeco account
Add License to Themeco account
Layout Builder Preview Content
Version 4.07 installed 2-3 years ago
Uh Oh! Failed to save
Design difference between front end and cornerstone back end
Wpbakery post grid
Hide During Breakpoints - not working
Infinite spinning favicon Cornerstone not loading properly
WooCommerce Cross-Sells Not Showing
Almost Finished License Loop
Background video working only in backend, not frontend
Unable to validate new licenses with Unlimited
Revolution Slider Links working in Chrome but not Firefox or Edge
Mobile showing partial website with template content
Pictures Not Appearing & Editor Preview Not Appearing With New XTheme Update
Cornerstone editor is showing huge fonts and slider has gone missing
I Can't Access Essential Grid's Grid Library Even With Purchase Code
X Pro v4.0.9 - Cornerstone crashing for no reasons
This Cornerstone license is not validated
Firefox cutting content on Masonry blog layout
Parallax Effect not working
IE11 - X Pro inline navigation elements not dropping down
Modal Area interferes with content on the page
Built Website is "X" and then converted over to "PRO" ... Cornerstone Page Builder Erroring
Sidebar for WooCommerce product-tag result page
Cannot Login to turn off Under Construction
Cannot assign single layout to ACF post type
Largest contentful paint element
Graphic icon unavailable
Theme Won't Stay Validated
Issue with artifact on a page
Cannot declare class Cornerstone_Footer
Pro Validation Not working
Widget will not show
Changing the websites related to my 2 validation code
Number of posts in List/Minimal/Tiles
ERROR: The preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete
Dec 2020 An error occurred while updating X: Update package not available
HELP - Unknown code error above my site
Issue with cornerstone not working
Problem with margin in integrity shop
Add Sidebar and Footer to the Blog Page
Is there a way to automatically save progress in pro builders?
I can't make any changes or see previews in Pro
Activation issue after update
Pro Header Problem not activating
Problem editing Cornerstone pages after upgrading X Theme followup
Main menu stopped working on mobile
Challenged by a couple small changes
Page content tends to ‘snap back’ when first scrolling
Slideshow fix
Strange Heading On Blog Page
Error activating Modern Events Calendar
Vertical Tab padding
Portfolio Index page does not display Featured Image any more
Critical error caused by Cornerstone
Scrolling Lags on Desktop and Mobile
Licence validation problem
Embedded videos disappeared after update to Pro 4.0.10
Change color white bar on hover navigation menu
Can't install theme from Design Cloud
GA tracking issues - DevTools failed to load SourceMap?
Back End of Blog Running Very Slowly
Error message about my PHP version being insecure
Cornerstone ERROR URGENT
Recent Products and feature image
Custom fonts not displaying correctly in Cornerstone View vs LIVE site (WP 6.5.2 (and 6.5.3 in DEVV site) with Cornerstone 7.4.19)
Pro header not visible
[Solved in Pro 6.5] Unix timestamp format doesn't work
Alternatives for second, sticky navigation on a specific page
Classic Feature Box and List Displays with correct alignment and colour in Cornerstone, but not when live
Smooth Scroll doesn't work on some newer Samsung devices
Essential Grid not working in Pro footer
Picking meta values
License failing to validate
Center widget area
Header won't reassign or delete
Cornerstone portfolio item customization problems
Preview could not load Header Builder
Cornerstone not working, conflict with plugins error
GDPR conform video
WooCommerce SpecificationS tab not showing
There is no mobile menu
Attribute archive page is not as same as shop archive page in crafty
Self-hosted video link as row background
Unwanted graphic appearing on homepage
Cannot see the Video in Slider Revolution Display
Essetial grid not showing images
Problem with desing cloud import
Cant revoke or re-assign domain
Background Video - Whole Page (or Entire Website) - Pro
Insert full screen Image Pro
Spaces between items - WP Bakery
Font alignment problem
Place mobile menu on the right
Gridorama advanced overlapping content - headline position varies from cornerstone to frontview
Header Content Scrolling request
Sidebar Widget Pop-In Appearance
Slider revolution error v. 6.3.6
Post featured image don't work with Essential Grid active
Broken back-end. Can't update theme
Card Element Issues in IE/Edge
Live website completely different than editor
Mike & Jess is not installed sucessfully from Design Cloud
Pro Header appearing when not supposed to
Modern Event Calendar - upcomming Event showing finished
Looper empty when using multiple terms and types
Sermon Manager not posting video or audio just recently
Desktop sections appearing on Mobile
Layerslider - Safari - Wordpress and X Theme
Footer not showing when Under Construction is enabled
I can't see Superfly menu just on my desktop
Picture Problem
Display bug / cornestone vs WP
Changes in Header Editor are not refreshed on live site
X Editor just spinning
E&P Form Builder Issue
Sticky header issue after latest update
Is this a cache problem
CSS on page-builder text element
Home page and Category page layout not in 3x3
Text Width Going Out of View
Adding A Slide From Slider Revolution On Homepage
Envira gallery does not go to next page
Lost! lost! lost!
Essential grid styling
Pro builder no updating when building a footer
Problem with email sign up form
The pictures of the mobile version don't appear
Thick horizontal borders on home page
Problems with re-installing from design-cloud
ACF nested looper to display FAQ per category
X Theme not working
Pro Child theme - critical error
Why a page I created with cornerstone fails to save changes I make?
Can't validate X get blank screen
Unwanted Gap showing under banner on cell phone
Cornerstone editor not working correctly
Outputing ACF fields by using PRO
Shop icon disappear on X
Can't Validate X Theme on Staging Site
No preview in Pro, exit to dashboard log me out of WP
Cornerstone Posts RSS Excerpt Description Issue
Gutenberg columns and centered title not working
Page Editor Won't Load - Pro & Standard
"Contact Form 7 is Not Active"
How to disable Pro Theme video player and use WordPress default
After WP update blog post contents disappared
Cannot edit
Can't validate X on staging site
Element failed to render
Installation design cloud
Customize X in Theme Options BROKEN
Submenu Column without Ubermenu
Dc:post:title SEO bug
Video Controls - Layerslider Mobile
Button anchor and ID
Countdown Timer wrong - resets higher with refresh
"Contact Form 7 is Not Active"
Scrolling Keeps Sticking on Integrity Theme
My background disappears
Blog posts using Polylang Displaying in PRO builder but not on live site
Cornerstone editor style changes/overrides when making a single change
Studio gold template
Page Styling Disappeared
Motivational Hero Video - Is there a way to get this to play automatically?
Adding Elements in Cornerstone
Add code so form will pop up when clicked
Background Lower Layer image - pattern repeat?
WooCommerce 2-Column Product Listings on Mobile
Xtheme update 7.2.3 causing navigation issues?
Checkout and Cart not showing up
Sidebar page editor fails to load elements. Console Error
Blog Posts Disappear upon Page load
Strange code attached to URL
Envira Gallery Addons will not install
License not validating correctly
Masonry blog index not showing up unless logged in
Convert Kit + Mailchimp
Page Load Jumping On Every Page
Where did options go?
Remove individual Portfolio link item
Changed Homepage, new homepage loads on windows and android, old home page loads on apple
Actual view on iphone is different from web view
Pro Menu Sizing and Location
Pro License Not Validating Even When Revoked
Category Preview text missing since last update
Problems with page —I cannot add or change it
Phantom Box Rendering Behind Form
Gravity form button displaying incorrectly
Switched to Multisite, Pro Editor Not Working on Main Site
Can't access Cornerstone with Bummer Error
Design Cloud failure due to cornerstone issue
Concole problems
Navbar - ethos - remove space between menu item and hover bar
Lightbox shorcode is not working
Missing Style Dependencies for x-theme in Pro Theme setup
Advanced Custom Fields PRO + PDF
Cannot put portfolio items in Draft mode
Pro Theme: WPML overwrites translation with content of default language page
Can't access Theme Option in Pro
Issues with the theme update, cornerstone won't load or won't see any content
Full-width parallax featured post image not displaying for PHP 7.2
Button style like 'contact' in 'Like You Mean It'
Lost Primary Menu on Home page for Desktop & Mobile
Unable to get into Cornerstone pages
All Slider revolution slides not showing in the entire website
I updated my plugins and now I can't change anything for my search appearance
Error after updating X 8.1.2. / 8.1.1 or 8.1.0
Change content width for smaller screens sizes
XPro Header not shown in Blog Posts
Ethos Magazine demo pages are empty
X theme Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response
Under construction Key Not working - August 6th, 2020
Pro theme: why is my site not loading faster?
What I've built isn't what's showing
Revolution Slider duplicated
Theme Update Broke My Site
Woocommerce makes my featured image incapable of loading
Redirects - Shop Page not working
Pro-modify product pages
Can't install site from design cloud
Can't install site from design cloud
Essential Grid: cannot make it (X PRO)
Frontend Editor Will Not Load
Pro Theme, Soliloquy and Envira Gallery
Cornerstone editor not working - generic white page
Double play bar in video element
Content isn't displaying in the footer
Woocommerce shop page changed format
Couple of question
Problem linking away from site
Font for Czech or Polish is not being shown well
Links are turning white in live view
Background Image on classic section still not working
Navigation issue
Blog entry drop shadow
Remove Menu Drop Shadow and White Line
WPML + Pro + Cornerstone
URGENT: Windcave plugin issue with PRO THEME
Unbale to create new pages | Conerstone | WordPress 5.5.3
The preview could not load due to misconfigured URLs (different domain per language)
WooCommerce + ME Calendar = spinning cart
Can't access Pro editor
Element Template
My website says "there has been a critical error on this website"
Posts not showing on page
Fatal Error in class-coalescence.php
Chart JS plugin
Lightbox shortcode not working anymore
X Theme broke Wordpress Console
I can't access some of my skins in the Skin Builder
Issues Saving or uploading to Media library
Elements is advertising for x theme, even though I have bought both
A gray bar is showing in my header suddenly
Theme X license validation error
Preview No Longer Working After Installing Multiple Domain Mapping Plugin
Add action before masthead end
White page when trying to activate license
Archive.php Children's theme pro
Help with Essential Grid to Vertically Align Nav Buttons in the Middle Please!
Essential Grid not working with Crafty Site
Player Videos Randomly Stopped Working
Text disappearing after updating pro theme to v6.4.15
Gap above and under Rev. Sliders
"Uh-OH, failed to save message' Parent Pages
Trying to remove an image
Image a bit fuzzy on one site, not on another
WOO Product Table Possible Issue
Page titles not displaying
Cornerstone - slide in animation re-loading / refreshing on Safari browser causing a flicker
Hide during breakpoints not working correctly
Visual Composer pane is blank
Error when installing Woo commerce
Portfolio layout changing between pages
Missing Parallax
Site validates unlocks then un validates
Cornerstone Not Validating V2.0
Lower Row and footer bumping
Website Crash due to updates
Embedded YouTube videos not showing up in new Layout Builder
Space under Revolution Slider on mobile
No more preview in page builder
Pro header builder suddenly doesn't translate correctly via WPML flags
Problem with 'content area dropdown' and image sizes
After conversion to Pro some pages do not load the WP page edit screen
Validation just shows a blank screen and never finish
Linking Image in The Grid Plugin to Product URL
Login at top of site
Cornerstone is no longer working in X theme
How to remove background margins and make page full width
WP recipe maker
How to tell where a license is validated?
Stretch video across entire container
Image element wont stick nor be at bottom
How do i make the hero section behind the header?
Can't revoke licence due to corrupt site
Youtube Embed video not playing and on iOS black with line through it
Pro 4.0 header troubles - can't get it to show up with assigned pages
Images are not displaying in Pinterest with a URL error
Access to acf object page link in double looper
Woocommerce Tabs Are broken after the recent update
Can't edit text within Cornerstone
Wpml and cornerstone
Dragging/dropping in elements in X theme not working
New WP site, New install of PRO, validated but all URLs are not found except for nWP
Cornerstone problem after migration
5.0.5: No "Edit with Pro" button
Need help finding code topbar
Website crashed following Cornerstone update
Void-menu desktop vs. mobile
How do I keep my text from collapsing to another line when shrinking browser width?
Custom Post Type Sub-Category Archive not Displaying Custom Posts
WooCommerce incompatible with X
WPBakery Library Templates Don't Work
The Grid slideshow too high
Google Analytics event tracking not recognizing IDs
License issue please help
Text inside div element
Theme option wheel of death
Convert Plus Modal Video Pop-up Mobile
Page content Not showing up in cornerstone
Logo header
Warning: strpos(): Empty needle
How Do I Make Page Titles Appear and Add Space Between Header And Page Featured Image
License issue - Unable to update
Iframe In Pop-Up Modal Is Creating Page Errors
Image word on the screen
Comment box showing up on new post but not old posts
Global CSS not being applied at front end
Slider Revolution and another plug-in not displaying images
Issue with Accordion
Youtube embeds showing up in visual editor, but not once published
Cornerstone Builder Issues
Pro unlimited validation not working
How to access page dynamic content inside CTP looper
Selection on certain url
Invisible clickable button shadow problem
License Problem - already being used?
Theme X default Hamburger Mobile Menu not showing after disabling menu plugin (third party)
Issue with translated menu
[RESOLVED] Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token U in JSON at position 0 - The Grid
Keep Button Particle Active, even when not in hover state
Id of button is not passed to <a /> in Pro 4.0.10
Footer: resize images to fit 100% screen width in mobile (responsive)
How do I get rid of this white space ethos stack
Created website with Themeco Pro shows blank when editing
Ubermenu Mega Menu Not working. When You Attempt To Hover, The Menu Disappears
Save File in Cornerstone, Select Dash board and Goes to WP Editor
Display Preview of Content on Pages in Search Results
Demo Content - Auto
Problems with part of API Key disappearing when connecting Mailchimp
Product images not showing
I upgraded to Theme X PRO and can't see the header/ footer editing options
Cornerstone Version 5.0.10 disabled videos on half of my site
Widget not showing up
My revolution slider arrow options wont show
Typekit font not working in Essential Grid mobile
I see uh oh failed to insert template but no answer?
I got a square box on each text line, what happened?
Had 2 licenses of X Theme, Upgraded One, Need help with the other please
I can't access my wp-admin now please helpp!
License codes already registered but not showing in either of my apex accounts
Pro License on Older Account Not Activating
Proper way to set up columns and rows
Unable to Validate Staging Site License
My theme will not let me create a new section
Site validates unlocks then un validates
Orange border contact form
Animations Not Playing
Website not displaying on ipads and smartphones
Cannot save changes
Shopify Buy Buttons not visible on Internet Explorer
My Portfolio has disappeared?
Scroll Effects Delay
Slider Revolution Video not showing correctly on phone and ipad. Help
Cornerstone is stuck in Endless Load (New)
Submenu not working after update
Hover effect and link not working as expected
Randomly images and cornerstone blocks not loading and functioning
I upgraded to the latest version of pro and now getting an error when trying editing any element in cornerstone
License Not Validating - other post answers not helping
About Parallax effect in PRO?
Nav Styling became weird after updating
Question marks on news
Embendded map on Pro
Sensei LMS page theme support for content wrapper
Burger Menu not working
Modern Events Calendar: event view missing location and organizer
Change Portfolio Skin Design
Essential Grid Error: No setting information received
MEC Calendar update needed
X Theme Preview not loading after update
X theme / Cornerstone crashes when changing site name
Cannot use Main Nav Menu on Mobile when Slider Revolution Activated
HTML code disappears when changing from text to visual editor
500 Error - Pro Builder
Svg in new elements and builder issue
Scrolling interruption
Header and Layout gone after update to 4.0.4
Invalid_json - X Theme 8.10
Essential Grid: I'm Using Category Filters for a Custom Grid, Can it Display the 'All' Filter as Default and Rearrange the Filter Categories into a Different Order?
Cornerstone not showing content in editor – unable to edit site
Proper sizes of the images
Shop looks like a blog page
Website Styling issue
Columns not stretching to fill space vertically
WPML Media Translation does not work in pro 4.0.6
Font Mismatch
Image Element - how to crop a landscape image to square?
Selecting an element to edit using Cornerstone not working
ACF gallery with specific style
Responsive Navbar with Slider Revolution
Classic Text Font Color
Woo Checkout fields width small
Licenses not working anymore?
Update assistance
Ubermenu font
Cornerstone breaking site as soon as I activate it
X Bulk Extension Manager page not permitted
Tabs element does not render dynamic content
How to edit this part?
Can't Get Sidebar to Work
Homepage not displaying properly
REV. Slider not showing images. Blank slides
Formatting issues after recent update
Particle highlight not showing on live site after update to Pro 4.05
Reassigning licences
Urgent: website down after update
Ethos blog index as list
PRO Builder not loading + Speed Issues
Menu changes layout breaking
Menu drop downs stoped working after updating Pro
Search result showing code not content
Failed to save error
Error when trying to create a WC Archive Layout
Pro Theme will not save changes in page builder
With New Xtheme/Cornerstone update formstack forms no longer show (any idea why?)
Pro Validation not working again
Custom Fonts Display in Cornerstone, but not on published pages
License update
Wrong menu on header regardless of setting it correctly
Getting error when creating new page or library theme in pro
Looper provider/consumer category taxonomy display
Strange Line Break effect at Search Result Page
In-page anchor links not working
Cornerstone 5.1.5 version issue
X-Theme single license validation succeeds... then immediately un-validates
Quote text formatting and Mark Settings not showing in Cornerstone Inspector
No automatic update for Cornerstore plugin
Pro Theme V4 Not Functioning As It Should
Problem with Validating and Under Construction
Unable to auto-update PRO theme from the WP-admin
Breadcrumb categories are repeating
Child Page Breaks When Parent Page Has Specific Name - Getting 404 Page
ConvertPlus Loads on Pages it's not a part of
Zoom on parallax
Column display issue
Essential Grid not showing images
Cornerstone: Unable to save
Custom fonts are present but not showing
Twig activation
Maps conflict with events calendar Pro
Video Above Masthead Suddenly Stopped Playing
Website's Been Down Since WordPress Updated
WPML duplicated pages not working in the Pro Editor
Switching to Pro theme from X theme Critical Error
Mobile menu parent link not linking
Cornerstone No Longer Functioning Properly
Repeating content from toggle inside a modal
Problems after update
Menu Element
Woocommerce; How to pick what is shown on the product summary view
Social Share, Plus sign in email
Seeking Advise RE: font management
First header set up
Price not showing for variable product on Add To Cart form
Edit with cornerstone not working
Columns not displaying properly in browser
Essential Grid styling broken after changing link location
Transfer Pro Unlimited Account
Pro Theme - Cannot customize
Two semi transparent bars
One Pager Navigation on Mobile always shows Links as Selected
Cs_recall() Doesn't Work with Child Theme
Accordions in row behaving weird
RevSlider and Headline elements need help
Add Link to Icon in Classic Feature List
Formatting problem on smartphone with Contact Form 7 within column
Add Link to Icon in Classic Feature List
Bug with Accordion Custom Attributes & Dynamic Content
Unable to verify licence. "Uh oh, we couldn't check if this license was valid."
Error messages when trying to an edit an old Pro site
"copy link" not working in classic video player
My Pro Unlimited licence is not working on a new website
Bugs in page editor
The Grid Items Overlapping in Pro with masonry layout
How to add tile on word-press stories archive page?
WPBakery grid builder woocommerce field (price) not showing variation prices
Menu Drag and Drop not working with Pro Theme (Theme issue confirmed)
Woocommerce Update 4.9 - Creates HTTP error 500
How to make learndash short codes work with cornerstone
Google Font 400 error
Fit essential grid premium templates inside containers
ACF field not displaying
Cornerstone not allowing edits
Layout builder woo commerce templates for check out, my account and cart not loading content
I see uh oh failed to insert template but no answer?
Crafty Demo download Header Different from Demo displayed
Unable to edit Widgets
One page is not taking the styles set
Hover overlay with stylized text
The Grid sort option not working
Paypal dropdowns not working
Active Menu with permanently Particle (underline)
Cornerstone code not recognized on some pages
Accidentally deleted Soliloquy - Now fatal error
Pull down menus stopped working
Theme X - themes missing
Conerstone update from 4.2.3 to 5.0.11 breaks website
How to make section containing two columns of even width with no gap between them, no margins and paddings
Strange font size at breakpoint, cant find where is it
[embed][/embed] code no longer displaying audio after updating
Issues mobile view
How to use classic recent posts to show portfolio
Enable to validate my licence
Event Expresso Breaking Masonry Grid
Video Post Type Breaking Styling
Modern Events Calendar Plugin is causing a gap between header/footer and first/last section
Page Edit shows me older content
Imbedded video not playing in Background Lower Layer
Adding attribute to looper URL
Change font body copy and heading
Pro > Custom Header > Split Menu (Logo not centered for certain responsive screen sizes)
Updates not appearing in private browser
Link on Desktop logo not working
Custom font - blog post title
Background Video Doesnt play on IOS
Header flickers on scroll in Chrome
Page is not saving after updating content using Theme Pro Editor
BBPress - forum option not showing up in my dashboard menu?
Advanced Custom Field Makes Edit Page Go Blank on Custom Post Type
Cornerstone not loading on website
WebM video stop playing after one second
4xx error on uploads (images) translation WPML
How to set up Woo Commerce Shopping cart page?
Copying the post layout of "integrity business" (design cloud)
Portfolio items pages show error 404 after x theme update
Pro License Won't Validate After Site Transfer of Domain
Adding instagram feed to X Theme
Unable to open and edit page elements
Cell Hover & Image Hover
First tab no longer open by default
Set Up Products in WooCommerce
Strange mobile behaviour after changing
How to create a one page show with menu to jump to the sections using XTheme?
Layer Slider Transitions
Pro Import Site Error
Break long menus to new line in X-Pro Footer Menu
The page cannot be edited with PRO
Category Link Duplicated
Homepage video worked fine all of a sudden it won't play
Cannot install premium assets
Typography issue - menu, footer widgets & breadcrumbs
Delete Layout from backend
Validation error after succesfull validation message
Unable add assets from design cloud
Woocommerce Archive pages not showing placeholder image
Bug with theme
Site crashed
The bar in my header is not sticky
New Content Not Being Shown On Blog Roll
Licence doesnt work at test server
Parent Page - only partial list of options
Builder not showing error since 4.3.3 update
Button link problem
Parse Error on Index
Cornerstone working in staging but not in live after deployment
Blog Appearance Issues
PRO can't edit the correct page
4.3.3 Pro Update Issue
Can't login to dashboard after the site was tranferred from one host to another
Sublink Indicators navigating to toplink address
Links wont open in new window
How to change these colors? (Ethos)
Icon (Arrow Scroll Down)
Checkout Spinner Not Loading Correctly
The submenu on mobile is always open!
Page styling not displaying properly
Cannot edit footer
Cornerstone update broke pages that utilize cornerstone
E&P Form Builder Coupon
PHP Warning, problem with cornerstone
Validation bug
Content area modal closing on interaction
Accessing Archives in Layouts on Pro (Sermons)
Adding Style CSS to Section
"The Grid" pictures disappeared on several websites
Cornerstone is tripping up MemberPress payments
Can't See Global Blocks on Cornerstone X
Not Valiidatong
Spacing in menu/header
The Preview Could Not Load Alert
Wrong column spacing and alignment
"Oops, Slider Not Found" Error
Header and footer are not showing on frontend
Uh Oh Failed To Save Error after any page changes
Dynamic meta key
I have updated the PRO theme and now I can't edit my page with PRO
Using WPML and Dynamic Content - Getting the Post Title in Current Language
Typography issue - menu, footer widgets & breadcrumbs
Website stopped working after X Theme update and Cornerstone Plugin Update
Content shift in Cornerstone Editor 5.2
Remove template pages from content navigator
Pro Theme License Won't Stay Validated
Template Not Uploading
CTA Interactive content using Pro
Phone number mandatory in Email Forms?
I need help
Validation pro not working. Still not validated after entering the code
Graphic Icons not showing on element editor
My site changes its sizing on mobile
Page element not displaying 4-digit values at Frontend
Cornerstone just loading - not able to edit any pages
I have added a condition to a Layout but it still displays as "unassigned"
Image cover the whole front
Linking Modal to Column Issue
Customize Checkout Page for WooCommerce Yet?
YouTube video not displaying correctly on frontend
Pro Theme - Blog page is missing a post tile
Sanitiser rejecting fonts
Error on german site
Disable Slider Revolution for Tablet in Portrait
Cornstone Issue
504 Gateway Time-out when using The Grid
Columnize Template not appearing in available templates
Uninstall Silder Revolution
Navigation dots and text don't line upp. HELP!
Image source button doesn't work in X-child theme
Warning in Builder
Changes to Headers not saved
Link not showing linked page
Align icons in footer
Header settings on mobile
I can't edit my pages with Cornerstone any more
This element failed to render
[/cs_column][/cs_row] on bottom of web page now
Feature Box Missing Icons
Pro theme: Scroll to section
Default page/post layout?
Pro theme is not able to save pages when editing
Woocommerce placeholder image not showing up in shop page
WP Offload Media plugin rewriting page CSS URLs
I upgraded to the latest pro theme
Loading Loop even if installed latest versions (8.1.5)
X Pro Theme Troubleshooting
Parallax Settings in X-Pro
Global blocks not workable
The Stuggle is Real with the new updates
How to remove h1 from breadcrumbs?
WPML Language picker doesn't show the correct language Pro 4.1.5
ConvertPlus not showing?
Anchor links does not work
Design Cloud: site- Auto
WooCommerce Checkout Replaced with Terms & Conditions Page!
Envira galleries
Background images don't scale/Not Responsive on mobile
How do i remove the latest posts link on a posts page
Error al actualizar tema y Cornerstone
HELP: The preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete
Pro - Nothing in Design Cloud
Cannot validate pro license after changing URL's
Double sound and Autoplay issue on YouTube Video using Content Area Model
Display Product Category
Child Theme--Wordpress thinks Pro is not installed
Where to add mailchimp popup code on Crafty site?
Blog post page 2 not working
Design cloud content problem
Template Starter Pack Missing 2
Header builder link to Superfly menu
Dynamic Content showing uncategorized when the posts have been categorized
I need help removing awkward gaps please
Problem with installing Cornerstone
Licene code not working
Cornerstone - Pages not loading
Side Header Doesn't Collapse
Problems updating a page
Cornerstone content page showing on website but not editable via PRO 3.2.3; not showing on website with PRO 4.1.5
Problem with plugin Canvasio3D
Background upper layer not displaying on iPhone
Removing header for LearnDash course page
ESTUDIO NARANJA Design Cloud loading "undefined elements"
Theme fatal error regarding Cornerstone_Header when trying to sync from live site to staging site
Problem with AMP and Customize
Sections not lining up properly with "one page" style links
Images still not loading from media library
Theme Crashes
New sections not displaying live
MEC Front End Event Submission Doesn't Work
Problem clicking on modal video
Recent posts issue: additional permalinks created
Cannot validate license cURL_error 28
My site won't validate
Grid in Slider mode?
My cornerstone won't open anymore
Search Result formatting varies for a specific search term
Pro - Can't edit web page content in Pro/Cornerstone editor page, sidebar is blank
404 for x specific URL (theme-options...)
WooCommerce Product Element section and ACF Section display issues
Validation Problem - License Key "won't sick"
Extra "footer" box on website after WordPress Update
Pro Licence registration error
Crafty demo site bug
Limited Margins
Video element and background videos stopped working today
Picture Problem
Setting 'Featured/Highlighted' Posts on Homepage
Missing Block Editor
Same style in both menus using widget element
Ubermenu shortcode search bar not working
Button Displaying Incorrectly on IOS
After update, most of homepage disappears
Can't activate License on Site. Again
Section Overlap One on Top
Bold showing on cornerstone but not on live site
Theme X is not working after actualization
Videos not working on site (anywhere)
Loosing some styles in mobile
Video Embeds not working, theme up to date
Thrive Quiz Builder Top Scroll Question
My css for the added to cart alert is not working since the most recent update - can you help?
Move footer
Breadcrumbs finally working, now google complaines: breadcrumb 'name' of '' must be specified
My Copy of Pro is not validating
Classic Parallax in Pro
Shortcodes no longer work in Contact Form 7
Mobile menu no longer works
Video displaying in tags
Creating a layout for a Category Ancestor
Crafty demo site bug
Rev Slider White Space on Right of Slide
Portfolio titles in Portfolio page
Changing front back background picture with "church" demo
Cornerstone not working please help
Post not showing on Mobile
Is X Theme double tracking my Google Analytics?
Follow up on closed topic with no resolution
Indicate whether to send a cookie in a cross-site request by specifying its SameSite attribute
Navigation Dropdown for long menus
Google Fonts stopped working
Theme Options missing for X after Cornerstone update
Looper Provider: Query string issue (Toolset)
Link Colors changed - is not what I have it set as,
Some Archive Layouts work and some don't
Revolution slider not showing + layout corrupted
Enable Dynamic Content
Top menu sub menus not showing?
Conditionally Hide Column if Description Does not Exist
Subsequent pages not showing on blog
Pro (Unlimited) License Validation Issue on subdomain
Linking an Image Not an Option for Image Element
Global CSS Not Working on Homepage
Bigger Button border (contact Form) and clickable Mega Menu Topdown link
Rev Slider Vimeo Background Disappears When Clicking Away from Tab
Cannot edit site. Can't Open cornerstone Opens to old 'presence builder' website
Mal Funcionamiento del Editor Cornerstone
X Theme site will not load (only BG color appears in browser), cornerstone does not work
I can't get Cornerstone to load
Hide if content is empty
Best server settings for THEMCO + WORDPRESS
Custom Fonts not works
Slider Revolution Issue Not Showing on All Devices
Ubermenu Not displaying correctly on mobile
Cropped thumbnail in The Grid / Business Directory plugins
License won't update on change
Inaccurate preview of Page
Weird behavior after update
Bug when Scroll - Slider Revolution
Blog Image Link
Remove image titles auto generated by PRO editor
Pro 4.1.4 not working with WPML
Mobile scroll on front page
Pro 4.1.5 continuous spinning loader on WordPress 5.6.2
Problems Saving my Pages
Video player issue - play icon in centre isn't clickable
Envira Gallery not previewing properly
Can't validate theme(video included)
Youtube Lighbox inside the Creative Columns 4
Plugin Conflict - Gravity View Pagination and Search
Design Cloud | Creative Columns 4 | Disappears on XL 1200px
Classic Slider doesn't render slides
Website not working after updating cornerstone
E&P Form Builder does not work after its update on 15/05/2021
Anchor tag not working in Safari
Convert Plus reCaptcha on Form
Content Not Displaying?
Pagination issues (PRO)
Content Dock failing
Layouts Not Working for Previews
The Cornerstone editor loads but does not allow you to view the changes
Pro theme is not working again
License Not Validating on Multisite Instance
Cornerstone not loading February 25
Where is the Bottom Smooth Scroll Anchor in the latest PRO Theme 4.1.5
Strange animation issue
Mobile navi menu doesn't open
Contact Form 7 Not Displaying Confirmation
Ubermenu weird characters
Unable to display more than 12 posts in a Looper Provider
Custom Fonts not showing up, Font Manager not previewing, .woff file unacceptable
Remove white page background behind navigation bar - temporarily visible on scroll up and down
Creating a custom woocommerce category template file
Essential Grid filtered links have stopped working since latest update
PHP Warning per
CLS Issues/cornerstone
Color settings of scrolling buttons not working with preset colors
Click to WhatsApp, Text and Telegram
Theme-originated login cache loop bug for IDX plugin
Google Rock Salt Font not working as a headline?
Page only loads on refresh
Apply New License to Existing Install
Menu not mobile friendly
Revolution Slider not working youtube video backgrounf
Conditions based on UTM parameters not working
How to reposition entry-wrap div?
Even after updating plugins, Pro, WP & PHP to 7.4, I'm now getting "There has been a critical error on this website."
Envira Gallery stopped working, adds /envira/? in URL string
Logo has changed on mobile but not on web
Pro Theme Editor Keeps Hanging
I Have a problem with the footer
Pro Header not Working on The Events Calendar Page
Slow loading of 1. slide od Sliders revolution
Accordion not working in Cornerstone
::Before element causing CLS issue
Modal not showing content when dynamic rendering is checked
Footer Not loading when assigned
Essential Grid: Row height and Filter Button
Difference between spacing for public vs. logged in user
Site looks horrible on mobile
Estimated and Payment form - design issue
Posts element date range
Error on code - perhaps it could be the theme? please help
Lines missing from my Pro 4.3.3 sidebar
Problem after updating PRO
Javascript Forms not showing up on mobile
Cornerstone editor not recognizing Cornerstone pages
Html in Post Pagination element not rendering
Resize image based off screen size
Vimeo Video not displaying
Cornerstone Support
Cornerstone Fatal Error 106
Dropdown Content
App Demo Home Page Content Can't be Replicated
Square payment plugin conflict?
Layout Assignment does not work
Mobile Display Issue
Short Code Smushed!
Fatal Error after updating Cornerstone/Theme
Looper Provider Query String
Can't Find Fonts Google Page Speed is Complaining About
Fixed parallax not working on mobile/ipad
These themes failed to update: - Pro (from version 4.1.5 to 4.3.3)
X-theme and cornerstone left right-in effect location
Pinterest share button social element - "Cannot fetch image" error
Lisence is not registering
ACF fields on Archive Layouts assigned to Taxonomies not showing?
Templates + multisite active
Essential grid stream from youtube doesn't show any controls
Menu and Submenu for Desktop and Mobile
iPad Pro Drop Down Menu does not working
Change WooCommerce button
How to Remove Archive Widget from Side of Page
Staging validation issue
I can't upload custom fonts file types TTF or EOT
Top menu link not working on ipad pro or mobile
Portfolio gallery not showing
Design Cloud asking for login details/ now giving 401 unauthorized
X Theme Integrity- old content prior to cornerstone to more up to date methods
Cornerstone plugin: Critical Error on Theme/Plugin update
Uh-OH, failed to save error just on the home page
Help! Problem after Cornerstone was updated
Pro Editor not loading - stuck spinning (and I've tried a lot of troubleshooting suggestions)
Icon hover details are not editable
Pro v4.2.3 - The preview could not load due to the iFrame response being incomplete
Layout Single: Show 2 posts from the same category
Woocommerce shop/cart rensposive text overlapping
Unable to install website templates
Internal links not working on first click
Problems with Revolution Slider after updating it this morning
Can't change typography on navbar
Validation not working properly
Mobile search not working in android
Problems with content cornerstone
X blog background transparency issue
Shortcode Content showing in Backend but not on Frontend
Woocommerce Category Layout Issues
Beta 1: Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: using it on Local environment (installation)
Plugin that creates JS script not working on Pro pages
Post-list wont display older posts
Internal links not working on first click
Pagination for Portfolio Posts not working in custom layout?
"No preview area found"
Iframe response being incomplete?
All anchor links stopped working
Woo Commerce
Flat: Accordion items opening/closing
Different fixed width layout
Logo no longer appears on site
Classic Slider not showing
No Content in Cornerstone
Error installing template from Design Cloud
How to span image across page in Pro
Hyperlinks are not working on Android Mobile
Revolution slider not showing correctly in X
Unable to use Cornerstone and pics also not showing up
Blog Page excerpt
Trouble with Element API
X - WPML switcher in logobar
Layer Slider upgrade
Style.css missing
Demo Alligment
Pop up Newsletter
Theme won't update
E & P form, need help with math :)
Convert Plus plugin causing issues
Snippet Error
Starter Pack Missing
Uh oh! Failed to Save Content
Content Modal Not Working
YouTube Lightbox Not Working Anymore - I can see the iFrame but it's not visble
Worspace sidebar is not working properly in RTL website
Hover Box Not Working
Blog font size setting
Classic card element doesn't work
Hover line on navbar buttons
CTA and Social Images missing after WP and X Theme update
Header Builder Sticky Bar Issue in Edge Browser
Footer strange behavior
Unable to Change Content Area Modal Toggle from Icon to Text
Conerstone not working part 2
B and B Image Grid bug
[X Theme] [Integrity] Enable comment by default on every posts?
Counter prefix in line text
X-menu.js error - Updated Thread Please
Cannot Access Header or Footer
Admin Bar not Visible
Slide-in module for Convert Plus no longer working
PHP Notices:
Section issues in creating multiple columns
Theme format and elements visible on backend / cornerstone, but not on preview or live site
Fatal Error with Layout System
WooCommerce Category Pages are Showing Full Product Page Instead of Grid of Products
Issue with Cornerstone Layout/Elements/Inspector tools not loading
Global customization not working in X Theme
Revolution Slider Youtube Gallery not working
Desktop Nav Links Wrapping
Demo Lawyer logo position
Image Sizing Problem
Footer widgets formatting
Cannot Access Pro Theme Options
Unable to Change Theme Options
Layout not auto-responsive as expected
Ubermenu in Pro Header - Submenu Overlays ANother Container
Woo memberships message hidden by Masonry post layout
Migration problem old wordpress gone
Missing Background Image in Chrome and Firefox
Page not saving - failed to save during edit
Demo Content Fails to upload
Pro Footer Issue with WooCommerce
Edit osborne optics header
Burger/Mobile menu not closing
Error when attempting to validate X Theme
CSS disappears when building a new page
Php error on pro conversion
Issues since January 2021 Update
Button Displaying Incorrectly on IOS
Problem with Cornerstone when changing Homepage
Uh oh content failed to save with a shortcode doesn't save!
Again having Space Issues With X theme
Pro header is broken
Keep rolling + related post and logo images are broken
Flip card whole picture
Edit page from cornerstone Pro theme errors
Theme function error
Comments Missing On Imported Blog Posts
Icons gone after update to 7.1.1, and could not login to WP admin panel
Ethos Footer Blank
New internal page links are redirecting to old page
I updated one of my sites and now all of the background pictures disappeared?
Woo commerce pricing and shipping not appearing
Page refresh and clearing cache
Validation of Theme X "Fix" stuck on "verifying license"
Can no longer preview in editor
Add custom field for link to Essential Grid
Custom URL Slug is not working after restore
Visual composer broken
Cornerstone/Xtheme: Buttons and banner background images dissappeared
Unable to launch Pro / Cornerstone or save Settings
Revolution slider video not visible in google chrome v78
Red Background appears behind Centered Logo in Mobile View
Essential Grid not working with Pro footer
Site appears broken
Portfolio Categories Issue
Only code on Home page
Parallax white empty spaces
Cornerstone stopped working in Chrome / Mac
Revolution Slider - AJAX Error ParseError - X Theme
Activation code problem
Ethos filterable index not working as expected
Horizontal align column and make 100% vh size
Licensing and multisite
Make section and header fill window
Notice: Undefined variable: _view_data in /var/www/web29766228/html/wp-content/plugins/cornerstone/includes/views/partials/anchor.php on line 111
Mobile menu on new site not working (still not fixed)
Classic Accordions won't open
Cornerstone/editor stuck on loading
Update issues - Custom Menu
Superfly error
My Demo Content won't load and I've tried everything
I tried updating my site and to the new version of pro and the admin does not load anymore
Essential Grid Lightbox Thumbnails
Problem on Woocommerce page
Global Blocks preview
Yoast SEO Plugin not showing readability score for posts
Header Image Doesn't Fit the Page
Flex Settings—logged-in vs logged-out
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /kunden/558616_90491/webseiten/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/cornerstone/includes/utility/element-api.php on line 210
Center Footer and Header in Mobile on Pro
What O What is wrong with my site?
X Settings Background is not showing
Inline Editing Problematic After 3.x Update
Image problem iPad
My active page is not showing in menu > cannot find Global CSS!
Remove 'website' field from comment form on posts
ThemeCo X Auto Theme Documentation?
Navigation on mobile devices won't collapse - hamburger does nothing
Icons in cornerstone editor disappeared after update
Theme X Pro Updates Issue
Issue with Gravity Forms Signature Addon & Pro
Failed install site on Design Cloud
Errors and problems since the latest update to version
Mobile Header Sticky Not Sticking & Nav Not Appearing
Footer in X theme
Header Builder is only loading Posts
Cornerstone Builder Problem, stopped working
"Your code is valid but looks like it has already been used on another site. You can revoke and re-assign within your Themeco account."
Currently lost Breadcrumbs and drop down menu in header is remaining visible after lost focus
Flickering content when pressing anchor link
Pro editor - live site column issues
Fatal error: Cannot declare class TCO_Coalescence, because the name is already in use in
Updated from X to Pro - Whole site 500 error
Column Layout Not Working After Cornerstone Update
Small circle appears in UberMenu after enabling AliDropship Currency Switcher
Stacks in X theme
Raw html blocks not editable after saving
Conflict between Superfly and Slider Revolution
I can't access pro builders
Adding Javascript for Logged In Only
Cornerstone taken over by WP Bakery
X theme cycling to Launch screen
Blog layout shows squashed columns and large space on larger screens
Cornerstone not loading - no error message
Preview not showing in corrnerstone
Breadcrumbs Font Size
X doesn't load properly, and Cornerstone neither after Wordpress update
Cannot Update Theme or Validate
Problems with post type gallery
How do i know wich xtheme licences are active and were? I have 4 registered sites (themco) and own 8 Licenses ( Envato)
Link on image element of x theme
Header & Alerts now inheriting different styie although based on same template
6.5.6 issue
Can't activate child theme bug in Theme X
Revolution slider text not appearing correct on desktop
Authors missing
Cornerstone looks fine but web page is messed up
Mailchimp email form TypeError: undefined is not a function js error
E & P Form Builder not loading
Mobile CSS Weirdness HELP!
Widget not showing
Theme conflicting with Adsense?
Live site not showing changes I have made
How do i remove bullets?
Installed Crafty Template does not appear on website
Modern Events IE Issue
Menus & Elements not working after updating to newest version of Wordpress
Mobile menu and backend is not working
How to fix ? (Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in)
Transparent background in Renew stack
Space Under Nav Bar
Continuously prompted to Re-Validate, given success messages, only to be told I'm still not validated
Change width of gutenberg editor - revisiting
Custom Menu drop down going upwards
Problem licence
Nav Menu issue
I can't save the changes I make to the theme?
X Pro - v4.1.5 Wrong position for the navigation in a global block
Purchase Code not validating
Missing Nav Control Icons in Theme Options
IE problems
Cornerstone help for this newbie
Cant access cloud templates
Responsive header / video bg
Back End of Blog Running Slowly
Issue with CPT
Title Tooltip on Hover
Validation not working - please help
Home Page Not loading unless logged in
It's possible to remove Cornerstone?
Button styles disappear on live site
I completely destroyed my footer
Update broke site
Struggling with differnt Monitor Sizes 15inch and up ( Responsive Design)
Headers made in the creator does not look the same when applied
Unable to instal and validate cornerstone
Prodcuts - Cornerstone Error
Feature list unintentially colored
Desktop menu looks like mobile
Can not activate ACF pro
Create inline navigations separators with css
Error message: Ajax URL not defined
Dropdown alignment with top menus
WPML - different layout
Classic Cards: Title gets pushed out of div on smaller screens
Change H1 for my website pages
Issue when scrolling up using sticky header
Non-global header for password page
Develop Custom Element in Cornerstone plugin
How to move a background image around on revslider 2.0
Image height "recent post item"
Https not showing padlock
Glitchey footer
No follow button links?
Page is making containers
Essential Grid Editor/Preview
Cornerstone: Fatal error
Topbar and Header issue
X Pro Licence Email to Email transfer
Polylang Cornerstone conflict
Themeco license
Classic Icon List
Modern Events Calendar - No Longer Processes Payment
/pro/ stuck on "Loading..."
Revolution Slider gone, can't be reinstalled
How to remove sidebar on mobile view?
Both mobile and desktop headers showing on phone in desktop mode
Page Unresponsive while editing content with Pro page builder
Visual Composer elements not working
After updating visual composer getting error
Visual Composer elements not working
Visual Composer not working with X
Captcha not showing on a Content Area Off Canvas
Woocommerce pages template outdated
Failed to load resource - fontawesome
Church Demo won't allow footer widgets
Footer not corresponding centralised column on live site
Toolset fields not visible in Dynamic Content
Classic Cards Have Extra Paddings
Remove Space Above Page
Validating Xtheme
Footer disappeared!
MEC plugin not showing events
Mobile menu links not working
XPro won't open - FIXED
Category page layout
XPro warning - The preview could not load
How to remove extra white space below footer
Content missing & cornerstone not showing content
Please Help with IE Formatting
Unable to register for account
Revolution Slider Errors
Content not appearing in browser
Modern Events Calendar doesn't allows to open the PRO Editor
Theme Options missing for X
Menu dropdown
Revolution slider white space under slider
Activation Key
Media library Theme X
Revolutionary Slider Video not autoplaying in Firefox
WP error mesage after update!
Update aligned some images to the left, problem doesn't show up in Cornerstone
Fatal Error if empty category
Styling missing on just the Home page after upgrading to PHP 7.2
Header Button Cutoff On Mobile
Cannot edit page. Getting error message
Logo - Image Logo Upload Problem
Raw Content Appears Together with Classic Protect Login
Cornerstone not loading to edit
Pro footer - Link click page expand
Column margin controls
PRO Header Error on Update
Recent Posts date incorrect
Suddenly I have a dark overlay over featured images on my home page
Revolution Slider Error: Failed to load Stream youtube/facebook/instagram/twitter etc
Header Bar Color Not Updating
I enabled all the permission on the settings
Smart App Banner
Post names not showing in The Grid
Media query error
Loading issue since update
Cornerstone Customising
'App' Expanded Demo Won't Finish Setup
Why do some images load in Pro while others don't?
Disable Real-Time Automatic Change Updates in Cornerstone
Add Google Analytics code for pop up lightbox
Comment section stopped showing on all posts
Horizontal Layout issues
Don't creating header and footer
Recent Blog Post Short Code is cropping featured image
Force element to start on a new line
License validation doesn't work
Disable button
Semi Transparent Menu
Interact with content behind transparent header
X-theme php errors
Global block - row issue in header
Pro bulder wont load
Category links do not work
Failed to load wp-admin page after update
Cornerstone does not show new content
Breadcrumbs in Education theme
Goofy formatting in Pro when editing a "content" segment of a page
Scrollable vertical inline navigation
Essential Grid hiding slider arrows
Can not download the demo and all Plugin
Widget bar moving down when going into navicon menu
How to insert and size Layer Slider within text column
Google Header & Body
Inline Menu Preview
Parallax Section Not Showing Up On Mobile
Installing and editing the demo content
Pro footer looks weird
Issue with menu
Portfolio Pagination Links
Slider revolution video wont play on mobile, edge and IE
Responsive Menu Stuck in Open Position
Customizer Not Working on Newly Installed X Theme
My Site No Longer Works
Product sidebar missing after update
Embed showing double
String contains an invalid character
Header flickers on scroll in Chrome
E&P slider price
X Validation not working "doesn't appear to be an Cornerstone purchase code or Themeco license"
Unable to use Cornerstone, Session expired problem
Page builder and Page Preview does not match
Website not loading?
Validation Inquiry
Section backround color won’t change
ERROR: The slider is not initialized!
Some of my website content is now missing - it seems to be cornerstone content
Drop down menus no longer working, Woocommerce compatibility issue
Help needed with the menu CSS
My website headline's font style has changed since updating theme and cornerstone
Problem with Cornerstone and Shoptimizer theme v2
Footer not fixed at the bottom of the page
How to change menu colour base on active slider
Fatal error after 5.0.7 update
Probmlem with editor after update
Double tap issue Mega Menu - Navigation Inline on iPhone
Global blocks not showing in back end
ProVersion: 5.0.8 header has gone crazy after update
Add Jquery in Raw Element
Fatal Error message on line 8
New Page Builder messed everything up
V5.0.8 featured image on blogs now blank
WP Charitable conflict with Pro - need help
Fatal Error message on line 8
Updated Pro 4.3.3 > 5.0.8 now Cornerstone editor will not load
Videos (MP4) stopped showing up, tried updating theme, no luck
iOS Safari Toplink -> Sublink not clickable
Pro Version: 5.0.8 font question
Updated theme, broken layout
New Update: Instruction
5.0.8: Classic Icon list error
Adding / replacing font in a single specific location
Cornerstone outputting itself outside <div id="cs-content">
Query string for the same term in a custom taxonomy
Lighthouse returned error: NO_FCP. The page did not paint any content
Sub Links not working in new responsive setting
WPPB Shortcodes Not Working
Body font weight changing when inserting custom header
Using a Conditional to Show a Button on a Page
License issue after manual updated
Save Template option in Pro 5
Trouble Srolling down in Cornerstone since the last update and lists do not work either
Front-end Style breaks after 5.8 upate
Design Cloud Wedding Demo Theme
Page formatting, template not showing, not too sure why
Edit footer?
Update created a big top margin on all my pages
Blog titles are showing white text on my posts so they're not visible
Manual Excerpts Not showing
Wordpress Site Critical Error after X theme & Cornerstone Update
Manual Excerpts Not showing
Breadcrumbs showing homepage twice
How can I change the logo in the "Lawyer" template of X?
I just updated and my website is a mess now, please help
Grid scale interaction
How do I change the video header in Integrity?
Menu dropdowns not working
Main and Footer menu not displaying correctly in Icon stack after update
Essential Grid Filter Not Working
Update Breaks Login page
Live looks different from editing page
There is no "X > Validation" option and Revolution Slider is not working
Site styles wiped out after cornerstone upgrade
Cornerstone Front End Editor Won't Load - Stuck Loading
Cornerstone preview not loading (1)
Breadcrumbs for custom portfolio page in Renew stack
Fix slug / url - copying from duplicated page
Envira Gallery has stopped working and not showing on website
Top/Bottom Separators not working
First install - Quite a few issues (X)
Headers and footers assigned but don't appear
Essential Grid not displaying at all
Bad Request Error Message
I have no theme editor in my WordPress
Uh Oh failed to save, cannot save anything
Impossible to upload template (it's NOT a max. upload size problem)
X Theme version 9.0.8 and Cornerstone 6.0.8 not working
Site is Broken After Restoring to Older Version
Z-index issue I think
Large white space appearing above the footer on every page
Php Problem
Migration from X to Pro
Nav Collapsed doesn't show hamburger
Woocommerce Linked Products: Upsells / Cross sells - Looper
We attempted to installed Cornerstone (required by X) automatically, but were unable to. You may need to install Cornerstone manually. Error Details
Duplicating a page created a Fatal Error
Essential Grid custom source problem
Uh Oh, we couldn't check if this license was valid 2
No suitable preview area in Layout Builder
Flexible content subfield as input
Adding Google Map
PRO v5 kills WooCommerce REST-API
Please help - site spacing all gone wrong after cornerstone update
Can't activate paid Envira Gallery License
Cornerstone add media button
Dynamic ACF Relationship Fields Between 2 CPTs
Plugin Error
MEC Events Looper Questions
After latest upgrade, some site pages not rendering in Chrome or Safari
Looper provider with array of fields key and value
Fonts not working. failed to load resource
Search bar is working on Naviagtion
Updating Pro from very old versions
WPML Page editor jumps to another page
I have installed the theme, but I cannot set up a Demo site
Pro Unlimited License - adding domain URL
Page builder layout
Cornerstone with X, but it is not validated. Once X is validated,
White Label Plugin disappeared from all websites
First post missing in pagination of Postmodern Pixels layout
Only show sticky posts in slider
Problem setting Menu / Header to stick
New Gallery Item Deletes Rest of Gallery
Pro 5.1.2 - Effects - Fade In Right
Help please! I Updated the Pro theme and my Portfolio is bugged
Element CSS disappearing during content editing
Modern slider content
Google Maps Styling
Sticky header not working correctly in 5.1.2
Header problems after update to 5.1.2
Missing edit post and other theme and wp options along from the admin toolbar
Theme license not recognized
Content Layout Completely Off After Update
Cornerstone still won't load
Revolution Slider just blank when previewed and embedded
Add overlay to background image
Text and images no longer appear after update to 5.1.4
Slider stacked element – arrows are not showing
Dropdown on Pro Header Menu has stopped working
Cannot validate pro license on staging site
Self height on left bar menu
Element CSS Context Scope
Add to cart form not showing on mobile
Justified Image Grid Shortcode not displayed on post
Audio Element
Editing view is different from the "normal" site view
Critical error in WordPress 3.8 when updating X Themes to 9.1.2
Problem with telephone icon on main menu
Site Validates in Dashboard but site says “Your license of Pro is not validated.”
Issues with Content Dock
Can no longer edit Portfolio Item
Creative Columns 1 - Animation effect suddenly not working on front end
Cornerstone does not work at all
Cornerstone transform animation not working
Sub menu items not displaying properly
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function cornerstone
Add form function not working
The logo and te menu don't work
Menu parent page with dropdown display and styling issues
Mobile Image Not Showing in X-Integrity
After upgrading from x to pro, the Grid plugin creating issues
How to transition an image from black-and-white to color using Cornerstone Effects
My theme has disappeared from my Wordpress
Woocommerce payments css issue
How To Expand A Header To Full Width
Pro + plugin translation + migration
Error on migrations.php line 268
Purchased Modern Slider on Pro version 4.3.3
Font sizes all messed up after updating to latest version
Help getting global block to render correctly
Classic Promo and gaps element broken after update
Cornerstone plugin not working after update
Looper: Custom Query String
Menu Icon doesn't work in Iphone 6
Issues with site license
Displaying multiple categories (Looper Provider)
Adobe fonts displaying as standard fonts
Accordion not closing (standalone Cornerstone)
Adding image to Slider
Is it possible to re-create Logo Carousel Slider (like Modern Slider) with New Slider Element?
Element Panel
Aligning graphic icons on buttons
Checkout Form Expands Past Browser Width
Archive layout is not working without provider
My Blog page has stopped displaying posts
Having trouble getting image from custom post taxonomy in looper
Header stuck and screen stuck
My Blog page has stopped displaying posts
Random sidebar appearing on pages
Error: scrollBottom is not a function Scroll to top does not appear
Sliced text on Apple devices
Page layout and content disappearing when editor saves
Change Search No Results Found Page?
Modern Sliders Logo Carousel - Colour Changes
Error Content failed to save
How can I make these square on mobile?
ACF Repeater and Tel: LInk
New cornerstone update has ruined the format of my site
Woocommerce cart color and categories
Hiding Slider Pagination if Query is empty
ACF Custom Field Condition Visibility Not Working
Mobile menu showing up on the navbar
Problems with adjusting header
Video Element not working after Migration
Parralax Layout Shift
Error when updating from x to pro
Displaying MEC Events in Looper by a Specific MEC Tag
Woo-Commerce Plugin Conflict
ACF Pro WYSIWYG not recognizing paragraphs
X-Theme validate then not validated in WP admin
Mobile scrolling problems
Pro Theme Fatal error issue. Uncaught Exception
Portfolio Filters not working
Blog index page header
ACF & Google Map
Autoplay progress slider background position
Shortcode not working - X theme
Portfolio Filter Query String for "All"
How to insert dynamic shortcode into WooCommerce Single product layout?
Update broke modal
Shrink Sticky Header On Scroll
Blog Posts Masonry Style Archive Slide Over Each Other
X Theme changes not applying on home page
Cornerstone Builder not working properly
Add custom post type to Classic Recent Posts?
Layout shift
Pro Theme - Header and Footer in Container?
Adding code before closing body
Effect not working?!?
How to set the widget to be the right corner of the header top bar?
Global Blocks, Templates, Builders will not save
Background image on page - Where did settings go for this?
Page not rolling on iphone smart device
Issue with licensing and GoDaddy hosted Wordpress
Blog Layout Questions
Ubermenu icon in off screen element
Post tiles in Blog Roll have all changed to the word 'Template'
Trouble when updating cornerstone Plugin
Conditions still not working for me
Attempt to Add Blog Page Fail
Cannot click on scroll bar in builder
Cornerstone hung up and won't open after updating PRO theme
Icons not loading - showing as empty boxes
Drop Down Menu Not "Dropping Down"
Pro theme / Integrity Stack / Blog Page Layout
Theme x Corner stone problems 50mins with no reply
New Posts and Updates Not Showing Unless Logged In as Admin
Mobile menu does not work after update X and Cornerstone
Content Not Updating in Backend of Cornerstone
Blog menu item highlighting on archive Layout pages
Critical Error On Line 55 106 Cornerstone
Urgent- Estimation & Payment Forms Builder Payment doens't work after the last update
Essential grid disappeared
Unable to save my frontpage with cornerstone
Uncaught TypeError: object null is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method
Scrolling Anchor Links - Not Working With Loopers
Pro / Cornerstone not working after update to 5.1.4
Layout Builder Glitching. Not showing up in Child Theme, after switching themes
Background videos do not play
Search result not working with WooCommerce Product
Pro Validation Error
Slider Revolution slider no longer full-width after X 9.1.4 update
Custom fonts just not working
Weird Issue with Row and Div Margins
Revolution slider not working (Pro 5.1.4)
Filter Posts by All and Show All
Page Overlapping Dropdown Menu
Error with updated theme
Can't get lightbox plugins to work
Staging sites are not validating
Wordpress 5.9 Update - Search Results
Subscribe Button on Homepage Unresponsive
Page builder doesn't always show preview on first load
Have tried all of the fixes for "cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired" - no joy :-(
Fatal Error Cornerstone Line 55 - PHP is Updated to 7.4
MEC single sidebar items not showing
Adding Fonts to use Sitewide - Best Way
Header and Footer Failing
Templates not sticking
Classic Counter and Classic Slider issues
Block Affected By Errors Notice On Widget Section
Related articles module (excluding a certain category)
Flex box wrap
Cornerstone inline slider not working in x-pro theme
Products Per Page Not Working
Cannot change the template from the Slider Revolution one to No Container - Header, Footer
Cornerstone inline slider not working in x-pro theme
Parent page
Superfly menu gone
Cannot hide "Events Calendar" link from menu & migrate to Modern Event Calendar
Activation does not work
Woocommerce checkout phone number missing
Essential Grid not visible on the front end
Missing search icon/functionality
Issues on iPad with: Off Canvas, Modal, Accordion
Problems with X Update from version 8.3.3 to higher version
Template theme can't be loaded
Translated Page Not Displaying
Form Conditional Logic Won't Work on Mobile
Overlapping text/columns
Columns getting smushed together at 480 px (cell phone sizing) - how to fix
ACF Repeater Inside of a Group
Woocommerce Checkout Manager - Checkout Field Condition Issue
Cannot Import Template
Homepage layout keeps changing - not sure why?!
Nav menu needs fixing
Brand new Wordpress Setup Cornerstone is saying File Not Found when selectig anything other than settings
Hide Breakpoints Not Working Version 5.1.4
Cornerstone Pro won't Load
Nested Looper to pull Toolset repeating group 2022
Looper Issue with Deleted Page
Sub menu in navigation not dropping down on desktop? but works on mobile
Sidebars have disapeared
Website Scrolling Gets Stuck - Section Height
Need help centering this dynamic content on mobile
Another Firefox user cannot access Cornerstone
Unable to load MP3 media file in Essential Grid
Cornerstone slow or failing to load
Custom font + slider revolution
Search result shows the 404 pages
Raw Content display in frontend
Cannot update image. I do not remember how I placed the original image since deleted from the library
Disable preview on Text element using Looper Consumer
Essential Grid container size question
Our headers & footers are MISSING in the Header & Footer Builders
Issue with Blog Layout
Collapsable menu not responding / main mobile links not clickable
Issue with CSS not loading on first view
Font and Google subsets are loaded even though the options are off
Deactivate Google Fonts (GDPR) 2022
Mobile text align
Problem with Post list sorting in Query Builder
Custom CSS works in Cornerstone but not live website
Feature request. Mobile menu minimize
Header won't populate correctly on mobile portrait
Re: Site previously validated, now says it isn’t, though my dashboard says it is
Looper Not Pulling in Latest Post on category page
Blog post sliding from right too left on IPAD
Footer Layout Issues with Instagram Feed
Cornerstone Importing Old Versions of Image
W3 code validator errors --2 errors and 36 warnings on home page alone!
Can't edit pages in Cornerstone: theme issue
Fade in delay
Navigation Drop Down Menu not working correctly on Tablet
Modal Background Image
Cornerstone slow or failing to load
Border radius not working
Menus not working. Only when logged in to wordpress or incognito window
Extra slash in image path
Looper Dynamic Background Color
How do I hide the YouTube controls with my Slider Revolution background video?
Google font does not load on auto-generated page
Wordpress Theme not letting me edit
Basic Duplets gridorama template does not upload
Help needed - cannot import template
How to stop this?
License won't validate for Staging site
Inspector not working after update
Custom Looper Provider with nested WP Objects
Mobile menu does work only one time
Raw Content element for UberMenu integration
X Child Theme format corrupted after Wordpress update
X Child Theme format corrupted after Wordpress update
Mirrored Images on Template
Undefinied variable under comment box
Modern slider carousel Logo
Red background on button cant be removed
Can't Revoke License to Put on Another Website
Dynamic Posts (Minimal) - How to keep original featured image dimensions. allow video/quotes
Formatting magazine posts and blog pages pt II
Font and Video Issue on Safari
JS error Uncaught TypeError reading length
Smooth Scroll interferes with clicking on links on a mobile device
Cornerstone brings up the wrong page
Cornerstone opens on blank screen
Issues with blog index (archive) in the layout builder together with WPML
Dropdown Submenu disappearing
How to filter by tags in theme pro custom archive layout
Pro license validation purgatory after migrating a site
Pro Theme Header Builder z-index of submenu
Cornerstone editor not displaying shortcodes
Remove Social from Top Bar in Pro
Header in Pro Not Centering / White on Sides
Preview could not be loaded
Page Issue - Links Not Working
In the Gridlock Gallery (Gridorama), how can I put text in some of the cells (instead of images)?
Standalone Cornerstone (6.14) custom Global Javascript disappears
Mobile View Cant Scroll Past Header
Why are my classic text fonts bolded?
Unable to use crafty layout for woocommerce store
EG animation not working + product not showing up
Modern Events Plugin - Not Updating
Slider Revolution Stuttering Between Transitions
My Theme Login Issue - Blank Page Upon Update [failed to open stream]
Borders of classic collumns disappeared since update
Can't Activate Cornerstone after site restoration
Search breaks after 5.1.5 update
Wordpress Site Won't Validate
Header not populating correctly, part 3
Apply footers only to specific pages - how?
Cornerstone not in plugin folder anymore
Multi Conditional Global Block
Design Cloud Issue on specific page
Archive Layout not Applying
Default slider blanks in dynamic slider
The Final Countdown Layout
Full width video that plays audio?
Theme activation on multisite
Essential Grid not showing up on mobile device
Live site and editor look very different from each other
How can I create a transperent header above slider revoultion only for homepage
Unable to active cornerstone plugin
Critical site error using new purchase code
Cornerstone Issue - Pages Not Editable
Flush Site Template
Cool Fonts uploaded from design element not displaying on Front end
Uber Menu - How to move sub-menu fly-out down and where can I find CSS docs
Remove anchor icon and dark layover on images on archive page on mouse over
Cornerstone error - cases/classic/utility/class-shortcode-preserver.php on line 8 - thanks
Question about customizing Loopers
Mobile device: Navigation Model in Pro Header is getting stuck, displaying overlapping links/nav item text
Button to download a PDF file
Urgent - Site broke after X-Theme upgrade
Breadcrumbs show "Blog" but there's no blog page - how do I change that?
There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions
Critical error after adding Tabs
Post element layout issue
Email Forms in localhost
Content Not Retrievable
Issue with scrolling wheel
Cornerstone won't load - Just spins
How to setup provider for data from previous page
Cornerstone won't load - Just spins
Cornerstone Error with X Theme - Serializer
No 'Launch' button visible for Pro
Gravity Forms not rendering in Cornerstone
Slider Revolution Breaking Backend Editor of Two of My Three Sites on Theme X. Third Site Is Fine
Font looks different after big update
Open modal with click anywhere in column
Can I add a Global Block into topbar?
Staging site validates but then remains "not validated"?
Basic config "LOOPER-Consumer" not working
Licence not working after reinstall
Mobile Hamburger Menus not working anymore on older Devices
Parallax no longer working after update
My embedded YouTube Videos stopped showing!
The transparency effect of the page
How to make an image overlap
Products element pulls in all products, not just current category
Menu items not displaying
Close Button is linked to facebook
Problem Validating License
Double scrollbars on site
After plugin update, images disappear until page is resaved
Pro won't validate license
WooCommerce product images don't load
Portfolio Image Size
WC Archive Layout over-ridden by 'integrity'
Will not validate: bogusly claims it's being used on another site
Installed and Updated Pro, but editor will not load
Video not auto playing on page
Blog archive - Looper vs sorting
The front end looks different from builder view
Frustrated with X Theme and Cornerstone
Mobile Nav bar not showing
Design Cloud not working
Cant login to wordpress on site
Slider Revolution admin interface broken
Portfolio slider/gallery
Can't Get Section Background Video
Pagination not working on archive layout builder
Validation & License Error
Custom Header won't display
Latest update broke TICKER?
Show description of category in the category page- on Ethos (Pro Theme)-
Modern Events Calendar has no Mobile menu
Cornerstone slider issue (mobile) and other notes
Gridorama - Flix Top 10 - data-x-slide
Help finish and center new header pt. 2
Dynamic update of sub categories
Poster or Layer Covering Video Player for YouTube URL
Forms conditional logic not working with X Pro
Editing graphic in off canvas section
Adding Post Category to Modern Slider
All menu bars arent sticky
X-theme interfere with Woocomerce functions
Theme interferes with Woocomerce functions
Design Cloud doesn't work even though it looks unlocked
Mobile navigation main link clickable
Mega Menu div styling
Video Header Not Loading
Simple Lightbox - click to open larger image and click to close
My home page get a 404 error and I can't edit
Envira License Box still not showing
Wordpress 6.01 Update / X theme 9.1.4
Pro license is not validating
Looper inside a Grid
(call to undefined function) Fatal Error when activating pro-child theme
Header Builder Not Loading any ware
Breadcrumb error - Either "name" or "" should be specified (in "itemListElement")
Some letters in bold
Gravity Forms not working with Themeco
Change font size and image size on icon blog
Transparent background header OVER page section background images
Design Cloud showing 0 assets. Tried all the recommended fixes
Hide Revolution Slider Video Controls on Mobile
Template not downloading into Page Builder
I get the dreaded "Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response."
My Account hidden
How to switch back from Header Builder to regular Pro Header
Pro License not validating on Website
How to remove slug from the home page?
Custom Archive page for Modern Events Calendar?
Pro Preset options for layouts not showing
Frozen Cornerstone
Pro Theme Outdated by 3 Years. Update from 3.1.2 to 5.1.5 Failed
Pro version not showing header and footer builder in cornerstone theme options
How do I change the images for content page Better Stronger Faster?
Category items not displaying in Masonry
Adding classes with minus (-) in name
How to Update right? PHP, X-theme, Cornerstone, Plugins
PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 in ... plugins/cornerstone/includes/classes/styling/class-font-manager.php on line 196
Missing Starter templates when trying to create header
"Rest of site" header for blog archive
Assigning Headers & Footers to specific pages - they're not taking effect
Headline container shrinks on mobile - how to fix?
How to reverse layout on mobile Overlapping Cell Design Cloud
Side Bar overlapping content when setting width to "auto"
[Fixed] Dynamic Content – text breaks out of frame
Delete space
Using Button for Logo in PRO
Following pages in search results (PRO)
Stick menue, get rid of grey line beneath it,
Footer Pro Display on One Page
Mobile Nav Dropdown error Undefined on line 93
W3 Total Cache with X Menus
Some thing strange on the page
Posts from taxonomy in looper
Logo image size in header
Cornerstone not working properly on Pro
One Page Navigation still available?
Validation issue on new domain
New page content not showing - only footer showing
Rev Slider/YouTube Error
Lightbox image size
How May I add the post tag in post section after using Query Builder
Control when column 2 is pushed down
Footer position and alignment questions
Staging license error message “Uh oh, we couldn’t check if this license was valid. Details.”
Raw html showing up on my website that i can't figure out how to get rid of it
Bold headings reversed
How to acf to blog pages?
Apply Custom Fonts
Where to change Global Font?
WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder - No Orders
Gravity form doesn't show up mobile
Change background of text based on post category
Cant Load Design Cloud
Uber Menu / ScrollTo Navigation issue with sticky header
Error in text while sliding the songs in a row
Portfolio only shows once
[/cs_column][/cs_row] at end of section?
Mobile Version of Home Page Frozen
Youtube Videos Not embedding
impossible to validate a new pro license
Header and google tag
Gravity form on footer doesnt work
Full width section on container page template
I want grid views on mobile
Cornerstone editing
Mobile view - problem with orientation
Font color defaulting to white
Disable page tittle is not working
Mobile site not changing with update
Assigned header will not display for specific page
Authenticated content only appears on refresh after login
MEC / Modern Events Calendar Event Details page formatting strangely - part 2
Change fonts globally in nonprofit theme
Portfolio thumbnails overlapping, not properly responsive
Cannot apply imported presets
Issue with right hand side overflow on homepage on mobile
Can not edit pages with Cornerstone after X update
Remove sidebar and box from posts
Creating Woocommerce Archive page with ACF
My site keeps on crashing
Cornerstone Sidebar Loads Twice
Blog posts not loading correctly on mobile
ACF fields pushed above header
Contact Form 7 Doesnt work on X theme
X Pro crafty Theme import overlap "error"
Cornerstone Won't Show When Adding New Posts/Pages
Paragraph spacing - find the source (and also heading font)
Buttons not aligning in dynamic content
Slide I'm editing doesn't show up in live preview
Custom Fonts cannot be applied to text
Builder not laoding
Slider Revolution 6.6.7 Google Fonts Issue
Site Does Not Function in Safari, Desktop or IOS
Still headers appears and disappears randomly
Cannot Import Demo Content with PRO Theme on GoDaddy Hosting
Cornerstone not loading - spinning wheel - not loading
Double Scroll bar on Chrome Windows
Mobile Hamburger Menu Not Working on Mobile
Pro shrinking menu and revolution slider scroll below anchor issue
How to access ACF fields in a repeater group
Can't click menu item that has dropdown on mobile
Custom Top Separator
Mobile vs. Desktop
Portfolio items not saving changes
Using Looper Provides and Looper Consumers with Custom Post Type and Custom Taxonomies
Submenu not visible on homepage is visible on other pages
WordPress "There has been a critical error on this website."
ACF Pro Options Page - how to show content on the front end
After updating from really old version to newest, problems have shown up
Header Breaks after Pro 6 Update
Hidden or missing elements after 6.0.1 upgrade
Custom Font Not Working - Loading as serif
Banner Size Issue
How to access support?
License Validation After Domain Name Change
I have searched thru forums for as to why I cannot access the header and footer to change and remove …
Columns format changed following latest update
Upgrading cornerstone changes URLS
Cornerstone 7 conflict with Gravity Forms
Slider Revolution Background Video Resizing on Load
Post Templates Missing
Sofcalc help
Stuck on Cornerstone 3.1.1
The editor is not loading... error coming!
Footer Conditions Being Ignored
Section Video Background Not Playing
Unable to edit Header in Cornerstone 6
Critical error & Unable to update plugins
Migration, validation, Site Down
Site will not load Theme Options or Cornerstone
Site Down Critical Error since Sunday - No changes made. (Urgent)
Sticky header disappears on refresh
ACF: Accessing gallery inside a acf group
The Grid Issues after Updates
Header button not working properly on apple mobile
Blog Archive Pagination
Hi I am unable to edit my page using cornerstone because the screen freezes on the loading screen
Issue with Standard Testimonial Carousel Slider using marquee autoplay after update
WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder Mobile Image Upload Issues
How to get the fonts to match on all my header drop downs
Show headline with graphic icon or text element only if text content is not empty (Condition?)
Missing Header, Footer and layout builders
Header Logo Which Overlaps Header Into Content
Cornerstone - Preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete
Layouts Gone After Pro Update
Creating a Sidebar for Taxonomies
Footer Breaks On Only The Front Page
Revolution Slider Background Video Not Working
Can't modify gap background image from default template Classic Row version (v2) 2
New versions of PRO 6.0.7 update to PHP 8 crushed the website and other problems
Gym Sliders missing after demo import without having revolution slider installed/activated
Pages created in WP dashboard not visible in cornerstone
New Update: Breaking Classic Elements and General Elements
ACF Image Gallery + WP Offload Media
SEO Best Practice
Cornerstone - Preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete
Linking a column option no longer appearing in inspector
Fonts not showing correctly after update
Issue: This theme failed to load properly and was paused within the admin backend
Gallery preveiw Looper
Grid Element Opacity being set to full despite different settings in the builder
Max does not display
Templates not loading
Woocommerce archives appear as single layouts in CS, even after Pro update
JS errors in Navigation Inline
Patch Release Update Involving Editing of Classic Elements
Upgrading X to Pro and installing on a subdomain
ACF Pro Taxonomy trouble
ACF group inside a repeater - when can we expect a fix?
Woocommerce Archive Shortcode Loop
Correct On scroll Transform settings to get the logo shrinking on scroll
Display Caption or Description of ACF Gallery Image
Conditionally Displaying Looper ACF fields
Remove bullets from menu items in navbar
[BUG] Cart buttons appear differently in builder
Displaying sidebars
Same Page Button Link Colors Malfunctioning
ACF Pro Date Picker Will Only Go Back 100 Years
Unable to load template
Under Construction and Custom Footer
Hide during breakpoints not working on Accordion Item
Drop shadow on column not showing on front end
Fonts break after updating theme
Post Featured Image Not Displayed When Using “Post (Tiles)” Element
Pro theme stopped displayng properly
Site Not Validated After Multiple Migrations
Header on Mobile not formatting correctly
Themeco Slider Pauses/Restarts Slide after scroll and return to top of page
Clone Page only offers pages in draft as choices
Cornerstone issue with my unpublished builder page
Essential grid - Incorrect order of posts
Pro 6.1.5 - Conditions on ACF repeater fields causing issues
After updating X from 9.1.4 to 10.1.6 and Cornerstone from 6.1.4 to 7.1.6, Cornerstone does not completely load
Dropdown menu issue after X theme and Cornerstone update
Cornerstone and Essential Grid
Element CSS + Global CSS not applying
WooCommerce Product Badges Extension with WC Archive Layout
Font-family parameter in group[]
Essential grid doesn't show Youtube videos anymore
Cannot add or Duplicate page
Responsive text elements added after update?
No preview with cornerstone?
Site doesn't display properly after updating
Blog post content amend font
Pagebuilder sidebar issue
Cornerstone Down: Uh Oh! Error Message
Cornerstone text editors not registering changes/cannot save changes
Buttons Disappeared
Broken Header with One Of The Latest Updates
Image background layers disappearing when going into full screen mode
Blog now showing featured images
After theme update my fonts have all changed
Site not validating after entering license key
Query for future Events
Re Older versions and WP 6.2
Cornerstone elements not rendering (my version)
Important WP 6.2 Issue error with the license code
PHP Notice: Undefined index: selector in /wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/includes/classes/Documents/Content.php on line 90
Updated from old version of X theme, layout gone from contained to fullwidth
WooCommerce Store Layout - Subcategory Display Formatting
Cornerstone stuck on loading screen Wordpress 6.2
WPML Unable to Translate Archive Layout
Dynamic Content error since updating to latest Pro
How to show default theme header when adding a archive layout
Audio elements are misaligned after 6.2 update
Integrity Theme/Template does not load as pictured
Version 6.1.10 breaks existing accordions
Cornerstone Not Displaying Page Correctly
Woocommerce single page checkout - URL parameters
Design Cloud - Assets Missing
WP 6.2 + Cornerstone Editor not loading
Post Scroll Slider Looper Freezing
Homepage image showing blurry
Cart item count
Checkout/cart pages blank with WooCommerce and X theme
Getting a different layout when importing 'Lawyer' demo files
Edits not going live after saving
Yoast SEO plugin issue
Slider within a slider / Lightbox
Element CSS not applying on frontend + cannot find Global CSS anymore
Pro / WPML / Single Post / Strange Behavior
Cloning a page does not show all Cornerstone pages
Footer image html not showing on mobile
Memory Error causing crash
Background image on button - hover effect
Quote Marks Resize Bug
Sorting on ACF date field
New Envato purchase code will not validate on WordPress site
Body font not responding to weight change
Having trouble getting custom fonts up and running
Adding placeholder image for posts without featured image
This element could not render because its definition is missing. You may need to activate a plugin
Ubermenu Background Color
Breakpoint for Element Accordion not working
Variable Products display
Change spacing around homepage headline etc
Trouble with installing theme X
Website is broken, "Deprecated" message
Annoying Scrolling issue
I need assistance, serious problems with upgrade (
Change width of List element
Jump link to ID and subtract header height
Updating Messed Up My Website
Menus and homepage heading fonts changed after update (2)
Mobile issues and slow load
Cotnerstone is not loading
Ethos Magazine Template Won't Install
Can't use new x theme with someone eases old account for which I don't have access
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: window.csAppConfig is undefined
Easy Mobile Banking Nav
Issue with bilingual site with WPML + Revolving Slider
Website doesn't work anymore as soon as I activate X-Theme
Pro Cornerstone Header Issue
Page Shortcodes Appearing after Sections?
WPML translation of button link
Layout with subcategory products doesn't work
Video not appearing using the Poster option
Cornerstone Editor NO Longer Works - Preventing website updates
Using an acf custom taxonomy as dynamic content
All core styling lost after updating to 6.2.9
Modal Menu Does not Respond fast enough
Cornerstone not working - loads endlessly
Hamburger disappeared with latest update
Venue URL is broken on Layout
Image Gallery Carousel Slider with ACF repeater
Under construction password not working after Pro update
Can't edit or assign or remove WPML translated product layout
Critical Error with X theme
Website lossing CSS fromatting on moblie browsers
Tons of white space under footer
Tab Element Inside a Tab Element
Change Icon Hover Color
PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on null
Raw content not showing on homepage
Themeco not working
Problem Upgrade Pro to 6.3.3
Updating theme from version 5.1.5 to 6.3.5 not going well
Row within Section always goes full width in Starter Stack
Revolution carousel slider for instagram - how to make all slides clickable?
Slider element skipping slides on mobile
Shrink header bar on mobile
Cornerstone Pro Editor is Not Loading
Error - updating to X theme v10
Picture elements set via text box disappear when adjusting images
Globals tab colors and fonts errors in pro
CSS Altered by Upgrades
Font-face generated by xpro
Interface keeps freezing
WPForms Plugin causes critical error
Templates not downloading
Themeco license is not working
Change the mobile menu burger to and "X"
Logo Carousel Slider w PNGs still not working
Issue with site
Max still not showing up
Prev/Next not working on Custom Post Type
Help conterstone is gone
BUG: ACF + Accordion + Looper Provider (with Dynamic Content) = adds an extra comma at the end
PRO Header - Hide Cart When Empty?
Video element not working
Mega Menu missing
Gravity forms inheriting disfunctional colors
Fullwidth Teaser with Cornerstone
How to duplicate this gradient background on hover?
Header not displaying in Cornerstone
Just Purchased License and it keeps saying invalid
Autoplay embedded video hide controls in mobile
Delay JavaScript execution issue with Cornerstone page builder / Pro Theme
Can't get cornerstone to load on one specific page
ACF and Clone Fields
Essential Grid Pro Related Posts Add-On
Cornerstone errorors: Document error and Preview could not be loaded
Can't create a Header
Pagination for custom post type
ACF Options page FIeld
Debugging warnings on the frontend when selecting the Starter stack
Looper consumer not creating new columns
Unable to see page live though it's published on the back end
Image not Opening Correct Slide in Modal Slideshow
Cornerstone Editor Not Loading after custom Pro Child theme
Anchor Links & Opening Links in Cornerstone
ACF fields not outputting the value on frontend
Sizing Doesn't Update in Editor
Cornerstone and Youtube Videos causes loading bars only one preview
Show Parent Category on Single Layout
I am using flexbox to wrap but text is not wrapping
Tabs Alignment Issue When Switching to Arabic Language
PHP version 7.4.33 | Unable to install Cornerstone Plugin
Essential Grid: Grids disappear on mobile view
ACF fields not outputting the value on frontend
Display posts by category
Closed ticket needed to reopen - template not importing
Corner Stone is not valided
Cornerstone purchase code or Themeco license. Please double check the code and try again
Hiding elements based on a date - but not the way you think
Posts Per Page
Can't get header & footer off my LearnDash courses page
Accordion Content Text Format Color and Style
Modern sliders: create progress bar for fullscreen slider/move headline to bottom
FA icons after UPDATE are NO MORE visible (ALL icons have switched to SVG just by updating the theme)
Particle.js Background
Position and size problems in cornerstone
Wordpress says license is invalid
Cartflow Page Templates and Meta
Google Sheets API with 0auth
Response to another ticket 107235
Cornerstone Hanging after 5 minutes of use
isVar to color control
Audio player icons not loading
Trying to edit an off canvas element
Tags Archive Page Broken Layout
Refresh/Render in Cornerstone
Site broken since upgrade, tried everything
I been trying get this style blog
WPML and Cornerstone on separate domains
Custom Font Post in forum
ACF Post Object (or what should I use)
Installed version 6.4.3 now my html custom charts don't work
Issue with Menu, child theme
ACF not working in Parameters in Components
Mobile navbar won't show
Headline 1 not appearing
Accordion options have a plus + symbol in the text
Still all behind
"youtube" icon missing
Trying to open cornerstone logs the user out and can't log back in
Video Element Customisation and bug report
Icon size showing different in cornerstone admin compared to live site
Why Social buttons won't show in Footer?
Font Awesome not loading icons after update
Slider Not Clicking With Image
Calling Adobe Fonts with Hyphens
Emergency - Menu Display errors - All sites are not displaying correctly - 60+ in Total
Can't validate my Envato purchase
WPML one language doesnt show up anymore in cornerstone and X
Layout translations issue
External API Question
POSTS: Layout Builder V.S. Template: Blank - NO CONTAINER | Header, Footer
Can't figure out how toDisplay Relationship data on Single Layout Page
How to change default footer?
Pro and Cornerstone Non-Compatible with WooCommerce Version 8.5.1
WooCommerce Archive Layout - Conditions Ignored, Old Header Showing
Slider display issue in cornerstone editor showing multiple slides at ones
Unable to Duplicate Page - "Preview Could Not Load" error
Receiving a "Uh oh! Failed to Save" error message on the whole website
Cornerstone and X-Theme
Issue with a page not displaying correctly
Topbar transparency issue and Font size not responsive
Tabbed content load / render issue - add event trigger / initiate javascript function
WooCommerce Archive Filter by Specific ACF Pro Field
Blog Post Thumbnails on Preview Page Blurry
Image parameters
Loopers & custom sort of ACF fields
Cannot edit element not setting for override
Styling of dropdowns/sub links in sub links with dropdowns
Reach support Urgent / Page can't be changed
Permissions for Component Element
Need help - Cornerstone does not update live preview
How to get the grid lines to match up
Lopper format issue
Conditional Promotion page
Cryptic error: Failed to save Error saving content elements: Unable to save content: 0
Setting cornerstone preferences and finding the header
Homepage Default layout
Dynamic Content - Specific Post not working
Adobe Fonts not displaying in Safari
Urgent - Site broke after X-Theme upgrade
Can I have informations about how this forum works?
I need help to hide Title in my Portfolio Dispay Pages Please
Navigation Modal - not closing after clicking on link
Is There a Way to Add Previous/Next Pagination Featured Image?
Background image not fullwidth, but color is
X Pro Menu in header editor different in preview?
Breaking Points Issues "Uh Oh!"
Trouble with Layout
404 Cornerstone Error
ACF Pro License Not Working
How to remove "graphic display" and icon options from menu options
Product gallery missing after update
Cannot saved changes in Cornerstone! Uh Oh!
Active Campaign forms not working with latest version of Cornerstone
Can't minimize text editor
Cornerstone not displaying properly (error code included)
Critical Error after Updating PRO
Page not rendering properly
Change header background color in Icon stack
Updated Cornerstone and Preview will not load, Website looks completely different and "Critical Error" is showing
Font awesome not working in widget
Navigation Menu Mobile Device
Post Layout Creation for ALL Posts
Entry-title css font weight falling back
Basic Font Settings
Breadcrumbs dissapear after updating theme and wordpress
Adding areas like integrity 7
Issue with reinstalled Cornerstone Plug in
Rev Slider slowing down site
Navigation Collapsed Toggle Issue
Remove breadcrumbs
Global color values not working in component custom css
Blank page after loading cornerstone
Mouse over image don't change in CREATIVE CTA
Sticky Navigation Jumping on Scroll
Menu showing on page template Blank, No Container, No Header, No Footer
Scroll top anchor no longer working
We want one line in timetable
Missing Save Button in Pro 4.1.4
Wpbakery builder icons not showing and cornerstone pages show code in editor
My save button doesn't work half the time using cornerstone
Page Builder Broken
WPML giving error on a page
Block missing in live site
Footer Widgets
Difference between Cornerstone design and Actual Web Page
Force CDN URL on Nav Based Imagery
Convert plus not showing properly after second time opening
WooCommerce - “No suitable preview area found…
The preview could not load due to misconfigured URLs (different domain per language)
PRO - Update on multisite breaks network
Layout and loopers not available in my update
Re-aligning button element
Pro - Map Marker - Does this max out?
Sticking when scrolling
Contact Form 7 yellow box under forms
Slider revolution + flex box cell is broken
Custom Mailchimp Field Not Appearing in Email Forms
Sidebar error when creating a new
Header menu not letting me scroll down in Mobile
DC Looper API - How to access value from key that has dot syntax
WP query array not quite right
Cornerstone Preview pane not loading elements after latest update Jan 2021
Unable to validate the staging site
Logo and header menu static with Renew
Smooth Scroll Issues In Mobile
Essential Grid Drop Down on Hover
Cornerstone error on update
Content area off canvas - close on click
Problem with The Grid's lightbox
Pull a ACF repeater row line number on a specific page
Problem with Woocommerce shop page
Blog Category page has wrong breadcrumbs
My Cornerstone license purchased on Envato isn't working! Please help!
Pages not allowing me to manage responsiveness
Issue with mix-blend-mode
Full Screen Video Home Page
Critical error on your website message appears when trying to go back to dashboard after using the Pro Builder. Also Pro builder experiencing issues, save failed message when making changes
I need to install design cloud site and its failing
Problem with change "Read more" to custom text
White line on sides of YouTube films
ERROR: There has been a critical error on this website
Sticky Header (Mobile) - expands on scroll. How can i disable?
Some CSS works in Theme Options > CSS to make adjustments to Woocommerce
Sidebar/widget area taking over entire screen Icon
Buttons and links not visible on woocommerce account page
Page blank when try to edit in cornerstone after update. Please help
Site 'validates' but then does not unlock
Scrolling Issue on Mobile + Two Scrollbars
Modern Events Calendar shows the events twice
Cornerstone updated version issue
I can not load the page
Cornerstone could Not load at all throwing an Error
Adjust width of mobile menu
FYI Moving license issue when using admin with non-default language
Missing Margins for content area after upgrade
Wordpress 5.5 & X PRO 3.2.3 Weird Error
Failed to save error
Wrong image URLs within Cornerstone
Update theme X 8.08
My Blog Page does not show any posts
Blog > style: Masonry not working for me
Cornerstone not loading after update (Version 5.0.7)
Theme Options and Cornerstone won't start
Another Cornerstone Issue - It's Getting Ridiculous!
I can't get the demo sites to work
Cornerstone x theme preview not working - carousel broken too
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method TGM_Plugin_Activation::get_tgmpa_url()
Wrong Position Woocommerce Shop
Section Separator Not Showing on Mobile
Countdown Timer wrong - resets higher with refresh
How to change the clour
Crafty shop page content missing
Cornerstone not displaying preview in editor, also unable to save any changes
Where to find the Header bulder of the Pro version?
Design cloud site install assets missing
Url() in CSS won't allow Content Builder to save, X Pro 4.011 |Invalid JSON response
Where to find the Header bulder of the Pro version?
Funky formatting on search page
Old site from 2015, connectivity errors, can't update
Demo content inside page remove
Dynamic Rendering doesn;t work with Vimeo after adding SSL
I am having an issue with my website, its saying Internal Server Error 500
Onepage menu not working on Mobile
Single Product Layout can't preview page
Post layout is messed up for some posts but not others
Woocommerce, where you are asking me to update the current PHP version 5.6 to 7 version
Error on editing header "TypeError: c is not a function"
Activated not activated
Fatal error after updating WooCommerce
PERSONIFY - How to make the header sticky
Issue Importing from Design Cloud
I am unable to validate
Old site from 2015 restored, now can't edit any pages
Unable to view icons in CornerStone
Cornerstone 6.5.0 won't install. Is 6.5.5 available?
The Grid Not Responsive on Window Resize
Toggle border CSS hover color - Design Cloud Header
X and cornerstone works lousy and create a bug
Pages don't save after responsive editing, and headers don't show
X Theme Licence Validated then told immediately after it's not
If menu through header pro the sub menu item is not opening
3 Column Row is bumping down to the next row
Iframe Response- Still Having Issues
Pages Randomly Blank with Cornerstone Editor
Cornerstone, WPML, and custom JS/CSS
X theme demo content not importing
Footer Template in X Theme Broken After Migration & Upgrade
Crafty footer - formatting not working
Unable to save changes to global CSS
How add a Video Background in Mike/Jess theme
Header issue (menu items opening in new window in stead of current window)
How add a Video Background in Mike/Jess theme
Unable to auto-update Slider Revolution from the WP-admin
Newest Update - Multiple Broken Elements
Some blog posts not displaying excerpts
Footer looks not same on the website as it should according to frontend
Failing to Load Edit in Cornerstone
Pro product validation double message?
Duplicated display of cross-sells on cart page (solution included)
Moving a Legacy X Theme Site to the New Version
Line getting broken on Cornerstone
Match h4 style from widget area in next section?
How to restore cornerstone flag and reuse cornerstone content?
Two different backend editing experiences on same page/same block
Cannot edit the page is blank
Global Blocks : 404 causing "The preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete"
Single Layout page not adding header/footer and still has Blog format
PRO builder not loading due to http/https mismatch
E&P Form Builder Issue
Exhuasted Memory Issue
Problems changing Yoast SEO Titles - buttons not displaying
Header, Content & Footer assets not found
Updating from 4.0.1 to 7.2.3
UberMenu is eating up top of main container
License for X Theme Not Valid
How or Why can’t I change my Featured image?
The CUSTOMIZE menu disappeared in the section settings
Blank Pro editor page
The Grid with WPML is slowing down our site
Help! Font Awesome icons suddenly not showing up!
Child element not properly styled for responsive site
{{dc:post:the_content}} is not pulling in the content on my layout
Fresh installation, cornerstone not working correctly
Problem with placing images in Cornerstone
Removing box shadow from Integrity Blog Posts
Purchased products only active on staging site
Space below slider
Center align Container in footer builder
After update Getting Errors in Error log - Cornerstone
Slider revolution pixel line
Clicking on woo commerce product causes "There has been a critical error on this website." after update
Snippet plugin doesn't allow all fields fo products
All of my styling on every page of my site is suddenly gone
Show sidebar on blog index and posts with global layout of full-width
Pro theme internal server error
Essential Gris - Custom Meta
Site is white screening
Convert Plus: Constant Contact Not Showing Up in Addons
Mobile site no longer scrolling properly
Problems with Superfly menu
Read more link in BuddyPress doesn't work with Cornerstone
Background images and dropdown menus stopped working in Edge
Scrolling Is Unplesant
Them option manager
My Cornerstone license purchased on Envato isn't working! Please help!
Parallax scrolling effect
Woocommerce issue with the latest version
Layerslider Not Working In Cornerstone
Cornerstone Time-out
Blog index displaying extra content around Read More button
Margins when creating a header
Pages missing content
Web form disappearing
Can't Center Shortcode
Unlimited License Wont Save
Pro breakpoints are not working
Three Blog Posts, Correct Titles, Wrong Contents
Aligning header content with page content
Errors in the site search result page
Widget footer centered
Posts page and archives pages not loading properly
Tried to revoke licence
Menu Limit Warning even though we updated server
Space above the header but below the nav bar
Old Templete Defaults?
Envira galleries are not displaying on mobile device with X Theme
Revolution Slider - Entire Slider Not Showing
Header not assigned on blog archive pro 4.0.9
Can't update the grid
Background image is the latest posts featured image in each section on blog archive
Trouble with RSS feed
WooCommerce Terms & Conditions box not displaying content
Text shows everywhere except in browser
Posts pages
I cannot download any template from design cloud to my X theme
One Page Navbar background color + changing the height of a row
How to Insert Image/Contect in Classic Slider
Getting errant CSS on my web page
Cornerstone still not working
How to place Social media in a row in a custom footer
How to create a rollover drop down in a Pro custom header
Wordpress site health
Blockquote marks not showing
Personify: Mogul Blog Layout
Editing view is different from actual site view
Header Unresponsive
Update Causing Visual Composer Failure
Essential Grid - Meta filter problems
Slide Container dips in Black
The Grid Plugin Visibility Settings
Increased hamburger size
Page BG image not showing - Backstretch or x theme bug? HELP!
Grid wont be a slider
Wordpress 5.6 errors. Undefined element
Sticky Header (on mobile) gone after upgrading fro X to Pro
Activate cornerstone plugin glitch
Superfly error still
Bug? Can't set back to "inherit" for Font Weight as there's no option for me to do so
Keep getting errors at the top of my site?
Moment is not defined
Wordpress Site - Cornerstone Issues - Won't Save to Cornerstone
Grid not working
Slider revolution not working properly
Image becomes blurry
After auto notification today and updating theme X from 7.* version to the latest one 8.0.9 today the site giving me fatal error but solved myself
Changes not visible
Salon booking and Cornerstone
El Rey Template not loading
Woocommerce products shown twice using Restaurant theme
Changes To Ethos Renew Magazine Layout
Can't use editor in X or Pro
Website breaks when updating WP, Theme & Plugins
Cannot upload custom font
iFrame Preview
Lightbox image size 2
Social sharing on blog posts only
Lightbox Issues: Used to work / Not loading images correctly
Lightbox shortcode issue in X theme v7.2.3
Missing elements in portfolio breadcrumb (PRO)
Slider Revolution - portal effect hero slider template
Template from DesignCloud not showing in pro builder
Meta Description Not Showing Since Update
Website times-out when working within XTheme
Cornerstone still not working
Cornerstone menu item missing from top bar after Wordpress 6.5 Update
Woocommerce Single Page Layout Disappearing
Javascript issues causing certain page to not load properly
Why is the Why is the lightbox shortcode not working with WordPress 5.6?
Cant find backgroung iamage remval
Upgrade caused content to go behind header
How to change the PayPal logo in my woocommerce checkout
Grid element missing after update to version 8.1.5
Change color by mouse-over
Footer template error on loading
Change fonttype - Epic News Element
LearnDash X Pro links going to 404 error
Uber Menu don't load
Unable to activate cornerstone plugin
Edit With Pro Button Not Loading On New Pages or Posts
Single-Product.PHP not being recognized
The Grid Plugin Won't Update
Slider in modal needs to open on specific slide
Essential Grid suddenly stopped displaying on pages
Edit header size and image size in search results page
Global Blockrow of buttons wrapping in footer
Default Page Template and or header after switching page builder
Portfolio - Breadcrumb missing on Individual Pages
Unable to launch Cornerstone, Theme Options etc
Slider Revolution | Slides broken
X Pro Theme Options loading 3 times
Not able to update plugins - please help
Broken Dropdown Menu Icons
Slider revolution crashes page format
Category page on Directories Pro plugin
Can't authenticate migrated site
Superfly error issues
Design Cloud Issues in Wordpress
Failed to save error + CSS deleting
Using <img src=""...> in tabs
Disqus comments not showing on custome posts layout
Help! When i click site is black?
Convert Plus - There was an issue with your request. Administrator has been notified already!
Google Font "Muli" is gone
Installation Errors
Site loses format when editing in Cornerstone
Chart JS plugin
Design Cloud problems
Background cuts off
Slow querys
Updating X results in white screen
Product Filters for WooCommerce not displaying correctly on Category Archive Pages for logged in members
Website down overnight nothings changed Warning: Undefined array key "bar" in /home/ on line 473
Update broke menu & footer
Footer not alined one one page
Looper To Provide Image Based on ACF Field
Mobile Menu 'Navigation Collapsed' Sublinks Won't Open
Can't Update Classic Accordion Content After Update
Blog post meta now includes the text from a button
bbPress, Nested Replies, Style broken
Putting an image and text in Classic Slider
Update to Theme X 8.1x Cornerstone 5.x unable to edit site
Uh oh! Content failed to save
Wordpress Dashboard went blank with new updated X theme
Pro License activation keeps resetting
Pro editor gone
Ethos Top Banner Post Carousel Blank After Recent Update
Gravity form CSS not aligning properly
Broken Pro Links after Theme Reinstall
3 pages returned 4xx status code
After I upgraded X and Cornerstone my blogposts, will not display on Safari
Global Blocks : 404 causing "The preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete"
Licensed moved problem
Modern Events Calendar not working on certain pages
Homepage has comments?
Cornerstone not loading Google Fonts
PRO: Center Header Elements
Can't get tabs to align horizontal on mobile
Strange issues in footer (PRO)
Woocommerce state and country dropdowns not working in firefox
Blog busted after last update
Classic column container v2
Text in content modal not showing
Changing the order of blog posts in essential grid
Need Help for Cornerstone validation
Add Layerslider padding
ConvertPlus Add Ons not downloading
Rev Slider layouts shifting on their own
Weekly Specials on Bamboo Restaurant Home Page
Filter by topic section on the ethos stacK blog post page not displaying blog posts.t
Mobile Menu Not Opening on Click
Help getting started with Design Cloud
Naviagation Module does not display on Iphone
My Content Carousel just Disappeared?
Woocommerce product page critical error
Uh oh! Failed to save content happening on one single page
Payment Methods Logos missing on Confirmation Page
Expanded Demo Content won't load
Cornerstone and Theme Options redirects to log in screen
Cannot edit the text on my page
Ethos magazine image carosel Not showing featured posts
DesignCloud not loading
Mobile site links showing homepage
Modern Events Calendar - Images not changing
Issue with update 5
License issue please help
Can't add page
How to get box style only for text elements
Conditions not working in components
Please help with my home-page
Ubermenu on mobile still showing X menu
Please help with my home-page
Unable to Launch Pro / Cornerstone
Shortcode and Cornerstone issues
X Pro 4 on Chrome OS
Modern event calendar not loading / showing
Hidden Scroll Navigation & Horizontal Sub Menu
Site search
Scroll down button/link
Backend extremely slow
Full Width Columns
Validation isn't seeming to stick
Page content editor not loading correct - existing page
Update to latest version and header menu disappears
LayerSlider plugin update
Problem creating Article
Slider revolution : can't add arrow navigation
Pagination Issue on Category Page
This looks like a brand new purchase code that hasn't been added to a Themeco account yet
How can i mage the grid images trigger lightbox - take II
Essential Grid doesn't show up on the sub-site page unless I am logged in
Please help - checkout page / ="woocommerce-shipping-totals shipping"
Having trouble with permanent URL and thumbnail
Pro-child isn't loaded with Starter/Blank stacks
Moved from WAMP to live. License validation doesn't "stick," and edit pages go blank
Learndash Meta tags
Unable to view/edit cornerstone content after update
Can't install Gym template from Design Cloud
Website messed up
Buttons not dropping below gap
Inages Not displaying in Cornerstone
Layout builder with sidebar
Issues with scrolling on desktop and mobile
Element not editable due to error message in Cornerstone builder
Broken Frontend | Backend not editable
Responsive Design by high Resolution and Browser Scaling
Cornerstone does not open
The Grid Error - Facebook API
I was working and all of a sudden got this message:::: Uh oh! Failed to save content
Navigation Inline not responsive
Vimeo is not displaying properly
Estimation & Payment Forms - Forcing Payment
X theme Won't Save Draft
Unlimited Sidebars
Migration problems
Cornerstone editor does not open (again)
Both Top Header and Sticky Footer
Top and Bottom Separators
Question about an alternative for 'The Content' element
Video controls appears twice
App template design cloud - Homepage Hero section missing
Global CSS not being applied at front end
Element failed to render
Header covering blog posts content
Using X Pro Header and Page Content is Going Behind Header!
Can I add a link to an icon?
After Update to Version 8
Spacing Being Added on Duplicate Sections
Amazon Pay plugin button image not working
Get dynamic taxonomy via header composer
Audio Player Icons not Showing on front-end when Fontawesome SVG enabled
Google Analytics Event Tracking - Buttons
YouTube video Muted on Slider Revolution
X Theme - Cornerstone spinning wheel
Essential Grid 3.0.3 with WP 5.5 or 5.46 is no longer showing grids on the front-end
Dynamic Content in Global Blocks
Video background slow to load on mobile
License NOT Activating After Site Migration
BUG: Base Width & Height - Cannot Select Sizing Item
Issue With Cornerstone Freezing Up
NavBar font color will not change
Fatal error: Soliloquy
Not able to edit page in CORNERSTONE
The Grid - padding on mobile only
Pro preview not loading
How to hide PHP Warnings?
Slider below menu on home page
Excerpt Missing Cornerstone 2.1.4
# Nothing to Show Right Now string not found in WPML
Header with 2 absolute stacking bars
Mobile Menu not working on Shop (Woocommerce) and Product Pages (Pro)
Opacity color on Layerslider backgrounds
Adding Comment Policy to Comment Form
Can't move an element
Update has caused cornerstone built pages to show blank in X theme
Page won't load on Iphone devices
Shortcode won't display
Header Issue: Uploading new logo but it doesn't change
Subfolder WP is not getting validated like before
Remove Blog Heading and Padding around Edge
Changes made to header don’t show up on mobile
Validation not activating
Cornerstone malfunctions
Two scrollbars
Broken grid in front-end, but not in cornerstone
Pro Headers "Sticky bar" looks unstable!
PRO 4.0.4 builder not loading due to cache plugin JS minify (W3 Total Cache)
Global Blocks Cornerstone goes grey after making a modification
Critical Error Validation Page
Custom Field date type shortcode output format issue
Templates Help
Elements disappeared, misplaced or moved on the whole website
Cornerstone can't find home page
Header and rev slider issue (mobile only)
YouTube Videos not showing in Preview mode
Can't add blocks in Cornerstone
Does a Global Header override all existing headers?
Navigation Menu Disappearing
Can't edit many pages because they don't load
What does this mean?
YouTube Videos not showing in Preview mode
New clone website, pictures (headers) not showing
Unable to validate X new install - Please help
Glitchy masonry blog style when using The Grid and X pro
Preview Could Not Load - Can't Resolve
Cornerstone Error Porfolio
How can I select Post Type and select all categoies to post all together in one grid?
X theme CRAFTY
Reinstall media of design
Can't activate X on specified Domain - Says activated and then reloads into "You need to Activate"
Fix Search Error
Icons still missing on updated X Theme with Integrity Business
Cant Acces PRO Editor to Edit Pages
Cornerstone is not validating
Uh Oh! Failed to Save Error
Menu elements don't wrap
Cornerstone showing some empty pages after updating
WooCommerce Payment Error on Category Page?
Select Dropdown Chevron Styling
Embedded video on mobile and tablet doesn't show after update to x pro 4.0.6
Majority of element customisation settings appear to have disappeared from panel
Issue with nav
Saving a Post
Page won't slide very well
Issue Validating X
SiteGround Optimizer breaks Pro Ed
Particle highlight not showing on live site after update to Pro 4.05
Video poster missing and video does not play in 'video element'
Wrong fonts with posts added trough native wordpress blocks
ACF field not displaying
Modal links to external page, but it shouldn't
Misplaced element
Issue with the preview of portfolio gallery
Mobile Menu Button Doesn't work on Child-Theme
FontAwesome facebook-icon not showing after X update
Header and Footer not showing with new xpro version
Page corrupted when trying to translate with WPML
Cornerstone Builder Broke our pages on the latest update
Not able to edit in X Theme functions
Retheme website
Cannot Find "Remove Spacing" button for Global Blocks
Demo Content Install Error
Unlimited license validates then invalidates
Page wont scroll past a certain point when accordions are open
Optimization of web pages for different sizes
Images/Content Not Visible in Cornerstone
Validation plague
Side bars do not display content like "recent post" or "archives"
Woo Commerce main product image
Product Validation Issues
Portfolio page not displaying correctly
Validation Code issue constantly revalidating
Slider Auto missing
Envato purchase code will not validate
Theme options in X cratfy template is empty
How Can I Hide Items in Personify Templates?
Default fonts
Text and image responsiveness across mobile, tablet, and desktop view
No search results are shown
Theme Update Broke My Site
Breadcrumbs finally working, now google complaines: breadcrumb 'name' of '' must be specified
Formidable form appearance changed
Tags archive page: filter posts by tag
Cannot remove video download button without loosing playback options
Overlapping header element
The Grid compatibility and rss issues
The Grid "no content found" after updating
Slow initial load if unused for a few hours
The Grid compatibility and rss issues
Cornerstone plugin: Critical Error on Theme/Plugin update 2
Video keeps playing after closing Modal in PRO
Moving a license to a new site not working
Unable to add progress spinner Contact Form 7
Critical error after theme update
Essential Grid not working with latest update
Change bg of a header
Page not the same in Customize
"Content" Missing from whole website
Update Pro
E & P Form Builder
Taxonomies are not showing up in sidebar
Builder Zoomed in but Site is fine
Custom font doesn't show after import on new URL
Header Text Not Wrapping / Flowing to Next Line
Footer translation error with WPML
Scrolling issue iframe in modal
Remove red highlight on images in X Theme Pro?
Dreaded "429" Error
Old articles doesn't work
How to add widget in Footer on specific pages?
Extra spacing around Alert shortcodes after latest update
WPML translation error in Pro 4.1
Issue with contributor role editing pages
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Unable to load content from post
Issues with update 4.3.1
Add Creative Columns 5 Content to website
Page displays wrong - Works after reload though
Assigning archive layout to homepage
Change WooCommerce button
Mobile dropdown issue
Alignment issues on blog page
Different displays in chrome and safari
Margin/ padding on mobile
Looper consumer - Fetch specific tags
Font Type override
Unable to input purchase code
Essential Grid broken and Site
How to create clickable box with image and text
Pages not scrolling on mobile
Cornerstone plugin: Critical Error on Theme/Plugin update 2
Updated Pro and now page edits don't save to front end
Site not loading from Design Cloud
Form integration element issues
Html in Post Pagination element not rendering
Contact Form 7 can't be saved – redirects to 404 instead
Blogs Footer
ACF Time Picker
Dynamic Content "Term" not working to show category on each post in search results
Woocommerce single product page information tabs background customisation
Issue with Global Blocks
Updated to version 4.3.1 and visual builder broke with MutationObserver.observe error
Please help! Products not displaying correctly when viewed on a laptop
Cornerstone Caused Error
Can't register my valid license (2)
Shortcode for Maxbuttons
Tags archive page: filter posts by tag
Spotlight - Social Media Feed plugin conflicts
Video Source Missing on Blog
Update Issue
How can I add the current date to a page
Critical Error when adding Text element
Metaslider Links not working with Pro Child theme
Creative Call to Action Stopped Working after Latest Update
Cornerstone 5.1.5 throws uncaught TypeError after upgrading plugin
Left Bar Condition
Woocommerce Checkout Editor/Theme error
Cloning into second language does not work
CF7 no spinner on submit
Align elements using Flexbox and 'Margin Auto' no longer works on update
Theme Options missing for X after plugins update
Mobile Menu Disappears When Touched
Woocommerce Shop & checkout template
Remove template pages from content navigator
Can't add link in text editor
Slider Revolution Font Issue
Issue with menu or containers depending on update
Content Off Screen on Mobile
Can Anyone Help?
Cornerstone can't edit page without loosing all the content
How Do I Add A Shortcode?
Text decoration
ARIA attributes do not match their roles on Canvas Toggle
Error in sidebars when wpml is activated
Updated to 8.2.3 now WP Bakery editor doesn't work
Conflict between Modern Events Calendar and Theme X
Icons not showing on Windows
WCAG Compliance Issue With X Theme's Canvas Element
Just Installed Theme - Error Message Re: Cornerstone Plugin
Superfly Menu Is Still Broken
Page looks while design in corener stone, but online live page looks altered
Tax_query failing on Pro Theme v4.2.3
Uh oh failed to save error on site
Pro Editor not loading - white screen
Function setting problem
Drop down menu style
Need help site is not loading once attempting to edit page in pro
Page content jumping to top of page in Pro
Error when moving classic image element since update
Pro Theme Editor
Flexslider does not load pictures when tab is initially hidden
Videos Not Working
Cornerstone not showing WYSIWYG
Modern Calendar stopped working
Double click required to open mobile menu
PRO Editor do not load - Too many redirects
RESULT_CODE_HUNG while search for element
Background upper layer not displaying on iPhone
Cornerstone error on new wp instance (CAN’T ACTIVATR$
Navigation Collapsed "Off Canvas Close Button" is Suddenly Massive after the latest update
Custom font not working - Font Manager not previewing, .ttf file unacceptable
Theme X, footer, colors language selection
iPhone scrolling still sticky after setting footer bar to auto height
Image not showing on posts element
Modern Events Calendar Problems
Inline Styling forced into Header
WPML Transalted pages are not showing correctly
Woocommerce product image not showing on Chrome
Licence key issue
Wrong breadcrumbs direction on rtl pages
Video not chowing up on my blog but well in blog editor
Icons don't display
Preview could not load due to the iframe response
Google Fonts Not Appearing in Slider Revolution
Edit Menus Page Duplicating Additional Fields
Pro not loading and crashing backend
Email of contact forms NOT working!
Headers not displaying on assigned pages
Fatal Error restricting access to backend
Formatting template gone in other language
Console error product gallery
Product Pagination on product archive layout goes to new page, but repeats same products
LinkedIn social sharer not working
Iframe response error
Cornerstone causing fatal error on Wordpress log in
Pro Builder Keeps Redirecting To WP Login Page
Menu Navbar assistance
No Elements Displaying in Layout Design
License not validating xtheme dev site
Rev Slider Not Showing in Looper
net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED for pages that save more than two minutes
X theme - Not showing visual editor
New Posts and Pages not appearing in Conditions drop down menu
Why isn't my site locked in horizontally? It slides side to side when you scroll
Mobile issues for menu and images
Content Area Off canvas broke after updating Pro
Post Was Closed Before Issue Resolved — Cornerstone Plugin Issue
Slider not appearing in Safari or iPhone
Struggling to edit Looper Posts
The preview could not open due to iframe response being incomplete
Edit Page in Pro not working
Fatal error Cornerstone
Terms & Conditions Dropdown Not Showing Designated Page During WooCommerce Checkout
Migration to xpro failed
Parent Navigation Not Working Even Though It is Set to Indicator
Dark Mode Not Working
Header is not displaying correctly
WooCommerce cart template
Header doesn't show in editor
Cornerstone Not Launching Page I select to edit in Cornerstone 5.2.2 and X 8.2.2
Images not showing on mobile
Icon not working on revolution slider
Adjust Margin Top of text Responsive Design
Mobile Search not working on mobile
Broken Page
iFrame Response Error (Pro, Cornerstone)
Remove X/Pro WooCommerce Hooks and Filters
Essential Grid - Meta filter problems #2
First tab no longer open by default
Replace location (ORT and ORT 2) headline in modern events calendar
Preview could not load due to the iframe response
Cornestone error - sidebar page error
Content area not loading when editing page after cornerstone update
Video in Slider Revolution doesnt work after update
Debugging after backup import
There has been a critical error on this website - help
Cornerstone will not activate in my wordpress
Dynamic post
Some of the page are not displayed
Footer on Mobile Converging on Body
Contact form 7 long delay after submitting
The page not showing what the cornerstone editor is built
Unable to create a new section since update
Pro editor buttons not displaying properly
Mobile menu fix
Showing all Pages in certain category
Pro: Navigation modal not showing under 480px screens
Woocommerce product category text size
Pro 4.3.3 - BUG / WPML primary language overwriting other languages
Responsive widget
Cornerstone activation failed
Anchor Links Not Working (Safari/Chrome)
Envira Gallery no longer allows new galleries without license code
Ubermenu stacking columns
Section color
Creative CTA - background image size
Cannot reassign my x theme license
Header & Menu Not Displaying Properly on Mobile Devices
9.04 X update broke image sprites and changed css button classes
Cornerstone - iframe response error
The header changes won't show
Deinstalling wordpress/pro: Your code is valid but looks like it has already been used on another site. You can revoke and re-assign within your Themeco account
Navigation Dropdown Menu - new bug
Mobile Menu not working following update
Modal toggle background image responsive
Sticky nav on mobile
Pro Editor not loading - stuck spinning (and I've tried a lot of troubleshooting suggestions)
Update causes buttons to break
Links in tab broken
Question about blog posts (regarding typography & tags)
Homepage looks correct on backend but not on frontend
Products on homepage not working in editor
Adobe Typekit Refresh Problem
Layouts vs Templates
How to make backgroudn of one section continue partly down to the next section?
Custom video hight?
Recent Update Crashes Website
Chruch Demo
Cannot validate staging site
Clean install Pro license
Cornerstone displaying older content than what is on the page
Cannot see the entry for my serial number
Convert Plus: modul popup html field empty after saving
Pro Header not showing up on a specific post
Home Page UI Problem
Error File(/definition.php) is not within the allowed path
Cornerstone update creates issue with internal anchors
I can't install Pro extensions
Cornerstone editor buttons not visible
Pagnations not working
My site's styling just disappeared
Weird Lines Displayed on Curved Sections
Video post not working
Using ACF Pro 'Select' fields with Dynamic Content - How to get 'label' rather than 'value'?
License validation not validate
X Theme - Can't install Site Template from the Design Cloud -
Site not recognizing Pro Unlimited validation
Screen size issue on Mobile Breakpoint Small
Cornerstone toolbar buttons icons hidden for only the LIVE site /https
404 Pages When Trying to Edit with Pro
CF7 forms do not work
CSS Not Loading Correctly on Homepage
Envira video add on not working
When exit a page edit the page goes blank
Soliloquy - No Sliders Available
Cornerstone - iframe response error
Layout builder and ancestor links
Revolution slider - showing as white background - banners not showing
Under construction page not working 2021
Pro doesn't load
Background colour of one page
Video Backgrounds not working on a Subsite in multisite install
Content Layout woocommerce long description element missing controls
Pro v4.2.3 - custom page template in child not showing
Keeping Getting Logged Out
How can I make two pictures the same size?
Contact Form 7 Not Submitting On Mobile Devices
Turn off blog title
Home page doesn't loading
Hiding an ACF Repeater if empty in a Grid cell layout
Issue validating a license
WordPress admin bar obscured by site header
Classic slider grey space on first slide
I can not update cornerstone
Missing Button Until Hover On Live Site - Shown/Configured Correctly in Editor
Featured Blog on Home Page
Unable to edit Primary Menu
Aligning one element to the right in a column that's aligned left
How do Pagination elements work for the Portfolio pages?
Sticky menu is "stuck" in middle of page
Validation Problem - Shows as 'validated ' but doesn't stay that way
Header and absolute position
Cornerstone & WP Engine - unable to edit/change anything
My cornerstone won't open anymore
Classic slider with global blocks not showing
Edit Page in Pro not working
Not possible to assigne header
How to vertically center a row within a section?
How to stretch grid
Site looked great then randomly broke
"This Element failed to render" after latest theme update
Slider Revolution file not found after deleting old (inactive) Revolution Slider plugin
WooCommerce Add to Basket for Variations products and also Product Type conditional not working
Website design is suddenly all out of wack
Cornerstone update broke pages that utilize cornerstone
Background image on Ethos only showing on Safari
Essential grid: all the grids dissapeared
Under Construction Plugin Not Working. Goes To Front 404 Page with no setting saved
X-Theme: How to Remove Blog Header "The Blog, Welcome to Our..."
How to put an Element on top of another one?
Inline Email Form
Using The Grid with dynamic content for nested portfolios
CSS of content gets dropped updating from WP 5.7.2 to 5.8 and Pro 4.2.3 to Pro 4.3.3
Woocommerce product show text including tax
9.04 Breaks Theme
Pro Header Builder - Issues with Shrink on Sticky Bar!
Trying to get a similar layout to the Studio Gold template
X Theme Code showing at random places
Footer appears on the side
Pro Theme Header Logo shrink on scroll removing clickable URL
Soliloquy slideshow still not showing up
Cannot update to Cornerstone 8.3 - Fatal Error
Blog Headline Not Displaying (Pro)
Button size
Manual meta description not working
Website crashed following Cornerstone update
Search option is wacky
Estimation and Payment form cannot display the add item to steps
Cornerstone does not load -
Cornerstone not showing in the back end, front online is ok
Column content shrinkage
Cornerstone when updated: Fatal error:105
Certain page content not showing
Mini-cart looks normal on front page, but different on others
Page Specfic Footer not being honored
Content and gloabal blocks are missing
Can I increase the width of the header (logo and menu items) without increasing the width of the site?
Please help, The Grid plugin don't show the first picture of my post
Page with change since theme update
Problem with image showing up
Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response
X theme validation code not working
Global blocks break between 4.2.3 and 5.2.3
Search page result
Add portfolio items to sidebar on Renew stack portfolio page
Fatal error after Cornerstone update - can't access WP dashboard
Fatal Error on my website My Sardinia Holidays
Theme Options missing for X after Cornerstone update
Wordpress won't accept / validate license - I can prove my license
X Logo in admin bar
Blog showing same 3 blog posts
Issues with Demo Site - Cloud
SUPERFLY question
Can't create new grids or clone existing
Revolution Slider not showing up on mobile - checked toggle and checked for plugin conflicts
Footer adding space
How to globally change a hoover text in a looper elements?
Unable to add elements using Pro
Wordpress won't accept / validate license - I can prove my license
Tab element interaction bg-color not working
Cornerstone not accepting purchase code
Cannot update to Cornerstone 8.3 - Fatal Error
Pro stuck in a loop while editing Layout
Buddypress can't comment on Pro themes
Button vanished
Pro Unlimited License says it is validated but doesn't act like it
Child theme CPT templates no longer work
Conditional Header Sidebar Query
ThemeCo X Auto Theme Documentation?
Font Loading Error
Plugin Conflict / Aggressive Page Cacheing Error
Cannot Save Pages
Fatal error after updating Pro
Accordion Global Block Buttons Not Working
Correct Image Size Using Classic Slider
Help please with adding nav buttons and global block to the end of a post!
Remove H1 Tag from Subscribe Form
Cornerstone critical error after install
Validation Successful but still requesting validation
Unable to Remove Demo Content X Pro
Slider and portfolio not working after update to WP 5.6.1
Buttons not appearing after updating Cornerstone theme
What's the best practice for full width images on pages / posts?
Full width row background color on a section of a page
Slider Revolution Update – Big Error on one page
License says in use but its for the same URL and wont validate?
LayerSlider no longer works
Issue with Cornerstone after migrating to root directory
Countdown has wrong time on mobile devices
Hamburger Icon Not Working on Android Devices
Essential grid animation
Gravity Form message "This element could not register due to invalid mark up
Child theme and change theme
Templates Broken
Update X from 6.5.6 to 7,1,2
Can't install anything in Design Cloud - Pro
Pro Not Functioning
TCO_Coalescence crash
Columns look like rows
Cornerstone continues in a loop
Slider Revolution Fatal Error
Revolution Slider Errors in IE11
Website wont display post text
Navigation inline doesn't work
Map Marker Moving When Zooming
Problem with Product Table Content template from Design Cloud
Google analytics html is visible in footer
The Grid Instagram Issues
Accordion spacing problem
Full height background color
After Wordpress Update, a warning is shown on the sites with pro child Theme
Cornerstone Plugin fatal error
MEC calendar search bar modification
I purchased 4 different licences for X but only 2 show up in my products
Getting error while installing SuperFly
Add code to header for image
Agency Installation failure
No "Edit with Cornerstone" button on edit page site
Social icons not showing up on pro
Cornerstone not validating and not working
Critical site error and can't view dashboard
MailPoet Premium plugin is incompatible with the free MailPoet plugin
Strange snapping issue with sticky menu bar
Missing Licenses in Account
Woocommerce page title and intro text
Cornerstone doesn't work - spinning wheel
Section issues in creating multiple columns
UPDATE: WooCommerce Cart Module Shows Currency as $ instead of £ when empty
Slider revolution not working after update to 6.1
AJAX Errors Trying to Install Bed and Breakfast Site from Design Cloud
Dropdown menu not showing itself in certain browsers/operating systems
Cannot access any "X" options
Help on Lawyer Demo site
Weird formatting on author shortcode
Cornerstone disappeared
Cannot edit posts in Cornerstone (spinning wheel)
"Uh oh, failed to save"
Rows not splitting into columns
Setup(migrate) license to new URL
Remove margin below layerslider
X Theme Admin Options Page 404 Errors
Leave a Comment link
Leave a Comment link
Youtube Stream playing without sound
Revolution slider position on IE
Post Video Format Breaking my website
MEC support on webnus?
Content being hidden behind header
Post data appearing to the right
Could not establish connection. Please help
Essential Grid all of a sudden not showing pictures anymore
Element CSS option
Unable to edit certain pages using PRO
WooCommerce Cart Module Shows Currency as $ instead of £ when empty
Problems installing X demos
Preview not showing up in header editor
Revolution slider is showing as unregistered
Cornerstone doesn't load and keeps spinning
Header on Pages
Cornerstone Problem After Update - Latest Blog Post Not Showing
Internet explorer breaks my homepage
Issues with blog page
Background video doesn't start
Overlapping columns on Tablet View
X 7.1 + lastest Cornerstone = new pages are blank
Tabs not showing on site or in cornerstone edit
Excerpts showing double titles
Wordpress 5.3 The Grid Formatting problems
Adding elements breaks columns
Superfly menu in header
Glitch or not in typography?
Video not playing from revslider
Cornerstone Preview Won't Load on Homepage X Theme
Sticky Bars Header Nav
Help with section
Cornerstone One Page Problem
Buddypress comments don’t seem to be working on mobile
Mobile transparant navbar
Problem with one page scroll on Chrome (desktop)
Convert Plus Not working on site
Column and Image Height Adjustment
Change Blog Post Title Size/Font (only)
BUG: Main Header Nav Displays as Hamburger on LG/XL Viewports
Pro 5.0.1 breakpoints not working in Safari 14.1.2
Image Hove is not work in IE - I have problems with the card element
Cornerstone stopped working in Chrome / Mac
No cornerstone plugin
Unable to Edit Website - IFrame Response Incomplete
Advanced Custom Field Makes Edit Page Go Blank on Custom Post Type
Nothing happens when clicked on Design Cloud site template
"Share this" and "Customise buttons" on Portfolio looper excerpt
Can't validate X, enter code and get blank screen
Plugin conflict: Rev slider will not function when Essential Grid is enabled
Add advanced video controls to videos in video post type
Do I have to roll back WooCommerce to get product reviews to show up?
Comments on posts went missing
Something is funky with my google analytics
Background slideshow from Homepage showing on all pages
Search Button Not working properly after update
How can I remove the top and side margins (or padding) on the homepage?
Validate License help
I click on session X and it looks like this error
Updated X theme and Cornerstone, now cornerstone isn't working
Align Row element to bottom of column
Revert to previous version of Pro
Cornerstone not loading content on right
Aligning Ubermenu with x-Theme Icon
Errors appears on site
PRO: Graphic icon, can I center it with text?
Icons not showing on page, do show when using the editor
Vimeo video won't appear full
Slider Revolution not showing on the desired page
Pro Menu not changing fonts
Upgraded from X to Pro and broke my site
Dynamic post minimal
Unable to validate license for christina
Permissions Options Missing Under Settings
Mobile Accordion Display Issues After Last Update
ACF Options Field access in Cornerstone shows "loading..."
Hide Cart Button When Empty Using Conditions?
WordPress 5.8 - Image Elements Not Working
All "Image" Elements not showing on frontend
JQuery errors in cornerstone (newest version)
Content disappears/weird issues with old elements
All Background Images Missing
Cornerstone not working on MacBook
Cornerstone don't work after re-install
Upgrading from X to Pro
Uh oh! No suitable preview area found. This could happen when a third party plugin is overrinding the content are
Product API Key
Strange Bug on the Pro Header
WP E&P Form Builder Cost Estimation Image
Update to pro, disconnected when going to pro theme options
Header Conditions not working
Problem with website
Slider Rev images not showing on iOS mobile
How to use Customize conditions to hide show image
Add Heading to Store Page
Can't get Portfolio Working Properly
The grid feature image
Revolution slider not edit settings
Text elements rejected
Code in function.php
Header Translation not working
Child theme no longer working
Theme option not working on server domain
How to make featured image in blogpost smaller?
Slider Revolution Vimeo Bad Quality
"Under Construction" plugin: no show icon
Featured image won't hide on single posts
"Under Construction" plugin: no show icon
Icons doesn't showing
JS Editor missing in Cornerstone
Dynamic Content - Query post taxonomies
Modal or canvas area are not showing the child content editor
Posts in a Page
Essential Grid Images Not Adding
Essential Grid Images Not Adding
Firefox Browser issues - Blur effect and text alignment
How Is CSS Edited On Design Cloud Menu Items?
Edit with cornerstone not working all of a sudden
One page always returns with “Uh Oh content failed to save”
Section Background Video won't run after update
Header and footer not displaying correctly
X Theme: No Thumbnail Created Upon Image Upload
Social media sharing in posts
Some Current UI issues - Vid link Attached
Cornerstone and WPML error
Adobe Font not working on Buttons
Customizing the searchform.php
Pro 2.5.5 Blog won't load
Stylesheet missing after updating Pro
Fixed widget goes over footer
Parallax image jumps after loading
Make dropdown links scroll down page
Image size for Ethos 2
Space below header & full size pages
No one icon working
Three lines at the bottom of the navbar
Plugin Google Analytics
Headline centering issue on mobile
Integrity is boxed, won't go full width
Product description not seen
Z index setting
Instagram Embeds Not Sizing Properly on Mobile
How to align Content Page Width with Slider Width?
Portfolio Page Problems
Slider Revolution not working in NonProfit Demo after update
Portfolio links not working
The screen of Cornerstone is strange
Way to copy column with settings?
Recent Domain Name Change
Images not showing in Chrome or Firefox unless I inspect element or resize the window
Editor permissions
Ubermenu Columns
My all pages titles are removed
Upgraded to Pro, no Pro tab/editor
Can only edit home page
Edit With Cornerstone does not work (Solved)
Move CS column by dragging
Home Page Title Overwritten
Setup DEMO content Agency but failed
Cornerstone Editing Mode has been broken
Google Fonts not showing in PRO
Section background upper layer covering half of lower layer
500 Error on Checkout page
Edit with pro
Menu does not slide to correct place
HTML5 video not playing in Revolution Slider
HTML5 video not playing in Revolution Slider
Where are my vidoe's
Website is broken with New Wordpress, New X, and all plugins off
Unable to install designcloud templates
No roll over on main menu since the last X theme 7.2.1
Cornerstone Breaking Comments
Cornerstone crashing WP
Child Theme not working when converting X to Pro
Cornerstone won't load for me
Cornerstone preview area doesn't work
I can't edit with Cornerstone
Blog Posts aren't showing comments
Getting Error 500 message when trying to access the back end of site on wordpress
Content Area not loading
Cornerstone not loading all page
Classic Accordion Element not editable
Admin Error Code
Grey diagonal stripes
Theame options/ iframe response being incomplete
Licence code
CSS Code for x.blockquote Cite?
Horizontal scroll
Topbar custom content
Full width Nav bar in Pro
Hamburger menu issue
Pro Footer Text or Content causes footer to stop working
Unable to access cornerstone (infinite load)
Thumbnails appearing same size as feature image
License Validation for staging area
Deactivate comment function on blog
The X-theme customize menu is gone?
Page layout breaking when screen size shrinks
Validation error after succesfull validation message
Can't use theme functions
X theme pro blog posts not showing up
Modern Events Calendar - Edit Invoice
Unable to validate PRO license
Adding links in blog post – freezing all day
Service Mark on Android
Hover image is not working
Samsung Galaxy10 Issue
Essential Grid grids not showing on mobile
Hover state of Creative CTA not working, any idea why?
Delete a Forum Topic
After years of being up, Site now shows text only, no formatting
My site does not come up at all now I have uploaded to Pro
The grid plugin does not show up in footer
One page scroll
Header Image and Brand Fonts and Colours
Icon stack theme options changes not saving
Add on click option to start a chat from Creative CTA element
Pro Editor line break and paragraph break glitch
Remove Header and Footer From Single Woocomerce Category and Product Pages
Cornerstone does not open after updates
Slider Revolution is creating a black background
License Key won't validate
Unable to edit classic text box when clicking 'click to edit'
Connection and Revolution Slider Issues
X Pro header could not load on theme just installed
Access to sites are gone
Cornerstone shows content updates, front end does not
Background video doesn't start
Wordpress Topbar Showing
Grids and hyphenation
Menu misallignment
H2 subheading issue
X Child Theme Demos?
Menu drop down overlapping
The Grid inside the tab cornerstone element
Content Area Modal Not Visible
Licenses not appearing
Woocommerce Breadcrumbs X-Theme
Header code showing on mobile
Browser Issues with Font and Font Weight
Embedded third-party lead capture form is not loading properly
Lightbox missing closing button
The preview could not load - preview-frame::update-aborted
Can not download the demo and all Plugin
Many problems after update X theme
When I'm trying to edit the cornerstone, it doesn't show the preview!
Double Scrolling Bars
One of the blog posts on the home page doesn't have a meta description
Seasonal Prices with Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder
Cornerstone is not displaying well
H2 Heading on mobile look massive
A question on designing with Icon 1
How can i insert a JS-Code on my Page
Snippet not coming for my posts on the homepage of my blog
Theme options links redirect to login page
Slider Revolution Error message won't disappear
Cookie notifier insert!
Design cloud option is not working
Icon Mobile Nav Not Displaying Correctly
Pro Theme won't validate
Smartphone error. The template content is shown instead of the created content
Smartphone error - template content shown instead of created content
Theme options is not function
Last Updated (6.4.6) crashed my site - Please urgent help!
Cornerstone content not visible
Woocommerce Shared Inventory
Issue Opening Apex
Woocommerce stripe Gateway & Theme Conflict
Adding Preset Dialog Not Visible to Confirm
CSS changes on Child theme not showing up
After updating to pro 5.0.4 I can't adjust some Cart Off Canvas settings
Cornerstone error after recent updates
Cornerstone hanging in Pro versions: 5.0.4 and 5.0.5
Navigation – dropdown issues
Content Not Saving
Modal pop-up not centered for smaller viewports
Weird bug in conditionals? Or am i missing something
All content shifts under left side header
Woocommerce product page causes crash
Uh oh failed to save - again
Multisite Sub site pages are not applying header or page CSS
Jump link/anchor to new page and section
Modern Events Calendar issue- not syncing correctly and support will not help
Cornerstone not working and just an images continuously rotating
Mega menu controls not working after Pro update
Pro is not loading video
Woo Checkout Editor - Frontend Order does not match Backend Order
Users not seeing new posts
Update pro damaged my site
Saving not possible after update PRO
Updating Cornerstone removes default Portfolio Post Type
Cornerstone pages not working
First Dropdown Margin
Color problem after latest update
I can't edit with pro. Doesn't load content
-Template error We are sorry demo failed to load
Advanced Custom Fields Does not Show Paragraphs
Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Themeco\Theme\Theme
Looper preview issue
Why is this happening?
Child Theme breaks SuperFly on X / Cornerstone
Menu Active Color
Above the fold section is not responsive and won't respond to changes on mobile
Layer slider update needed!
Strange coding in dashboard
Nothing showing on pages - using WPBakery Page Builder
Margin of One Section Showing Below Another
Cannot Save Changes / Critical Error
Slider Revolution: Responsive text
Upgrading my theme pro caused a conflict with one of my plugins and login page stopped working
Can't edit pages using Pro
Global blocks lost formatting since most recent update
Cornerstone Failing to save
Text in footer became not visible
Looper - Show child post of parent post
Cornerstone upgrade crashed site
Failed to save issue on one page on my site
Can't validate site
Slider revolution element not functioning, Other set up functions not available
Lose blocks post page to cornerstone?
"X" WooCommerce Single Product Page covered by Footer?
Layout Builder - Condition - Child Post
Issue transitioning homepage built in test page to live front page
Need help with Cornerstone 6.0.8
Help to change background
Changes XTheme Cornerstone not visible
Hover Over Image to change to other image the is clickable
Background Video Not Playing anywhere
PHP Warning after update
Custom Blog created > Category is not showing correctly
Dynamic Portfolio Category
All image content disappeared after update
Global settings do not seem to be working
Your code is valid but looks like it has already been used on another site. You can revoke and re-assign within your Themeco account. HELP
Page modifications won't save: 'Uh oh!'
Buttons changed colour, cannot find css
Adjust the margin/padding on an entire section
I can't select different day in MEC Calendar Monthly view
Post element on mobile are cut off
Pro Unlimited Site Not Validating
Layout Builder: Tags Archive Page
Column Layout Ignored After Update
Unable to check for update. 4.3.3 shows as latest
Envira Gallery full photos not appearing after clicking on thumbnail
Pro Unlimited Site Not Validating
Sticky Header Pro - Responsive Toggle Image
Pro Editor not loading again (and I've tried all the usual troubleshooting)
Product Review Layout
All lay out suddenly disappeared
Cannot instal demo sites
Button color not rendering properly & line elements missing on site
Add Background image
Menu Drop Down not working on PC
Add Background image
Can't activate Pro unlimited License in Subdomain
ACF file URL not being provided
Demo Content looks nothing like demo
Accordions not loading full short code content
Cannot Install Demo Sites for X or Pro
When I go to theme options
URGENT: License Doesn't work!
Mega menu drop down
Cart Category Page Issues
Rev Slider issue on PRO - Safari Related
Countdown displays differently on Chrome, Safari and Mobile browsers
WP Reporting Issue with Cornerstone
Fontawesome referenced incorrectly
Essential grid - custom grid - custom link not working
Layer slider update
Product Review Layout 2.0
Crash after Update
Products appearing in Ethos Blog Post Carousel
Dynamic acf fields options only showing on one page
Page footer broken - displaced after update
Wpforms styling not working
Bug on responsive row layout
The last x theme completly broken my website wtf guys
Maps failing api check on Pro 5.0.8 but working on 5.0.5
Video display
No suitable preview area found (…) for header
Button color
New Slider Issue on iOS
Responsive text broke after update 5.1.2
Flipcards don't flip after update
License isn't Activating
Menus Not Working As Expected After Theme Update
Responsive text broken version 5.1.3
Critical uncaught error
Cornerstone Builder Issue
Images got smaller after updating to 5.1.3
Update to 5.1.4 breaks wordpress site
Error in JS
Theme license not recognized
Burger menu on mobile doesn't open every time
Anchor Links are not going to the right spot
Slider revolution no longer working
Blog Thumbnails Not Showing Up
What does the Gutters setting under Content Sizing for bars in header builder do?
Elements visible before fade in effect animation loads and plays
Product short description not breaking lines with looper
White header error
Unable to install Crafty site from Design Cloud
Scrolling getting stuck on iPhone only
Using the ACF field "Checkbox" --> How to output Label and Value separately
Filter the provider according to the connected user
Menu item in navbar not clickable on touch device
My Site Is Ruined After Update
Need help adjusting these gaps
Additional Questions about Image Lightboxes
Menu top padding disappears when not logged in
Site not validating - The Awkward Ninja
Woocommerce payments css issue
Home page is un responsive in cornerstone editor - xtheme pro
Slider post minimal
Pro 5.1 bug with Ajax add to cart
Navigation ontop of slides
Random Twitter Links
Slider Element - Slider doesn't play in order
White Loading Ring
Slider inside a slide - Navigation
Compatibility issue with Polylang plugin
Query String with __not_in
Update version
Multiple errors
Native Slider transition in safari
Not all columns in row are showing up in mobile
Elements jumping and overlapping on lower resolution screens and mobile devices
How can I retrieve the values of an array type field created with ACF Pro via Dynamic Content?
Strange gaps showing up when background image is turned on
Moving the staging site
Popup plugin doesn't work at < X | The Theme> page builder
Not able to save
Post "Tiles" broken after update
Blog posts do not show
Blog posts sliding toward one side
Portfolio Item Page Layout Setting
Pagination on blog archive page
Pro theme conflicts with script blocker of Borlabs Cookie - making it unable to find scrips (e.g. Google) anymore
Broken Pagination
Unable to add new elements or view outline in cornerstone
Slight shaking in certain sections
Product Validation issue
Cornerstone is stuck on loading screen
Megamenu submenu width
Gold Foil Effect CSS
Slider w/ looper and random order not working
Adding Instagram Feed to Footer
Portfolio filters not functioning, overlapping
HELP! I'm using x theme pro, wordpress dashboard all text format
Installation not working - hair pulling out!
Headline text effect issue
Can't Access Design Cloud - Stuck at Loading
What are Theme Options set to for new Hero Prompt Slider
Stopping video when lightbox closes
Woocommerce apple pay and google pay not displaying?
Using MEC Events for consumer content
Magazine design in Ethos stack disrupted
Header is not showing frontend
Cornerstone Standalone Plugin Issues - New or duplicated elements do not appear in builder
Global Footer Glitching
X-Theme 9.1.4. update crashed my website
Parallax Hero section
Some headers no longer visible
Header not assigning to blog
Mobile Wrapper/Display Issue
X theme Ethos slider issue
User Role Editor does not have access to Layout Builder
Interact link buttons don't work
Error when trying to install Slider Revolution on Godaddy hosting
Need Help With Look of Slider on Mobile Devcies
Top Separator / Bottom Separator - CLS Shift / Structure
Counters stopped working on site
Is there any **{{dc ...}}** syntax in order to receive Category for both ARTICLES and PAGES?
Critical Error WooCommerce Order Actions
Why blog title is not showing
ACF Pro Custom Post Dynamic Content
Unlink my current location
Max is not showing up
License doesnt want to save
Pagination wrapper present but not working
Duplicate Posts
How to hide section when looper provider does not return a result
X theme Pro - Header Spacing Issue
Cornerstone v5 not loading
{{dc:term:name}} not outputting CPT taxonomy
Non-responsive button
Migrating my Site
How to set the widget to be the right corner of the header top bar? (continues)
Cornerstone Workspace doesn't work
X Theme Menu Font Colour Locked to Blue
Website Size
Footer is assigned, but won’t show up
Front End Broken
Remove negative top padding for short descriptions on product pages and shop in Pro
Buggy Editor
Header/Footer Z-Index Issue with Modal
Update error cod enot added to themeco account
Homepage not loading on a mobile, but all others do
Design cloud site doesn't come complete
Column widths not saving for different screen sizes
Section only visible in Pro editor
I can't change the color settings of total and loaded in the audio element timerail
"Permissions-Policy" console error only on 1 page
My site crash after update header
Footer translation with WPML
JS Error X Theme portfolio
Customize woocommerce product page with layout builder
Changing Website Location
Form Integration not appearing on mobile
Remove Author And Date From {{dc:post:excerpt}}
'only' Paypal standard button appears on cart page
Layout vanished after wordpress update
Layout content disappearing on update
Dev site not validating
Custom fonts not recognizing BOLD / STRONG variations?
Understanding Priorities in Headers
Issue in menu (made in cornerstone header section)
CSS Import statement not being honoured in recent update
Envira Gallery License
Icons for Cornerstone Not Showing
Looper JSON Image / Retina
Cornerstone and WPML
Recreate Gym Demo Accordion
Assign header to blog home page
Page won't save - error message
All my Conerstone content is not being displayed
Products Per Page Not Working
Copied Section Doesn't Perform the Same
Cornerstone not working - 2.4.22
ACF: Looper, Lightbox, and Image Link
Video Not Playing on X Theme Pro
Change to Full Width Post
Woocommerce Product Reviews Pro
Cornerstone not loading, wheel is just spinning (Fresh install, latest version, fresh WP)
How to update Cornerstone 1.3.3 to latest version
Can't use Customizer error: There has been a critical error on this website
Site broken all of a sudden
Counter Not Working Feb 2022
Content shift after upgrading from X to Pro
Global blocks not loading - can't edit them
Left header : how to align elements on top
Video controls not visible on live website
Use specific page for preview when creating a Custom Header
Issue with menu button in Pro/Cornerstone after upgrading to WordPress 5.9
Toolbar problem
Product Display Settings in WooCommerce not showing
Content Dock Not Closing - Submission or X-Close
Help please urgent
WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder with WooCommerce = Error
Edit pro is not working on the client side
Unable to access/edit pages via cornerstone
Two sticky bars — second bar disappears after scrolling down and back up to top
Insert Image in Toolbar Not Working
Rev Slider color photos coming up b&w
Plugin X Shortcodes not working,
Image Not Showing in Promo
Essential grid frontend looks off after an update
Valid license refuses to validate
Unable to upload media
Messy layout in the section
Inspector not working after update
Essential grid / skin editor / not working anymore
Side Scrolling Bar Menu Issue
Pages showing Not Found Error
Header Top Links stuck in active status
Under Construction only working now and then
Images on home page not showing
Cornerstone or pro not loading
Fullwidth Image Spacing
Your license of Pro is not validated.Place your Themeco license to unlock automatic updates, access to support, and Extensions
Why are random alphanumerical digits appearing on my website?
Gravity forms add signature not working on X theme
Broken site from latest plugin update
Headline is changing font
Getting 'Posts' element to reach the sides of the page
X Theme Pro Nav bar align right
Transparent header on top of content
X-Theme, Bullet Icons Not Displaying Correctly
Unable to load content from post. in *****/wp-content/plugins/cornerstone/includes/classes/element/class-element-front-end.php
Cant access design Design Cloud on a new install of X Theme
Close navigation with ESC key
Edit footer in Theme X
Site looks off randomly
The preview could not load due to a http/https missmatch
Section is not clickable
Posts are not displaying content (only white space)
When are you going to fix the Portfolio?
Cant add Featured image in Porfolio
iPad Issues with Pro
Error can not perform opSlash
Cornerstone/Pro is NOT updating logo image
Totally confused: Cornerstone not working
Unlimited Pro Account - Not Validating
Portfolio Archive Pro Layout
Gaps not showing on front end
Dropdown menu: Items first level not clickable on tablets
Spacing issue at the top of page
Cannot Edit with Cornerstone on Wordpress, shows blank page
Custom Font Not Uploading
WPML integration issues with XTheme
Modal lining issue
Evenly space things vertically
Mobile menu disappears
Cornerstone slow or failing to load
Website scrolling Issue on Phone
Mobile menu disappears
Recent Posts Images Showing Up Different Sizes
Valid license refuses to validate - new
Scrolling sluggish
Issue with old content showing up as the excerpt on our search pages
Issue with cornerstone page builder not loading
Display specific taxonomy term in looper
Help with portfolio page-content disappeared
Essential Grid + Pro Theme - Grid not showing
Dynamic content prevent last post over 3 columns in width
Formatting magazine posts and blog pages pt II
Help with portfolio page-content disappeared
Images Not Adjusting Properly on Mobile Phones
Modern Slider 09 Logo Carousel Logo Issue
Font size not changing - super tiny!
Foobox does not work anymore after update
Change background colour of posts page
Mobile Menu No longer working on mobile devices
X-theme admin-navigation problems
Single Page Post Templates not pulling in post content
Error fatal
Single Page Post Templates not pulling in post content
Pro Unlimited .. Validation won't stick
Align section lower backgrund video centered
3 Column Arrangement Issue
Your code is valid but looks like it has already been used on another site. Help
"The preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete" error
Frank's Diner - cannot edit attributes
My site wont validate
None of the cornerstorne templates will populate on my site
Button Opening Modal Error
Can't revoke license
Fatal Error, need help please
Layout not being applied to archives/blog category
Cannot see latest posts when logged out
Slider Element (Stacked) does not display correctly
Problem with Cornerstone moved
Template upload not working
Modal / Gravity Forms / Pro - Using Modal hash works but one problem
Header / footer conditions not applying to post type
Comments on articles identified as reviews - Cornerstone
Cornerstone Editor Outline View Stuck Across Top of Screen
Search modal styles reset
Second Blog Preview Floats on top of First Blog Preview after Resizing Window
No templates found in cornerstone
Background video does not play on mobile and poster image does not show either
Display Categories with Loopers
Need help with background video
Cornerstone unable to edit image
Envira gallery thumbnails mixed portrait and landschape pictures
Updating from version 3.1.2 to version 5.1.45
Issues with 'loopers' displaying post categories
Border / Looper Bug
Portfolio not displaying correcting in Safari
Custom 404 Plugin and Layout Builder Pages
Unable to insert image in text field
The Mega Menu Off Canva is not working in iOS & Android when use the Cellular signal
WooCommerce / Custom Taxonomies / Page Assignment issues
Activate Off Canvas Area via menu item
Essential Grid VS Advanced Custom Fields
Button Shortcode Conflict
The page is not showing up
Using an ACF key in the subheadline of the headline element
Footer assignment priority
Bogue en version mobile
Mobile menu disappears again
Hamburger menu not working correctly on mobile
Archive & Post (Page) setup from layout
How to backup Theme Options?
VAT treatment of different products not permitted by woocommerce, working around with Pro
Customise in X Theme option stuck on loading
Cannot validate X theme for new URL
Error Message - Cannot Activate Code: Code Valid but used on another site
Contact form taking very long to send
Background video doesn't show past Pro 5.08
How can I change the Color of ICON menu highlight
Sticky header pops when bar container is above it
Fixed Nav Behaving Erratically on Mobile
Hidden Background Video Element Appears as Full Screen on WebKit (iPhone) Browsers
Inline Slider shows duplicate posts
Content Dock Broken
Condition on looper provider
Condition on looper provider
Cornerstone and its builders Page(s) cannot be found
Iframe header problem
X Pro - Woocommerce colour swatches
Shop is Blank & Template Missing from Layout Builder
Adding alt text to logo slider from "modern sliders"
Cornerstone not loading pages. Can't Edit after Using Godaddy's Flush Cache feature
Multiple Recent Posts shortcodes causing page content duplication bug
Tabs showing stacked vertically instead of horizontal on this instance
Problem with content appearing at bottom of page
ACF images in editor?
My website is no longer working after i've updated the theme
WooCommerce Description Tab not Open on Product Page!
Mobile nav on Pro have to click twice
Agency theme - Portfolio - Case study - Unchangeable
Can't get Slider REvolution to Update
Help with CPT and ACF
Recent Posts looks weird after update
Cornerstone left panel edit not loading
WooCommerce Mini-Cart not loading on Home Page
Problems with Global block content
Mobile layout stretches off the side
Twitter embeds in inline slider don 't work on mobile
Homepage Layout Messed Up in Firefox
Ubermenu Submenu Margin
Pro Color Manager error after downloading template
Mini cart doesn't show in header
Featured Image Not Displaying on Custom Post Layout
Extra margin to Global Blocks
Cornerstone fatal PHP Error - Preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete
Edit with PRO Not working :(
Changing layout on mobile only
Design Cloud - Site doesn't install completely some items are missing
Window data layer text showing on my header page please help
Design Cloud - Site doesn't install completely some items are missing
Urgent - Cornerstone Update Fatal Error
Header has too much space below containers - extra strip of background showing
Expand size of columns
Broken Gallery related to Posts and (possibly) The Grid plug in
Get Value From an Array in a Looper
Theme Background Color Overriding Page Color
Mismatching views in editor and browser after some update
E&P Form Builder + WP Forms
Categories block on Gutenberg showing only partially
Latest update broke TICKER?
Excerpt length and "read more" link on category archive page?
Slider objective
Flickering pages issue
PHP / Cornerstone Conflict
Effect Animation only appears one time
Getting 2 Backend WordPress Errors after Updating Theme & Cornerstone
Problem with Yoast metabox in Wordpress Editor
Full Screen Slider Background Image
Critical error after migrating site
Cornerstone Won't Load Builder
Essential Grid - videos freezing + Smooth Scroll issue
Replacing the Grid plugin
When I activate the Pro theme, I get the error and the site crashes
Modern Events Calendar Sidebar Not Loading
Cannot get content/sidebar to work!
Help with header - hero image and hamburger menu change
[Error] X Demo Importer failure
Menu problem on xtheme
Category page messed up
Test link to page section
Modal - Setting Width
Massive CPU usage on one of my pages
Make page mobile responsive
WordPress passworded Pages/Posts not working
Modern Events Calendar won't update
Help! home page broken after theme update?
Header image load acting strangely
Themeco License Not Validating
Cornerstone could not update page after adding modern slider via page builder
Getting error while adding image to footer
Video embed inside modal displaying too small and not showing Vimeo controls
WC Shop Pagination
Missing Woocommerce Product Description Editor Box
Error after upgrade
Video in modal won't stop playing when closed
My Account shows up twice
X theme - Email Form plugin - critical error message July 2022
Gutenberg columns showing differently from the preview
Maintain styling in Icon
WooCommerce Account - Orders List
Blog Posts Page Loading Slow in Chrome Only
Cornerstone Activation Leads to Fatal Error with X Theme
Header not assigning to multiple pages correctly
Smart Slider 3 not full width
Blog pagination not showing
WooZone Plugin issues
Adding boarder to featured image
Add Spanish flag to Primary menu
Changed the stack to Icon and now my portfolio page does not display items
Layout template assigned but doesn't show
Errors while saving in editor
Critical error a new WordPress site
WordPress Menus Timeout due to Cornerstone
Unable to delete Headers, templates
Links Not Working on Cornerstone
New footer not displaying
Body Content Shortocde
Essential grid random load
HTML form not recognizing rows?
Essential Grid filters not showing all the posts
Slider not sliding
Users who are not logged in experiencing issues
Show Posts related to User - CPT / ACF + WP-Query String
Using "Google Maps' field in ACF Pro
Two Problems
Cpt ui archive can't preview
Two Problems
Woocommerce Shop Page Product Image Not Resizing
Short code not working in x theme pro
Content not load website on iphone 13 in portrait mode
Background Layer Object Fit "Cover" shows like "Fill"
System font not loading – GDPR problem
WSOD after updating the website
Blog Navigation has stopped working
Trying to upgrade from Pro 4.1.5 to Pro 5.1.5 with no joy
Cant use imported templates
Activating Cornerstone Causes Critical Error
Layout messed up on website
Cornerstone Stuck Spinning While Loading
Slider revolusion not updating
Error type E_ERROR in pro theme
Slider using ACF Pro
Http/Https help
Row Columns are not stacking on small screens
The Navigation Collapsed drop down menu is not working properly on mobile
Design Cloud theme install - Preparing Taxonomies stuck/looping?
Trying to fix an old site that uses x-theme. A color is being loaded externally
Problem with loading Pro and saving changes
Losing front page slider with Ethos stack after upgrade
Counter not working
Blur on inline slider element
The Key is not working
RankMath not compatible
Updated to latest theme 10.1 and header is broken
Template Download error message (Xtheme Pro)
Component dont working
Themeco Mobile Menue Compressed/Collapsed
Cornerstone Spinning Wheel - not loading
Vimeo hero slider not showing on home page
Help with div/column size
Cornerstone Rich Text is not working
Problem with layout sidebar
Video thumbnails do not align. Can not fix issue. Problem with theme portfolio layout
Top scroll anchor and one page navigation
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/customer/ [website] /public_html/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/includes/classes/Tss/Runtime.php on line 176
Under Construction Plugin not working for me again
Change default search to Ajax Search Pro (X Theme)
Breakpoint display headers on mobile doesnt allow headers to display
Can't select elements in X
Wordpress 6.1 and critical errors?
Preview Won't Load
Fashionista Header Questions
Custom looper - list all rooms except for current single page id
Essential Grid causes timeouts and errors
Pro Cornerstone Interface | vertical, horizontal, etc
Footer disappear
Almost all Google Fonts not loading except a few
Custom Fonts getting lost by time
Do I need a child theme?
Links not clickable in Pro portolio layout
Gym demo classes portfolio
Cornerstone pages redirecting to 404
Slider shows part of next slide
Error after installing cornerstone
Installing pro - I have increased my memory for Wordpress to take the file and have changed the name via FTP to pro.old
Images not displaying on mobile view of products in store
Assigned Header Menu does not show up
Mobile Display Swipe Left Before Sticky
Raw Content Area showing below footer
Custom Font not working right
Fatal Error on Updating Plugin-help request
Headline Centering
No Suitable preview are found
Installing single use theme
Have filters gone from the portfolio?
After Cornerstone and v10 X update, pages dont update or preview correctly
Two problems on my website, help!
I want inline slider to fit on page all slides
Customization lost after recent updates (Pro)
Cornerstone not displaying posts properly when using templates
After Update Themeco can't update pages!
Lost custom fonts after upgrade to Theme X 10.0.2
Home Page Demo Content Missing
Mobile Menu not Hidden during set breakpoints!
Mobile Menu Broken and Fonts not Displaying
6.0.2 Update problem with prior versions layout pages
After pro update to 6, anchor links not scrolling, they are jumping instead
CSS issue after X theme update
Trouble Validating License Jan 2023
6.0.3 BUG custom font problem
Themeco Pages & Templates not found
Revolution Slider Missing 2023
The Grid Issues after Updates
Pro 6.0.3 --- Issue with WooCommerce and Search results and conditions
How to make {{dc:post:excerpt}} show with breaks/paragraphs?
Layout change between breakpoints
Site will not load Theme Options or Cornerstone
Pro > MEC > Liquid View Layouts error
Pro theme not validating - need help
Hyperlinks go to top - Only on mobile
Pro workspace
All websites with Navigation Collapsed are not working on mobile (iPhone)
Links not all working on hompage after latest X theme and Cornerstone updates
Pro Theme Missing Optiongs
Dynamic Content: Show all map pins on a single map
Cornerstone not working all of a sudden
Archive layout not working for specific category and gives PHP error
How to add a looper/slider of certain events to the portfolio single layout
Pro & TEC The event calendar
Upgraded and Don't Know How to do iFrame Any Longer
Weird issue on Slider element since update 6.0
Using Tabs in a Looper is breaking
Background mages missing after update, and content is repeating itself
Native slider: adding horizontal and vertical images
How to get rid of preset footer
Cornerstone is blank on Production site, no issues on Staging site
Weird issue on Slider element since update 6.0
Update from Pro Version 5 to 6 removes layouts
Looper Provider with an ACF field in the query
Using 2 menu bars, there is a flash on load
Old sections built on Cornerstone can not be edited
ACF Pro select field key to display value
One page site link to column
Display sub links by default
How to test Pro site in another Theme
Hex Code in Content Doc
Formatting Post Pages in Pro 6
Multiple errors, warnings and others when upgrading to PHP 8.1.12
Show Only Post in Specific Category In Slider
Essential Grid: Custom meta field not displaying on blog posts
Exclude categories from Archive pagination not working after update 6.X
Crafty main image overflow
Scrolling on Mobile falters
Update 6.1.2 cannot edit pages
Cornerstone not loading again
Error when I try to edit a page that was build with cornerstone
Cornestone doesn't upload
Text Shadow Not Displaying
Can't Validate Plugin
Google Page Manager Not Working 25% of the Time
Dragging a row causes element to go hatched and disappear
Video Background Not Showing Pro
Wholesale only products showing up for everyone
Imported Elements Not Showing Up in Pro
Since 6.1.5 update, text with fade in effect, blink before appear
Cornerstone and Essential Grid
Nav-menus.php crashes
Search bar/Sandwich Menu buttons not working
Updated site and the layout has been changed
Upgraded to Pro 6.1.5 - line breaks and returns in text elements no longer work
Safari tab name not following the document name
Clicking on the "X" link in wp backend creates critical error
Error after deinstall Woocommerce
Upgraded to 6.1.7 - All Existing Layouts Now Blank
Conditions in nested looper
Cornerstone and magazine look
Blog Layout Changed After Update
My License won't validate on my site
Cornerstone standalone Formidable form issue
Clone Existing Page Functionality Only Shows Existing Pages in Draft
Woocommerce single layouts don't work
Cornerstone Down: Uh Oh! Error Message
ACF Rating field in looper
Carrousel with loop
Dynamic Content - child access parent information?
Header Assignment Not Working PRO 6.1.9
Use dynamic content to pull a media file from an ACF field
Sticky header shrink on load and not on scroll
Changes not showing on editing page
Cornerstone not updating text
Cornerstone endless loading caused by video embed element
Error on Home Page
Don't show thumbnail if not available
Cornerstone slows down
“The definition for this element could not be located. You may need to activate a plugin. The type declared for this element is: undefined”
Setting the content width
Change HTML based on ACF Data
Videos no longer displayed
How do I get support?
Website has gone haywire!
Custom Fonts Not Working in Cornerstone
Accurate Instructions to Update Theme
Single Layout lost after update
What happened to Design Cloud Presets?
Hierarchical taxonomy is empty - how to tell the looper?
Post showing "post" in breadcrubs
Contact Form 7 email field rejecting all addresses
Social Media in Navigation
Slow Cornerstone Editor
Importing site from design cloud does not work
Site Broken, Can't access pro
The preview could not load due to misconfigured URLs
Pagination element isn't showing on specific blog category pages
Essential Grid File Download from posts
Update successful apart from desktop homepage
Modal Scrollbar Closes Modal When Clicked
Component Insertion
Revolution slider not showing on mobile view
Condition using shortcode
Force Download PDF
How do I apply preset to tabs (change to vertical) in the new Cornerstone builder?
Edit Cornerstone page
No Dynamic Content button
Mega menu dropdown position shifted when scrolling back up
Themeco Pro not compatible with Wordpress 6.2
Modern slider posts looper off screen
Website not working well after update
Website Error on Microsoft Edge, Firefox Browsers
Pro 6.2.3 bug - using "calc" or dynamic content in padding
Looper Field key="type" and Conditions
New Version roll-out for X Theme crashing sites everywhere
Cornerstone: Not Found requested URL was not found on this server
Hidden Header Menu is appearing
Layout builder - Results Archives
Mobile Scrolling Issue
Styles and hero video dropped out after update
Navigation Collapsed doesn't work on onepager with individual links in the menu
Inline Slider Cutting Off
Layout Builder archives layout completely gone
Blog Author/Meta Info Missing
Editor formatting issues
When custom fonts are used, the CSS font-style is set to an invalid parameter: regular
Where is the tech support I paid for?
Sub-menu x-dropdown
Anchor Links only work once on the page?
Tab with CPT Looper
I'm having issues loading Cornerstone
X Modal Close
Existing Sections do not work
Custom font issue on some computers and mobile
Pro Page Editor Not Loading
Slider revolution not available on one page
Fill div with image
Page disappearing and not loading - randomly
Update to Version: 6.2.7 gets 404 Not Found
The Link You Followed Has Expired” Error in WordPress
How to move page sections
Performance issue while buinding a page (and in the front-end too)
Inability to edit the header
UberMenu question
Struggling to get conditional logic with post categories to not display
Cornerstone interface being cropped
Image becomes very small when in tablet or mobile viewport
Passing parameters/values into a Component Shortcode for use as dynamic content
JSON issue with Contact Form 7
WooCommerce cart not displaying on mobile
Autoplay Progress Slider Issue
Sticky Header Scroll Up option not showing
Cornerstone error after new theme update
Elements not being dropped into correct positions in section
500 error loading cornerstone on one page only
Cornerstone Plugin Breaking UI When Logged In
Launching Cornerstone without edit page in menu
Cornerstone Plugin Breaking UI When Logged In
The Response is not a valid JSON response
Reuse cornerstone shortcodes
X 10.2.9 / Cornerstone 7.2.9 - Classic Accordions lost their titles?
Cornerstone - Unresponsive
Envira Album causing a page of my website not to load
You do not have permission to inspect this element type
Anchor link by section id goes to top of page (X/Cornerstone)
Error: Faild to save There has been a critical error on this website
Permission Isue
One archive layout for all categories?
Header Invisible in Cornerstone (Current Release)
Section Backgrounds not showing when edited
Woocommerce product descriptions have disappeared
Video link not working on portfolio
All my pages don't appear on cornerstone list pages
Can not modify my page. it seems locked
Bottom Sticky header moving past top sticky header
Global Parameters for managing font size
Help with Cornerstone + X
Cornerstone content not displaying
Typography changed in main menu and sidebar texts + Featured image blog
How to edit navbar drop down menu color, font, and alignment
Certain categories not showing in query builder
Updating a page failed. The response is not a valid JSON response
Current update wiped my CPT looper content?
How do I get a custom page template to appear in Cornerstone page settings to choose from?
Essential Grid: how to sort using a custom field AND ALSO the title of a post?
Perfmatters JS Delay Issue
Adding plugin page not found
Responsive Text Element appeared and I can’t remove or view it
Custom HTML
Font Size preview not same as font size on actual site
Video with z-index
Business Integrity Theme
Menu showing erratically & gallery images disappeared
How to translate {{dc:global:date format="F Y"}} string
ACF Pro & Custom Post Type
Hide div by condition if post catergory is not
Post Page Numbering not working
Set Pro as WordPress Default Theme
Cornerstone dashboard - there is no page preview
Specifying the h1 and h1-2 tags
How make X Button open link in new tab?
Design Cloud - templates gone
Cornerston page builder is not loading
Urgent: Headers Messed Up
Comment section to Custom Post Layout
Setting up Categories with Terms Element > Current Post Terms Not Working As Expected
I want to change the design of recently viewed products/items
Cornerstone previews wysiwyg broken with blank page
Cornerstone keeps loading on some pages
Warning: Undefined array key
Cornerstone templates does not work
6 coulomb in a row
In multisite, site admin has not the same privileges of superadmin when editing in cornerstone
Cornerstone: Element with parameters stops working
With the hamburger menu, submenus overlap (happening again, 2023)
X theme broken formatting on update
Custom Post Type Not Working
Line Element not displaying anything
2 sites out of 7 sites updated to 6.4.1 so far with errors
Hide during different breaking points broken after recent update to 6.4.1
Pagination Visibility
Errors with ACF Pro
Hash links covered by Sticky Header
Position and size problems in cornerstone
Site Jumps to Middle of Homepage Upon Load with 6.4.2 Update
Appearance/Menu Bug?
Do I have a javascript error?
Site went down with update to WordPress 6.4.1, X Theme cannot activate, Need Cornerstone code
WordPress Failed Upgrade with Cornerstone Plugin (Cornerstone not Launching)
Cornerstone and Youtube Videos causes loading bars only one preview
Double XX Modal Close
Desperation around the preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete
Query Builder and Taxonomy
Uber Menu not loading after recent WP update
Cannot access the off canvas content area
New archive layout gives page not found error
Scroll sections with anchor links to top of viewport instead bottom of header
Latest update has added "drop down" icon to all menu categories
I need to place an image in the footer widgets using Content Dock
Delete icon and AND button not displaying when long title post come
How to edit the sidebar
Double Arrows on navigations and Footer
I am getting Please choose product options by visiting error
Default install of bbPress does not show forum index properly
We just updated the Theme and now the website is not working
Dynamic Rendering
Footer Layout Not Wrapping on Mobile
ACF - Conditions - not working for Checkbox
Menu not working as it should on iphone
Revolution Slider not displaying (white screen) after update and now getting legacy errors
Cornerstone Component Loading issue
How to update from staging
Custom components not able to be looper consumers when in RAW element through shortcode
After upgrading layout automatically changed
Woocommerce CheckOut does not work with 6.4.9, but works with default WP theme
Latest update breaks the editor
Overflow error on Grid Cells
404 errors
Cornerstone editor ignoring style.css
Manually updating Pro via the WordPress dashboard
Can't get Sidebar to display
The Events Calendar Broken - Doesn't Display Events and Edit Screen Broken
Featured image size bug
Migration from a work site to production now we've got no icons and no theme design image
Sidebar not scrolling
Migration from a work site to production now we've got no icons and no theme design image
Cornerstone site is hitting its own IP address over and over again and eventually shutting down
Admin nav-menu page not loading
Cornerstone Editor Error - Can't Edit Pages
Global CSS is blank and giving browser errors
Content area modal no longer triggers popup
Clone existing page issue, page does not show up in list
Uh oh cant import template - read support threads nothing working
Cart off canvas on all pages
Custom Attributes Breaking
Inline Slider Exit/Enter scroll effects
Carosel not working afte update to PHP 8.2.2
ACF Checkbox Field
Woocommerce Membership plan - different header
Ubermenu Dropdown Width using Pro Header
Bug: adding dynamic content to icon type makes graphic icon section disappear
Unable to display a essential grid using cornerstone
How to hide some content by device size
Update Wiped my Website Clean
Full Width BG Image in Section
The grid fails to save new skin
Problems saving webpage after update pro 4.0.7
Using dynamic content permalink with an anchor id
4.0.7 throws massive errors
Missing WC titles
Website changed after update, see staging
Woo commerce product image crop
Global Settings not working on content/body area of page
Product validation with PRO
Menu and accordion not opening on iPhone after updating X and Cornerstone
Cornerstone installation triggering Fatal Error
License validates then invalidates repeatedly
Blank pages since update
Can't add elements to page or edit existing page
Cornerstone - Unresponsive
Navigation Collapsed Graphic Missing
Need a logo slider but images in The Grid or Essential Grid not sizing properly
Essential Grid Multi filter bug
The Grid plugin won't save in Skin Builder and Grid Builder
Statbar not working properly
ProVersion: 4.0.6 : Click Issues in Admin
Element animations on iPhone
Design for Headers overlapping Footer and header not scrollable
Not able to change background image under Theme Options
Thumbnail Images not always scaling properly
Cornerstone not loading page
Wordpress/Cornerstone Running Slow
Checkout Layout Not Loading
Design Cloud CSS overwrite
Rev Slider behaves differently when added in Pro builder vs. placed under masthead on edit page
Essential Grid lightbox thumbnail border colour
Design Cloud Problem - Restaurant Demo
Edit newsletter design
Anchor outgoing links not working in cornerstone
Content not displaying
Cornerstone not displaying to edit / section not displaying
Can't remove gap to the left of revolution slider
Pro Bug? - Embedding post video via custom meta shortcode - not working on front end
Mobile Menu Button not showing icon
Important scripts and styles are not loading on my live production site, but not in my staging or local sites
Child Custom Elements
Pages not saving after update
Single blog post no longer has Pro content or ability to edit with Pro
Gutenberg columns and centered title not working
Cornerstone Layered Navigation CSS Classes
Footer position is wrong
Edit with pro after changing the page template
Cannot access site!
The Grid is not updating/saving changes
Failed to Save after latest update
Rich Text Option MIssing
Content area off canvas contains link in close button
Not able to move the license to new server
PRO / Notification setting for "currently empty archive page"
Revolution slider not visible
Cornerstone Content not Appearing on Edit, only on one Page
Unable to validate X license
Portfolio thumbnail mobile device
Adding hero image to Homepage
Edit with pro php error appearing for new pages only
License manager not working today
Issues after update to Pro 4.0.7. #1 Editor Builder Preview not working , #2 Videos are missing
Code Appearing on My DashBoard after loading Pro Theme
Music Player Icon Controls not working
Pro Version: 4.0.7 : E & P Form Builder does not display on front end
Double Rows for buttons in Pro Header
Gym Theme problem. Could you help me to fix it?
Pro 4 - how to disable page title
Main Navigation - Second Child Elements Difficult to Access
Unable to validate license after changing url
Failed to save notification
Posts and Portfolio
Validation apparently not working properly
Using shortcodes in alert
Wheres the support
Replacing old theme with new theme from design cloud
Page content disappeared and can't insert templates
"Style" or "Class" field for Classic Text not working anymore
Header Front Page assignment not working
Extensions not showing pro
MEC Calendar Booking Module Not Working
Social media icons not displaying
Plugin Tools Missing - Draw Attention
I paid a new license and can not make it recognized
If menu through header pro the sub menu item is not opening
Page title/Header Image
Dynamic Post List zindex
How to adjust Cornerstone elements for mobile and other smaller screens
Appearance > Menu Incredibly Slow
How to delete "Button" from Back of the card
Text in image
Single X Pro license not validating on website
Header not loading when installing demo in X
I upgraded to Theme X PRO and can't see the header/ footer editing options
Global block nav question + google analytics plugin error
Site down and I need support. I paid for support, I guess forums is my only recourse?
Cannot edit website using cornerstone
License manager not working today
Checkout Page Layout
Cornerstone NOT installing & activating
Licensing issue on staging site
Title event with top of image block to left
Revolution Slider Flashing Different Content
CSS broken after theme upgrade
Search Issues
Session expired
Failed to save error continues on site designs. Uh Oh!
Theme not validating
ACF Pro not adding paragraph tags
Menu can't be found in "assign menu" section
Pro License Not Validating
Child theme issues
Inability to save changes to existing pro content (4.0.11)
Portfolio custom slug does not take effect
Our license is not working on our migrated site
Burger Menu button does not work on mobile device
Sticky Headers in Safari
Button "Get Design Cloud" not working
Can't Save CSS or JS in Header | X-PRO 4.011
Need help please
How can i get the @ ( Graphic icons ) aligned in the Contact Forms 2 in Renew?
Problems with my site when upgrading from X to Pro
Add logo on the left in navbar and outline rest of menu to the right
I am having an issue with my website, its saying Internal Server Error 500
Eg - insta stream - no support yet?
When I edit one of my pages everything looks fine. Viewing the site everything changes
Troubleshooting Studio Gold
Banner does not show on the Shop Page
How to integrate MailChimp?
Nav Collapsed - Auto close after selection
Update to Cornerstone 5.0.9 breaks site
Woocommerce Checkout Manager errors
Header - Easy Banking Demo
Code visible on page
Unable to use Pro all of a sudden
Email subscribe failure
Missing content in builder
Okay how do I change images on this template
Video still shows up on page after deleting it from the column
Problem with activating the license
Card element not stacking in columns
Mega Menu (UberMenu) with static submenu items
WPML & Post Grid Glitch with Default Language
Update Theme Failed
Pro: stick header hides woocommerce alert messages
Email Forms plugin error
Trying to activate X theme but it keeps saying validation required
Themeco Pro not working with Plugins
Cornerstone Visual Editor Frits-Out After Any Edit And Loses All Styling
Updated to 4.09 and homepage not presenting as it does in Edit mode
Bought basic theme, then upgraded to Pro - won't validate
How can I use an essential grid with a video instead of images?
Revolution Slider not appearing
License Problem with transfer
Image element as background, how to manage on mobile
The Grid Plugin - Does this thing still even work?
Menu Disappearing on Individual Product Page
How to fix this Plugin Error?
Z-index not working in my case
Cross-sells still showing twice
Cornerstone update ruined my website, again
Change text size, format on post page
Collapsed Menu + Sticky bar
WooCommerce text Issues
Icon trouble
Strange problem with Hyperlinks
License reset - Validation and Revoke of License not possible
Feature Lists side by side in one column
Can't Install Design Cloud
Mobile Accordion Not Working After Update
Unable to Validate New License
Can't edit text in sections or add elements
Error - The preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete
Search, tag and archive functions not working after updates
Mobile header is not changing + Animate elements
Crafty overlapping column content
Unable to validate X license
Using Global Block for Top Bar
Replacing Layouts Using Assignments In Pro
ID in my button not working
Header background video above masthead not displaying on top
Cornerstone editing options disappeared following updates to: Cornerstone 4.2.3 WP: 5.6 and X: 7.2.3
Mouseover submenus missing after wordpress update 5.6
Principal menu disappear
X Theme Menu not displaying correctly Published page return 404
Uber mobile menu toggle icons is not working
The Grid Filter Logic problem
Cart Off Canvas Button Links not connecting
The Grid Animation Effect
Blog Post overview works not correct
RevSlider AJAX Errors and Cornerstone
Checkout and Cart Not Working
Help! cat update site
Translation does not show
Troubleshoot difference between layout in backend and frontend
Problem with PRO grid
The Grid Plugin not working in 8.1.5
The Header overlaps page for page break 980px-1199px
Gray BG being applied where it should not be
YouTube video on Slider Revolution on mobile not playing
Нужно отобразить подвал на главной странице в теме Pro?
Two different blog pages
503 Service Unavailable when x theme is active
Cornerstone saving crashes the UI
Reopen: Blog Post overview works not correct
Homepage Style Broken
Classic Block Grid 'unrecognised' with new update
Page BG image not showing - Backstretch or x theme bug? HELP!
One Page Navbar background color + changing the height of a row
Rev slider not loading on ipad or iphone
Essential Grids Post Content not showing
PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in renew.php on line 135
Can't Open Pro Pages in Google Chrome Version 87.0.4280.88
Product gallery photos are tiny and overlap the main image
Post element not showing up in The Grid - Pro 4.10
Woocommerce doesn't redirect to thank you page after order completion
PRO Content editor not loading. Unable to save any changes
Issue closing Mobile Menu
Xtheme Pro Woocommerce Search Results Not Displaying
The Grid spacing issue
Need help with 'The Grid' shortcode placement
Posts Drafts Have Disappeared, Unable To Be Seen In Cornerstone Editing or Preview, Able to See Draft in Wordpress
Still having problems with Multiple Headers, buttons, images and headlines on different page breaks
Post slider is not showing
Blank page when trying to edit page and not all Design Cloud elements loaded
Page CSS completely missing on certain pages, plus other CSS errors after update
Getting errant CSS on my web page
X PRO problem after last update
Website breaks when updating WP, Theme & Plugins
Menus Very Slow in Admin
Physical memory maxed - prevents changes saved, hangs site
Display issue with Slider Revolution and Convert Plus pop-up
Fatal Error: Memory Limit
THE GRID plugin - Visibility settings not working
Using WooCommerce Products Cornerstone Element changes Page Title
Featured List Items - Broken when viewing page
Essential Grid with full activation not displaying backend, frontend or live
Logo image blocking social icons
Custom Portfolio Archive Page Issues [Layout Builder]
Pro Unlimited License will NOT Validate again
Items in WooCommerce shop cathegory are not properly displayed after update
Issue with the accent
Envira Gallery plugin causing problems
Header footer not loading correctly in Safari
Updated to wordpress 5.6 got black screen of death
Pro unlimited lifetime validation
X theme footer font bold
ConvertPlus Email Notification Not Working
Cornerstone is not displyaing the sections in the editor
Integrity-business slider not found
Footer border color does not respect hex codes
Can't see or add elements in Pro to make edits
Site says validated but then after refresh says not validated
Video Not Displaying
Unable to save on one page only. The rest of the pages work fine
Shortcodes inside Accordion won't compile after update
Are xtheme or cornerstone adding images to my media libary?
Issue with Pro Child Theme
Ethos Portfolio -(1) back/forward buttons and (2) display order
Accordion & Menu Bar Not Working
Insecure url
Pro 5.0.4: Flexbox not working on Navigation Inline
Allow Super-navigation Bar To Be Absolute / Transparent to Showcase Image
Pages not loading consistently after Standalone Cornerstone Builder Updated to Version 5.0.10
Insecure url
Staging site not verifying for my license?
Failed x theme update
Revolution slider video not starting unless clicking somewhere
Cornerstone not consistently saving images and hyperlink updates in blog posts
Theme Validation Failing
Fonts Not Showing Up Correctly On Page Load
Cornerstone not working due to iframe response being incomplete
Space under slider page slide up
Giant text in cornerstone editor
On X 4.3.4 and can't seem to find a way to upgrade
Cornerstone Bug - Throws up Woocommerce Error
Subheadline Bug in 4.0.11
Header headline & text layout
Woocomm Product Categories No Longer Scrolls Long List
Pro Theme, Soliloquy and Envira Gallery
Issue with mix-blend-mode
Fatal error Cannot declare class Cornerstone_Plugin_Base
Slider Revolution Issue - Not Appearing Full Screen V 6.2
Trying to instal Gym Templete
Reassigning licences
I can't access cornertsone it says ERROR 500
Cant drag and drop elements
Excessive Caching Data flooding server
PRO builder not loading due to http/https mismatch
Help with the header
Editing header and Footer on Design Cloud site - Glow
Update theme X 8.0.11
Issue with uploading images through Cornerstone
Envira Gallery Addons will not install
Essential Grid removing fonts - saving - fonts remain
Blog disappeared
Add button to of canvas area
Toolset Fields Issue
Can't find Content Builder to build new page in Pro
Pro theme: why is my site not loading faster?
Can't edit some pages in cornerstone since 5.5 upgrade
Congratulations! Your site is validated. Addons are now unlocked
Assign Header To BuddyPress Pages
Footer is shown on the right-hand side of the page
Content Builder does not match live site - Custom CSS/Saved Presets not displaying
Website homepage looks different while editing and live
Trying to install "Crafty" from Design Cloud, but it gives me error "Failed to install"
Scrolling Not Accounting for Sticky Header
Preview different from edit screen
Using Blog/Category/Post Builder X Pro - Questions
Adding an image from Pinterest
Don't show related in product detail page
Update Issues & Deprecated Plugins (Themeco + Third Party Extensions)
Contact 7 Form being deleted when I create new or duplicate
Mobile Menu Not Working Anymore
The preview could not load due to the iframe response v7.2.3
What is this plugin? installatron_hide_status_test?
Pages not loading consistently after Standalone Cornerstone Builder Updated to Version 5.0.10
[29-Dec-2020 22:47:30 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class Cornerstone_Header, because the name is already in use in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/includes/classes/regions/class-header.php on line 3
Front end looks very different to back end preview
The themeco pro layout is not opened
Cornerstone Save Button Not Working
Help spammer are injecting code in cornerstone
Filterable Index, Ethos
Pro 4.0 Issue with E&P Form Builder
Critical Error with 7.2.3 update
Sidebar not showing on shop pages
Pro Theme will not save changes in page builder
Content doubled on front-end on recently edited or created pages
Cornerstone not loading after domain change
Error after updating and re-install X
Theme x Pro Header Submenu not working on mobile
Pages disappeared
Pro Slow Menu Editing
Gallery - Auto pull images through to essential grid
Making a slider truely fullwidth
Featured Image on homepage only
Has my Custom CSS been moved?
Navigation Collapsed on a standard page - no toggle button?!
ACF plugin not shown under plugins, only in dashboard sidebar
Schema error since last update
My Billing state is missing
Lost X-Theme Extensions by updating different Plugins
Cornerstone not saving parent pages
Fonts and colours have changed
Menu issue on updating to Pro 5.0.5
Form plugin
X-Pro missing category within breadcrumbs
Padding from the seccion in X Theme
Critical error - Call to undefined method TGM_Plugin_Activation
Cornerstone license won't validate in site
Fixed header in pro header builder
Remove button and change text colour in cards
Failed to update header
X theme extensions not working + blog page Integrity
WPML / SEO Press Plugin - Sitemap issues
Selecting skin in Essential Grid
Post stops saving, shows as "page can not be found". Images disappearing from Media library
Incorrect page display in foreign languages
Performance and Layerslider loading
2 Single licences randomly became invalid
Lost menu connection in the footer somehow
Content Area Modal issue with rounding corners for image
Valid license won't activate
Slider overflow visible breaking layout
Common Envira loading problem
Updated X & Cornerstone, website now in error state, parts of pages missing! Undefined Element error in Cornerstone
Classic Social Sharer Bug : apostrophe in Share Title causes errors
Menu is acting strange in one page and it is so random
Modal toggle not triggering on click in published site
Apex Pro Theme Not Auto-Updating
Pro and WPML not working
Under Construction Goes To 404 Page On Save
Social icons do not appear in header or footer
No customizations are showing in Mobile Responsive
Vimeo video errors after update: full screen + missing videos
Faster scrolling for custom links and text anchors
Moved from WAMP to live. License validation doesn't "stick," and edit pages go blank
Navbar styling issue
Font updates showing in Pro but not on frontend
Video on mobile is there any options to make it happen?
BUG? Mobile Menu - Sub Indicator - Unable to resize
Lining up Footer Elements
X theme update wreaking havoc
The Grid Plugin Cannot Edit Masonry Skins
Can not update pages
Adding Commas to Counters
Upgraded to Pro, broke my site
Cornerstone and Theme Options redirects to login screen
The Grid size problems
Editing Portfolio Item with Pro is missing the item's content
WPBakery Library Templates Don't Work
Content area toggle secondary text line break <br> needed
Navigation Inline Submenu positioning
Editor won't load anymore
Error: We're sorry, the demo failed to finish importing
Page not found error appearing dispite backend page existing as live
Header assignment breaks every time I upgrade from stability to current version of Pro
Editing Search Results Page
Essential grid not allowing me to save or create
Shop Template lets you ad to cart without selecting a variable
Dropdown menu not aligning left
Cannot install demo content and theme CRAFTY using Design Cloud
Can't edit any content since update
6.51 Broke Homepage
My website is posessed! Post titles keep changing
CSS messed up after updating to Theme X 8.04 (and Cornerstone)
Essential Grid problem today
Page content tends to ‘snap back’ when first scrolling
Under Construction crashing my website
Unable to install on Design Cloud
How do i get blog post to show more post
Cannot Validate Pro Theme
Can't Drag and drop elements in Safari
Facebook Comment Feed not working in Safari - Loop
How to rebuilt the nav bar from the PRO template 'header - starter: hero' with icons that fill color when hover
SSL issues on page happening sporadically
Word Press Bakery Page Builder broken after latest Php update
The grid Facebook feed permission denied
Couple of questions
The Grid Plugin - not formatting correctly
Site askew; Google font not working since update
500 Internal Server Error after update
Section border disappears on hover
Staging site with license key not working
Underlining only text links
Custom portfolio
"Raw Content" element supports "Textarea" tag?
Link to ID with additional space on top
MY site broke and gives an error like php has been taken place(I think) the error was on the following
The Grid - Instagram Hashtag Feed Not working
500error on checkout
Link to specific section on another page not working
New clone website, pictures (headers) not showing
Cornerstone layout different to webpage layout
Embedded YouTube Videos not display in published posts
Slider Revolution and another plug-in not displaying images
Updating Plugins Not Working
A way to randomize or rotate columns
Unable to see update permalink
No Title / H1 Displaying on Blog Archives Pages - Pro Theme with Renew Stack
WPML incompatibility
Design Cloud not loading although memory limit set to 512 MB
Cannot connect Cornerstone Licenses to Wordpress
Website breaking - 500 errors
Mobile Menu Not Working - Version 4.2
Issue with accessing the editor
Home Page Elements Page Won't Save On Agency Template
Slider Revolution background video not displaying full size
Customising H1 etc tags
Theme Crafty
Fonts stopped loading in header after update to 4.0.10
Cornerstone editor not editing pages
Issues with The Grid plugin ajax loading
Font not working properly
The grid excerpt inconsistent
Disappeared Favicon
Looper Consumer Items per page
Cornerstone disappears when Yoast premium activate
Cannot get ACF Content to work in Custom Template
Update Issues with 5.2.3
Assign a Global Header
Essential grid and Revolution slider not working after latest updates
Dynamic content icon not showing up in button element
Sliders broken with X 7.2.3 and WordPress 5.5
Pro responsivness
Slider Revolution YouTube api could not be loaded. Check and renew SSL error in Chrome
Broken page during edit without saving! Information on SRCset and retina ready images
Disappeared Favicon
Site form not processing on mobile
Server side returns showing in WP dashboard
Ethos blog index as list
Editing in Pro bug
Upgrading php is causing site to crash
Failed installation
No features of X are working after updating X and WP
Best way to Embed Spotify Player?
Search result showing code not content
Portfolio filtering issue
Accordion Shortcode won't open after upgrade
Cornerstone Editor loading, but only showing "Content" and NOT working in the editor
WooCommerce Terms & Conditions box not displaying content
Slider Revolution 6.3.5 not working after update from 6.3.3
Create a Footer breaks the layout and adds a side bar instead
Page content disappeared and can't insert templates
Menu won't save
Clicking to Activate Cornerstone in Pro Logs Me Out
Display images from acf option page on header and footer
CTA not working after update
Header bar change background color on hover
Sitewide Padding
Can't add a sidebar to posts and can't remove comments
Weird bug on responsive padding on 5.0.6
License failing to validate
Ethos zoom and scroll issue
Headline Alignment with Subheadline
How to fix a lot of errors on my product page?
How do I add non elements when using Pro Editor to edit page content?
Can not edit header?
The grid fails to create new grids
Issues with anchor links in one-page navigation (Wordpress 5.6, X-Theme, Ethos)
Custom Font does not show
Design Cloud Problem - Restaurant Demo
Anchor Links in menu not working
Background Video Not Displaying and Solution
Pro Dynamic Content not working in live site?
YOAST is not reading text in my Posts
Making accordion title translatable
Woocommerce pages conerstone not loading - preview error
Post Pagination + FacetWP
Cornerstone: can load/edit one page, but not the other
Horizontally align images inside caption boxes
Columns not displaying properly in browser
Site now showing insecure
Pro theme page builder not working after updates
Change language blog terms
Problem with WPML/cornerstone
Not installing sites from cloud design
My theme crashed and I don't know why
Cant save changes in Cornerstone - April 2024
Fatal Error - crashing website
Fatal Error - crashing website
Cornerstone - 80% of the elements won't work/save
Demo site intallation
Pro issue with WPML
Slider Revolution modal plugin error
Site validates unlocks then un validates
Header disappears
Cornerstone Loading Issues Invalid or Unexpected Token
Mobile Menu Button help
Header Background Image Size
Pro: Header Color Change
Images are not displaying correctly on mobile, and text editing isn't working
Remove Sidebar From "Blog Posts" Page
Coding Woocommerce through child-Pro
SiteGround Optimizer breaks Pro
Question to validate code
WooCommerce AJAX and known incompatibility
Archive is showing on Blog
Sidebar Whitespace
Display Issue for Knowledgebase after update
Header translation since 4.0.x update
Child theme doesn't work
Theme Options for Footer Missing
Social Media Icons Showing Empty Squares
Button not opening new tab though it is set to
Embedded video on mobile and tablet doesn't show after update to x pro 4.0.6
Featured Image Not Showing on Facebook
Validation Page Not Working
Switch to pro for header nothing works now
Shop only showing one product per page
Anchor link going down too far on page
Some CSS not working after update
License Isssue - Unable to update
Cornerstone Update is Not Functioning Properly
Essential grid and Revolution slider not working after latest updates
Unable to turn off slider on Home page
Design Cloud - Like you mean it header
Rev Slider Full Screen Not Working
Anchor Links not working on client site
Headline + icon: how to set icon to be below headline?
Cornerstone not loading on web browser
Space Under Nav Bar
Cornerstone could not be activated
Cornerstone content won't save and causes site to become unresponsive
Breadcrumbs problem
Fatal error when updating Pro theme
Don't know how to get rid fo the dd
Font upload glitch:
Featured image size on difference device sizes?
Pagination not working on category archive
Portfolio stuck in loading
Slider revolution moves left on scroll
Slider Revolution - Before/After Slider
How to decrease the size of logo background in the stacked header
Cornerstone Won't Load (insecure requests)
Wordpress Portfolio gone after Cornerstone 5.1.1 update
Renew stack - one page anchors - all menu links are highlighted on opening page
Front end broken after update - have cleared all caches
Validation Successful but still requesting validation
Pro Editor does not work when Autoptimize plugin is active
Loading Issues
Background image homepage not there
Header Fonts Broken
Layerslider not displaying properly on mobile
Column wrong alignment
Can't get top bar button to float right
How to delete a Cornerstone page?
Classic Feature List animation glitch
Looper with conditions repeating first item
MEC: Thank You Page Interval
Not all Portfolio photos are shwoing
WooCommerce Stripe card icons now full width after updating
Cornerstone not loading to edit
Woo Cart/Checkout thumbnail size
Unable to install website via Design Cloud
Upgrade to Pro 4.2.3 can no longer edit
"The Grid" Plugin not working properly after Theme Update
Looper Query String crashing site
Pro editor not loading. And I've tried everything suggested by developers in other posts
Sticky posts in layout builder
Hide elements with dynamic content CSS classes?
Last Update Renders Pop Up Content Modals Wrong
Cornerstone Error with manual translation with Polylang
Critical Error on my website
Staging site - content not displaying after pulling from production
Error after update in staging
Cart navbar not updating
Header Font only changing on Home Page
Bugs on latest update Pro Theme
Have you updated your Google Analytics plugin to work with Google Analytics V4?
ACF Field Value and Shortcodes
Cornerstone Page Edit mode not showing elements
Cornerstone Media Library Image Upload Issue
Portfolio Item - PDF iFrame covering Text
Design Cloud - cannot find header rhythm in motion
Cornerstone editor not loading, wheel spinning
Sidebar error
Headers in Posts page
Format theme and elements visible in Cornerstone, but not on preview or live site on mobile devices
How to use custom font
Constant Contact no longer supplies API key / Access Token
Image Array - Date Modified Field Possibilites
Delete Unwanted Box
Implementing all in one seo pack breadcrumbs php code
Unable to edit footers in Theme Options
Convert single layout to archive layout
Pulling ACF data from custom post type through a Post Object
Full page background image renew stack
License Issue on Site
Everything in PRO builder is getting copied again outside of to erase?
Modal & Form
Eclipses Demo Failed to Finish Importing
Blog page build
Option to add link to a picture missing since update
Contact Form 7 can't be saved – redirects to 404 instead
Changed global block not showing
Modal area
Content Modal closes on interaction
Image in header not scaling
Revolution Slider Not Working After Updating
Cornerstone Fatal Error as a new web
Email forms adding users to WordPress back end
Trying to reduce padding on mobile menu, x theme, renew stack. Media query doesn't appear to be working
Revolution Slider stopped working since the last update
Contact Form 7 CSS disabled in new update
Pro Header Builder - Collapsed Navigation
Essential Grid Cover Link stopped working after update
Essential Grid Cover Link stopped working after update
Customize X in Theme Options not Working
Blog archive pagination shows same posts on further pages
Error with Video Player with X Theme
Cornestone Stock Spining
The sticky header isn't sticking and the parallax isn't parallaxing
Demo import not working: site not specified
Use Portfolio Item Category in Dynamic Content
Preview Cannot Load Due To The iFrame Response Error
Cornerstone Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error
Wistia Video Player Controls Missing in Posts with oEmbed
Videos not autoplaying after update
Unable to change background color on header
Can't make a topbar visible above the main header menu
Website completely white except header after update
Uh Oh error on cloned/staging site
Why is the left section all the way to the left
URGENT: Rev Slider Wiping on Save
Header & Footer Nav links different color on one page
Mobile website issues
Page unable to save - 'oh oh! Failed to Save.' and licence code not valid
Update to Pro 4.3.3 broke layout of coupon area in WooCommerce Cart Page
Pro editor changes not save
Essential Grid multiple filter dropdown not working
Header builder link to Superfly menu
Yoast SEO not compatible with Pro theme?
Help with Creative CTA element please! I'd like it to show all of the text on hover
Revolution Slider update + icon not working
Cornerstone not saving and getting logged out
Using Column Gaps as dividers, assistance with Product Index Layout
Image Source Upload Button Not Bringing Up Media Library
Cannot validate after updating to Pro
Raw Content Showing Double
Pro theme is not able to save pages when editing
Scroll anchor shifts on page load
Headers, Footer, Global Blocks missing from admin
Event Espresso Breaking Masonry Grid Blog
Failed to install Auto when importing demo content/site
The Grid shortcode not working
Preview Cannot Load due to PHP?
There's an error on the blog page
Button CSS not working
Adding a Gallery with Lightbox to a Template using ACF Gallery Field
WooCommerce Product Element section and ACF Section display issues
How to translate elements like submit button of comments
Disable Image Fade - X Theme Pro
Website not working after upgrading to the latest version
ConvertPlus deleting problem
Page crashes when The grid and Cornerstone are activated at the same time
Output not displayed by layout when entering the page editor
Unable to transfer license to another user
Pro: Visual Builder will not display content
Customise Search Results page using loopers
Slider Revolution Video Glitches
Undefined element - how do I get it back?
Logotype issues
My portfolio is completing missing after recent updates
ConvertPlug dropdownchoice!
Woocommerce / Layouts / Paypal checkout Button
403 Cookie nonce is invalid
Z-Index with for Global Block Modal
Shortcode is not working
Recaptcha error in cornerstone
Site broken - all updates installed
Uh Oh message page builder
LayerSlider Element not showing up
Pro and Font Awesome
Struggling to edit Looper Posts
Elements missing from website
Issues with Pro - "Edit with Pro does not open"
Undocking a pane and docking it back: no more scroll until reload
Upgrade from X Theme to Pro | Billing & How-to Questions
Problems with Grid
Page is empty
Envira Links Stopped Working
Buttons not universally updating in woocommerce shop settings
E_COMPILE_ERROR (missing class-routing.php) in Pro 4.3.1
Terms of Service Page is not publishing/ showing up
Sticky header in the way of one-page layout navigation
Spacing Issues in Pricing Table with Pro
"Undefined element: This element could not render because its definition is missing. You might need to activate a plugin"
Gravity Form Right Column First Child CSS Issue
Theme editor flips to cornerstone and it's driving me nuts!
Unable to Edit Content in Cornerstone for Pro Theme - Inspect Element and Theme Options Blank in Page Editor
Nothing in section background advanced mode works
Broken styling on front end
Spinning after update
Add link to Image in Cornerstone 5+
Failed to import demo content
V4 upgrade breaks Cornerstone shortcodes
Reveal/Hide Pro Header based on WooCommerce Membership
Cannot edit ANY other page with PRO other than default web page
Background upper and lower layer show nothing
PRO license won't validate
Lightbox Galleries
Footer shows up on right hand side of page
Portfolio for Pro
Pro page builder not loading lessons from learndash Vs High (100%) CPU Usage
Copy element style
Inline Alignment of Social Icons
Video Disappeared From Front Page
I have lost my entire Projects section from my x theme wordpress
Maps not filling entire space
Newest Update Broker Mapping Plugin
iFrame Response Error (Pro, Cornerstone)
Fancybox Background Shift
Misconfigured URLs on Global Header
WordPress fatal error
Mobile menu and footer Issues
Can't download Design Cloud Site Templates
Image border is shown offset
Blog Masonry Not Appearing
Header Assignments
Countdown on Mobile
Minor sizing issues
Cornerstone 5.3.3 broken after update
Create Side by Side Email Forms
Blog Posts (customizing and functionality)
Shaking Dropdown on Mobile
Show New Text on Post with last 72 hours
Changing the hyperlink font colour, base, interaction and underline links
Breakpoints difference between item setting and page view in Safari
"Oh oh failed to save"
Uneven number of products displayed on shop page
License Already Registered / Revoke Not Working
Unable to use cornerstone/edit website
Blog Full Width
Disable auto-scrolling?
Image carousel/slideshow
Essential Grid: Custom meta field not displaying when editing Custom element
CSS selector issue
Archive Layout does not show "Find a Template"
Latest Pro Update causing WooCommerce Checkout Error
Cornerstone redirects to landing page
Uber menu cant see submenues in vertical alignment
Header not showing on homepage
Terms Minimal Dynamic Element in Woocommerce layout
Question Regarding Dynamic Content
Pro 4.2.2 - Page made with Pro v4.0 is broken
PHP Fatal Error in Theme File
Optimizing pages based on breakpoints using CSS Grids
Back end of Pro does not match front end
Mobile Header woocommerce H1 text change
Ensure text remains visible during webfont load - revisited
X Theme Customizer not working and unable to download Design Cloud Theme
Frontpage Header Setting Errors
HELP! Getting PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by plugins/cornerstone
Preview Size setting doesn't match grid breakpoint
Flexbox Shrinks Widget
Posts with no meta tags not showing up in Essential Grid
Hero shifting on big screen
Global Blocks Not Working
Weird spacing issues
All elements throughout all webecame left-aligned after updating from Cornerstone 1.0 to 5.3.3
Shortcodes and Custom Content in Blog Posts
How to center image
Where's my website gone?
ConvertPlus Not Saving — Return of the JS Error
LayerSlider WP Thumbnails Not Showing Until Browser Window is Resized
Media Won't Upload within Builder (X Pro)
Validation error after succesfull validation message
Blog (Masonry style) is not working properly
Issue uploading Media
Pro Validation not working also
Fatal Error when Updating the Theme
How do I eliminate the blank space at the top of the menu?
Strange effect with the Tab element
Headlines too big on mobile
Accordion Custom Icons Aligning at the end of each header-row
Using WP's native srcset with Pro
Page doesn't display properly
Hotjar tracking code on pages
Issue with element row
Button Formatting Not Working
Lazy loading logo
Theme Fatal Error
Menu dropdown image
Debug lists cornerstone plugin in fatal error
Classic Headline is not responsive on small devices
I can't access a part of my page when editing in Pro, Help!
Validation Error (Receiving Confirmation of Validation, But Still Locked)
Content area modal disappears on click
Issue with mobile layout
Mobile horizontal scrolling?
Inline menu needs multiple lines
Menu displays differently on home page than on other pages
New Window External Link
Image (logo) cut off navigation bar on mobile devices
Custom post types in Post element, Pro
After update: Video disappears on pause and black bar on top and bottom
Stacked columns on mobile
Accordion items opened on click
Latest theme and cornerstone update breaks some of my wpml translated pages
Unable to Upgrade X past version 7.2.3
Headline/Subhealine on the same line
Menu not showing on homepage
Cannot see the entry for my serial number
I am continually being forced validate my pro license
My site won't validate
My site won't validate
Yoast identifies links on some pages but not others
Mobile Menu being cut off
Updated to latest version (4.1.5) of Pro and .webp support dropped?
Pro footer not responsive on mobile
Renew Bands Portfolio Page: Video Source Missing
Unable to activate Cornerstone
Cornerstone not displayed/opening
Cornerstone options are missing
Contact Form 7 Yellow Bar Goes Away but Reappears
Validation problem Lindhs
Portfolio was broken after last update AGAIN
Dynamic post categories
Modal containing a form closes on form submit before the success message loads
Is there a way to crate next/ prev button for group of pages (for example current children)
Content Area Modal Element failed to render - Cannot edit element
PRO: Contact Form 7 error (not submitting)
How can I edit translated pages in x-pro with wpml? Settings in Backend? String settings?
Blog page looks crazy
Post pagination
Frontend looks good, backend ask how I would like to start
Where are the <p> tags coming from
Website displaying code instead of content
Cannot Edit with Pro 4.2.3
Content from Shortcodes not showing correctly
Custom font doesn't render
Grafich icon not show
CSS ID being replaced with text of tag
Click to WhatsApp, Text and Telegram
URGENT site crashed after update
The Recent Updates Have Broken My IDX Search Page
Remove sitebar for one side to get full width
Margin with Columns
Website "hangs" when scrolling
Font-weight being overwritten by
How to change images in Better Faster Stronger?
Material icons not rendering
Ilightbox echo in firefox
Home page is built in cornerstone but says it is no longer here on website
Woo Checkout Editor Fields Flash Correctly, Then Change
Menus not working on Mobile
Youtube Lighbox inside the Creative Columns 4
Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response. Revolution Slider plugin conflict
Specific page and Children Looper
Blog Pages Showing Same 9 Posts
Updating my site and need help with blending images as per copy in dropbox link
Problem with my header while scrolling
Site Background Has Dark Tint Even Though Background Color Set to White in Theme Options
GetResponse & ConvertPlus
New Update Causing Footer Issue When Slider Revolution Is Utilized
X theme lighbox gallery issue
Rev Slider comes up left-justified until window resized
Layout limits?
Cannot Save Pages
Template will install images, but not “page portion” of template
Ethos.css loading twice and one has unused script in there
Feature list alignment
No preview when editing with Pro
Image setup for responsive headers in pro
Modal: Clicking it Hides the Scrollbar, causing a Layout shift
We are getting fatal error in a theme file
Why is my Terms of Service not showing up?
Problems with Sticky bar
Can't save after editing a page
Styling changed on site afterTheme Update
Fundley Widget not saving on post pages
Cannot Save Pages
Header error issues
Buttons are not displayed on Live site
Woocommerce Currency Converter and dynamic fields
Fatal Error on Cornerstone Update
Giant Text on Homepage after Pro Updates
Changing Blog Breadcrumbs
Pro Editor not loading (spins)
Different headers for different blog categories
Remove white space between body and footer renew stack
Exclusive Shop index layout, different category layouts?
X theme acting strangely on one specific instalation
Off canvas area suddenly closes when try to fill a form
Custom Layout with Assigned Sidebar
Ethos - Logo in sticky bar
Using Post Pagination on a Content Page
Templates improperly formatted, do not upload properly
Two rows indented for no reason
Gravity Form causes Problems with new X Theme update
Top menu not working on mobile or ipad
Post Archive by month
What Is Causing THIS?
Off Canvas Button Not Showing Text
Validation code again
Youtube video on Slider Revolution
Convert Plus Problem or Repair
Text displaying in two columns instead of one
Cornerstone not working after domain switch
Site Broken - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Unable to customize theme due to error
Anchor links jumping instead of scrolling
Problem after updating - HopeStory
Change the colour of the border in a specific button
The grid - Instagram doubts
Section on published page Higher than in Pro builder - can't find a reason
Mobile menu has a continuous display
Rev Slider - Issues since update
WooCommerce Bookings Conflict with Cornerstone
Button text wrap problem in nav
Undocked panel needs a bit of Padding
Background Images in Section seem to have lost functionatlites
Ubermenu - No layout grid option
Having an issue with Pro Loading
Can't locate background image
Social media icons not clickable
Cornerstone element preventing my from saving my front page
MailChimp Integration with ConvertPlus
Template upload error
Format theme and elements visible in Cornerstone, but not on preview or live site
Update aligned some images to the left, problem doesn't show up in Cornerstone
Additional Details
MEC Stopped working please help Urgent
Global Header to Original Header
Design Clud does not launch
Sidebar width only on blog page
Font path problem when live switching
CPT not editable with PRO
Big issues with responsive scaling across devices
Design Cloud is not loading on fresh install
The Grid and Essential Grid not displaying
Can update theme options - plugin conflict or aggressive cacheing
Copy shifts to the right on mobile
Cornerstone: Rotating Circle, never loads
Why is my Terms of Service not showing up?
Can't find this option in superfly
How to increase the top margin for page/post titles
Cornerstone page loads vey slowly in Firefox
Woocommerce product page bug
Can't Revoke and Reassign License
Woocommerce is not working
Menu sandwich on mobile not working
Cornerstone will not load on site; unable to edit any pages
PRO license validation disappeared
Media and Pages search is not working
Sticky Mobile Scroll
Review Snippet error
Mec not send confirmation email
Troubles with Essential Grid
Drop down menu not working on mobile since update
Delete white space after footer widget
Unwanted Space above section where menu used to be
Nav and footer bars disappeared, logo overblown, and font styling changed after new Word Press update HELP!
Dynamic Fields Stopped Working in Ubermenu After Theme update - Urgent Help Needed
Testimonials content squashed to one side
Can't edit pages in Pro - keeps spinning
Essential Grid & Matomo Media Analytics
Theme X Pro won't update
Change background colour and widget issue
Bad view for mobile version
WP reports SSL issue when the 'Under Construction' plugin is active
Cornerstone stops working
Put a clickable number in the topbar x theme
Display issue
URL issue and 404 error
Text will not stay centered
Lightbox- formatting is too large and off-center after update
Modern Events Calendar 4.7.7 events now missing
Updated X Theme from 4 -> 7, Cornerstone 1 -> 4. Lots of site broken
Removing blog post title from single post
Hmm not working
E&P icons not displaying
Theme Ethos Woocommerce Integration Problems
Site broken after switching from X to Pro
Sidebar loading, but no content on any page when trying to Edit in Pro
Cornerstone content not updating front end
Margin bottom disappearing in live view
Cornerstone slowing down TTFB and initial page waiting time
Revolution Slider - AJAX Error ParseError - X Theme
Slider Revolution 6.1.3 Upgrade issues
Cannot validate purchase of X theme with API key
Cannot Launch Header and Footer Editor
How can import a new font family to XTheme
Problem with licenses of plugins
Can't load anything - cornerstone/editor stuck on loading
Global blocks - invisible after edit
Cant import 'Agency' demo content to my site
Super Store Finder compatibility issue
Comments on posts went missing
Massive problems in graphical interface
Classic Google Map blank
WooCommerce Shop Page displaying weird
Unable to activate advanced mode fetures
Footer issue with different browsers
No access to theme option - x theme
Can't Edit Cornerstone - iFrame response incomplete
Masonry Display for Archive Loading Posts on top of Each Other
Cornerstone wont load. Lopping logo animation
Glitches in PRO 4.0
Can't get my Header to show on the proper page
Band Template Failed to Install
Map Won't Display
How do I get the layout from design cloud exactly the same to a page in my website
Accordian shortcode appearing in post
We've checked the code, but it doesn't appear to be an Cornerstone purchase code or Themeco license. Please double check the code and try again
Uber menu broken on update
Tried to fix 'The preview could not load. This is most often related to a plugin conflict or aggressive page cacheing. Checking the developer console for errors could indicate what went wrong
Problem with Internet Explorer
Validation question
License validation not validate
Featured image in cornerstone
Page Not The Same As In Customize
Shortcodes inside Content Areas breaking after recent wordpress/pro updates
Update of Cornerstone - problems on website
Update broke my site
Problems to update Theme PRO
Preview could not load in Cornerstone 4.0
Column fade animations not working
All my photos are gone, please help! (Reason- Problem Escalated)
Setting blog color of header on Integrity Band theme
Text not showing on buttons or sub menus
Side Bar Error
Editing Dynamic Checkout Fields
Checkout page header will not preview but works across all other pages
Cornerston doesent work on som pages?
Portfolio pages disappeared. We're guessing this happened after an upgrade
Mobiel menu button not working
Beginner needs Help
Translate Apply Coupon / Woocommerce Cart page
This Pro license is not validated. Fix
Sit not validating after changing domain
Cornerstone Preview vs Live Site Differ
Under construction social icons are not working
Cornerstone and Polylang problem
Import templates not working
Archive Blogs on Sidebar
Design Cloud fails to install
Design cloud does not show anything
Unable to show sales price and discount price on WooCommerce Product page
I can't install Pro on my WP
URGENT. Where to get Previous PRO Version?!
Weird changes with latest X Theme update
Adding text to dropdown menu (mobile nav menu)
Marginless columns gone?
Dropdown Navigation Not Showing
Adjust position of navbar
How to adapt mobile design on cornerstone?
Sub menu problem leading to plug-in conflict
Uh Oh! Content failed to save! Need HELP
Page Title not visible on new pages
Trying to delete lost Headline?
Content Area Modal not displaying
Don't display featured image in Page, but still visible for SEO
Error Sidebar showing under posts
Approach to Divs and creating tiles
Nothing To Show Right Now page
Transparent header in desktop view
Theme Options/Cornerstone fails to load
Nav Menu issue
How to use Customize conditions to hide show image
Disconnect Lightboxes
Semi Transparent Image on Revolution Slider Not Working
Pro: Add Shortcode To Button
How do I fix these?
Login token not found. Please logout and login again!
Links Won't Open in New Tab
Cornerstone does not work after migration with Duplicator to sitegrounds
Dropdown box
Content Doc
Retain Font Awesome 4.7.0
Cannot Validate the purchase code, ressigned but not working
Preview could not load - can't solve this problem!
Essential Grid not showing skins and not viewing on page
Using MailPoet Premium
Soft 404 - Google Index
Ninja Forms Short Code
Cornerstone logout issue
New Category Not Showing As Menu Option
Simple rule lines not working
Marginless Column Inner Container Margin Setting
Issue with the sidebar appearance in some posts
Recent posts, comments, archives are showing up only in mobile sizes
Move Mobile Toggle Below Logo
Pro Content stuck loading
Adding something to Portfolio Page
Accordion font styling
No content area in page builder
Add Revolution Slider to main blog page - Continued Coversation
Envira Gallery doesn't work
Confusion Setting Up Structure
Essential Grid Video Download
Images on homepage suddenly not aligned
MEC Single Event Location incorrect
Essential Grid Purchase code enter
Visual Composer Help!
Convert Plus Contacts not syncing with MailChimp
Copy of page template template-blank-3 adding Header and Footer
Content disappears after the recent major update
Ethos demo question
X Theme Options and The Cornerstone Not Loading
Preview in browser different to preview in cornerstone
Backgroud Video not showing
One Page Navigation Footer link to Modal content
Can't insert a link in 'Text' element of Pro
Full width layout on some pages
Background Navigation Style Changes
Hide Meta Data from custom post types (made with CPT UI)
X Theme Errors after upgrade - wp-comments page, Unexpected token
Need help activating license
Existing WooCommerce product leads to a 404 page
Custom 404 - glitch
Building a portfolio
Image won't show up in Slider - using custom CSS to make full width Soliloquy slider
Cornerstone and translations
Issues with special chars in domain?
Facebook Comments Plugin breaks Favicon on Safari and Chrome
Logo not showing in header
Site Name showing as hidden H1/H2 tag in posts / site wide
Top Footer widget area Custom Global CSS has no effect
Woocommerce's filter by price not showing at Theme Sidebar
Menu on phone is not working
Validating Xtheme
Comments Element not working
QUESTION - Customize > Conditions to display element only if an ACF term "is set"
Remove Classic Text Editor Above X Pro Editor
Slider revolution glitch
Row shifts to the right of section
Sticky scroll
CSS Seems to not be loading properly
Drop Down Menu - works but top line not working (mobile)
Registering licensse
Problems after updating X
Unable to fix corrupted Cornerstone installation
Problems after updating X
Slider revolution: slide animation does not work
My Cornerstone Doesn't Load Completely
Reoccurring Failed to save error
Issues with font and alignment in Slider Revolution
Media Query works in Cornerstone but not on Website
Pb with text over slider on mobile
Typography Issues
"Tap" color for 2nd and 3rd level navigation on collapsed Nav
Cornerstone logging me out after trying to edit page using it
Logo in login doesn't appear
Buddypress Page Conflict (sidebar missing)
Cornerstone Preview not loading :(
Issues Editing in Cornerstone
ACF Pro Jquery Date Picker
Link to anchor scroll offset not working
Woocommerce Flat Rate Not Working Properly
Severe problems with IE: Images not rendered correctly
Question on changing blue background
How to hide post tags in wordpress
RE: Revolution Slider - Issues with button fonts
Disappearing Headline Highlights
Drag and drop element in cornerstone does not work
Essential grid infinite scroll
Too Much space between the slider and the logo and next section
Uncaught SyntaxError when pressing Edit Page
Can't choose a demo
Cannot launch live preview
Page won't save with wpml installed since 2.5.1 update
Modify an article
How to activate x theme in wp?
Problems with styling of elements after last update
Suplerfly not working properly
Stuck on loading page
Problem three column blog
Bug Instagram feed Essential Grid
Uploaded Custom Fonts, but can't import them
Essential grid icons not next to eachother
Disable X from Users
Dropdown menu on mobile - sublink to expand downwards in main column and not next to it
Columns will not center
Reassigning License Missing from Account
Mobile menu not working (works in Customizer)
Sticky header gets stuck on second bar
Modern Events Calendar not updating plugin or showing events
X theme options not loading
Responsive Menu Stuck Open
How do i change the title of the hover on posts
Buttons shifting / sliding during load then justify left
Cant load App Demo Theme, initializes and goes to working on and stays there with no progress
Hiding Post Date on Posts
Category Page Excerpts showing CS_Content code
HTML codes shown on all pages
Text disappeared from site after update
Text and Font Changes (Can't see where to make these after upgrade)
Help with portfolio page side bar
Went into update existing site after 3 months and...thing have changed?
This X license is ​not validated​
How can to upload my themeco in word press
No Shop Page
Pro Editor line break and paragraph break glitch
Cornerstone Deleted?
Headers Suddenly Disappeared
Themeco Video Embedding
Slider not working on mobile!
Slider Revolution animation
Show content regarding condition in formidable form?
Significant Cornerstone Lag
Essential Grid doesn't work anymore on the website
Embedded forms causing page to be "Sticky"
Blank page going to "X -> Cornerstone"
Update to Pro on Wordpress
Cornerstone _cs_generated_styles Error Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' INSERT INTO `wp_postmeta`
Unable to revert back to cornerstone older version after updating to version 6, E_COMPILE_ERROR` was caused in line `8`
Fatale error after Cornerstone update
Some linked videos of my YouTube Channel are not shown on my worpress site
WTF? I paid for 2 licenses and get zero support?
Website broken on WP / Cornerstone update
Updating site breaks them (X classic)
Pro is not working; can't edit pages, just get spinning wheel
Newest update of cornerstone 6 causing fatal issues
Latest update (9.0.7) messed up the alignment on my site's global navigation
Unsolved issue that was closed - videos don't display with any Jetpack after 9.8.1
Font awesome showing as empty
Icons not showing on convert plus plugin
Essential Grid Infinite Scroll & Deeplink
Revolution Slider Font Issue
5.0.8: Pro is hanging, whatever I try
Navigation bar moved since update
Accordion Arrow Removal
Mobile Menu Button not Opening Menu
X Theme update fail
Help not loading the selected demo templates
Theme X and Cornerstone updates crashing sites
Revolution Slider - white space next to background on full-width
LayerSlider not appearing correctly in Moz Firefox
5.0.8: Widget Area element > Design > Top margin - lost its effect after the update
Page formatting, template not showing, not too sure why
By editing elements the inspector doesn't load
ReferenceError: csAppConfig is not defined wordpress 5.8.1
Video not playing in background
YouTube Url shows instead of video
I can not login on the login page since I updated Cornerstone and X
Stuck on legacy X & Cornerstone
Podcast opening on wrong page thru menu
Blank front page after updating to X 9.0.8 and cornerstone 6.0.8
Main navigation different sizes on different pages
Page build with Cornerstone is always messed up
Navigation arrows
Columnize breakpoints
Update pro damaged my site
Dynamic Permalinks with Post ID
Titles going off page on Mobile
Pictures not loading in X theme
Checkboxes not working using Theme Pro
Problem in Responsive Mode with Centering
Caching of old revisions
Fatal error: Cannot declare class Cornerstone Shortcode Preserver
"X" WooCommerce Single Product Page covered by Footer?
Lincese not validated and Can't Update Cornerstone
Pro 5.0.8 theme options will not load
No Container with Layout Builder?
Using Adobe Font
Layerslider does not show my existing slider
Error Forbidden Access
Pro keeps spinning: can't edit pages
"Optional" unwillingly added as post category in The Grid
X-Theme menu has disappeared
X-Theme menu has disappeared
Menu problem after update
Pro Unlimited Site Not Validating
Not able to validate site license
Pro cornerstone won't load
Can't seem to Edit other pages with Cornerstone
"No Footers/Headers/Layouts Found" even through they exist and are editable from front-end
Disable Pop Up
Unable to use any cornerstone option from backend
Getting a PHP error in editor
Can't re-assign License
On Pro header is not showing!
Testimonials Error
Website crashed after updating Cornerstone ver 6.0.8
The Grid Youtube not working see photo
Website not responding
Pro Single site activation not working
Post Navigation element in layout builder
Fotografia content
Updated Re-Formatted My Website
Full width site with header/footer
Can't access Customiser - without ending in 'about:srcdoc'
Cornerstone page not showing
After latest X update WooCommerce product listing rows don't align as should
New Favicon not showing after i changed it
Preview could not load error (related to plugin conflict)
Trouble with centering two columns on page
Mobile Nav Dropdown error Undefined index:
Woocommerce pagination adding extra padding above products
Pro editor not loading - Again
Problems with links in Blog page built with Layout builder
Cannot click navigation drop down toggle on mobile
Search bar is working on Naviagtion
Theme co pro header not showing on site
I cannot edit my home page
Double Scroll Dropdown
MEC Looper Order
Dynamic content for percentage field in Statbar
Woocommerce Description & Reviews Tabs missing in single product page
Strange Search Modul
Validation Loop
Menu link not disappearing in mobile navigation
Classic Widget Area Contents Have Disappeared
Issue with Gravity Forms
Cornerstone conflict with Layerslider
Cornerstone 6.1.2 (Upgrade from 6.0.8) Broke CSS on Site
Cornerstone 6.1.2 (Upgrade from 6.0.8) Broke CSS on Site
URGENT! Scrambled Page Numbers on Homepage
Border color malfunction
Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Hamburger Drop Down Menu Not Working Mobile
Scroll to anchor on same page
Modern Sliders Hero Post template
Blog Masonry Fullwidth 3 Columns does not display properly
Edit with PRO not working/Broken
Errors in post filter on upgrade to 9.1.3
Linked content Inside Slider
Archive Layouts not Displaying
Get specific value from acf file array
Layout broken after updating X
One Page Navigation stopped working after Pro 5.1.1 update
Add overlay to background image
Background Image Getting Cut Off
Social Media Buttons in Footer
Need some help with width of Auto Play Slider
Using JPG in Moder Sliders Logo Carousel Slider
Theme Formatting Error
Fatal errore when I update cornerstone
Search Results Page not showing pages in results
Header Won't Wrap
Classic Google Map - Map Hue bug
X Theme 9.1.4 Anchor Links Overshoot
Layout Builder WooCommerce Single
Template not loading
Slider: Background color layers not visible on the active slide inside the looper
Animations (number counters, flip cards, etc.) Not Working
Search button not clickable
Columns Not Centered
Product Validation error when attempting to input license key
Posts in archive category are overlaying each other
Sitemap not being generated due to conflict with Cornerstone
Cornerstone not able to edit
Extra space @ bottom page
Sitemap not being generated due to conflict with Cornerstone
Typography color not working
Looper Display Custom Taxonomy Term
10. Stacked Testimonial Slider & 13. Standard Testimonial Carousel Slider files are broken
How to hide keywwords from showing up in articles / posts
Conditionally Hide Content Based on Custom Field Value
Pro Site wont validate
Udate Cornerstone failed
Cannot validate Pro Unlimited license | Validation loop
Footer appearing in page content
Font Gremlin - Font not changing on a page
Remove category from breadcrumbs
Mobile hamburger menus and accordions broken on Safari 15
A couple of strange issues
Проблема с индексацией sitemap.html
Theme update cornerstone not loading
White Space Left and Right Rev Slider
Hero Slider Progress Bar on other sliders
[HELP] Conflict with X pro theme + youzify
Centered Logo & Phone to Right
Global Block Keeps Breaking and I'm not sure why
Validation of new staging domain fails
Error after update cornerstone
Remove delay when hover out of menu
Blog post index not showing latest published post
Slider at top of individual blog posts
Video Self Hosted No Longer working after updating to XTheme 9.1.4 and Cornerstone 6.14
Essential Grid Won't Show Correctly
Cornerstone editor not working. The page is not loading
Bug with gravatar?
Tabs in tabs
Cornerstone Won't Open to Edit Pages
Getting these Cornerstone errors in error log
Slide Container Inside Slide Navigation Buttons
PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0
Uber menu not working properly
Pro editor not loading (and I've done all the usual troubleshooting)
Classic Text Type is not working
Spacing & blue line below slider
Error in error-log every minute Undefined variable
Woocommerce dynamic code issue
Top of the page hidden behind header after scrolling
Autoplay video with sound
WP Cost Estimation - ALL ORDERS LOST
Reduce the size of slider
How do I update the image on the Creative CTA?
Buttons not working after recent update from 3.2.3 to 5.1.4
Blog Archive Strange Animation
Can't assign headers, footers or layouts
How do I add social icons to the footer?
Mobile Scrolling Horizontally
Footer Randomly on Sidebar
Nested Pages
I have enabled the PayPal buttons to show on my on Single Product layout
Cornerstone plugin fatal error on site
Menu Won't Expand On Small Screens (Mobile & Tablet)
Issue with Custom Looper and zero values
Multilingual WPML looper
Setting Header Priority
Open Envira gallery lightbox by link
Pretty Links Loading Blank Page
Cornerstone Activation Error
X Theme, No Option to Change Header Logo
Cornerstone does not work anymore after updating to 6.1.4
X Theme Broke My Site
AWS Lightsail - License Issue
E&P Form Builder replacing active post
Changing excerpt length
License validation issues after migration from dev site to production
Custom CSS no longer working after update
Shortcode Errors - WP Bakery Page Builder
Cornerstone update issues in staging
Adding a Header from scratch
PHP Warning: cs_remember/cs_recall used outside of builder context Version: 5.1.4
Archive Layout and WPML issue
The preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete...?!
Centring an image element
Featured image background using the Looper
New or duplicate content not showing in builder
Linking portfolio thumbnail to my own URL
Center rows or columns?
No live view in Cornerstone with XTheme anymore
Put wrong purchase code
Front End Broken
2 - Column Formatting Problem
Woocommerce error on my website
Sort Not Collapsing
Strange script generated by themeco
Section Fade in very (too) late
Add home page slider with form
Page not found - Oops you blew up the internet
Workspace from left to right
Blog Page Not Showing Posts in Table
Various problems after upgrading to the newest version (5.1.4)
Extra bullet points keep showing randomly
Validation issues on site
Review styling on the Renew shop
Grid right click not working
Get default avatar on anonymous user (not logged) while using current user avatar url dynamic content
Global blocks wont edit just get spinning circle
Gap in header/navbar
Reviews: Invalid object type for field "author"
Issue / Anchor Link
Gutenberg in Portfolio - Category & Tag option missing
Adobe fonts not refreshing
I can't get category menu/filter on my blog page
Replacing Archive, Search Pages that used The Grid
Pagination on Search Result Page
Links not working anymore
CSS Import statement not being honoured in recent update
Widget Code won't register
Conditions and Loopers based on WooCommerce Attributes?
WPML Broke Looper
Slider Looper: Taxonomy not showing
Custom Product Taxonomy layout
Sort Not Collapsing
Sort Function NOT Collapsing
Post Slider Responsive Settings for the last two breakpoints
Perspective Slider Issue
Conditional settings of specific Header Bars not working
Mobile menu doesn't expand Cornerstone 6 problem
Content changes not showing in Safari
Elements disappearing
Image Gallery Help- Envira Plugin
Cannot change the template from the Slider Revolution one to No Container - Header, Footer
Fatal Error on Website - Urgent Fix
Cannot change the template from the Slider Revolution one to No Container - Header, Footer
Proper way to convert theme X to PRO?
Background layer causing http error
Links not working on Modern Sliders when using Chrome desktop
Navigation toggle drops lower when inside div
Help with updating my footer menu for Pro
Auto slider
Logo Carousel Slider - Link do not work
Essential Grid Displaying as a single image
Change from SVG's to images in Logo slider form "Modern sliders"
Layout Builder for Archive Page Displaying Categories, but they aren't displaying in chronological order
Paypal does not open / closes after a second
Cornerstone Installation problem
Adobe Typekit Fonts Only Loading When Logged Into WP, Not In Private Browser Window
Stop section from scrolling behind navbar
Menu Margins are not working any more
Page body (content) is not displaying on only 1 page of my site, only shows header + footer, every other page works fine
Display parent category with Loopers
Essential Grid not showing all Post Categories Item in Grid Setting & Nav-Filter-Sort
[Solved; work around] Nested Dynamic Content
Latest posts not showing on homepage
Search Page Not Displaying Results
Footer won't stay as footer
Add to Basket Buttons in Crafty
Custom Font Not Working correctly
My background image keeps disappearing
Issues finding page template
Making one column taller than another
Essential grid / skin editor / not working anymore
Main nav menu not linking correctly from footer menu links
Cannot activate cornerstone plugin or launch desing cloud
Burger Menu Mobile Not Opening Newest Update
Query String Looper Provider Question
Footer Will Not Display
Undefined variable in comment form
Blogs aren't being presented properly anymore the text is too close
Ninja Forms Not Appearing on left dashboard
Modal Toggle Limits Size of Toggle Graphic
Custom font no loading on some pages
Fullscreen video with sound
Navigation bar not displaying on Firefox
Validation working in account but not on site
Can't find 'background image layer' options in section
Essential Grid doesn't appear properly and the control setting are smutched
Staging has cornerstone and production site does not
Accordion not working / expanding
Issue with Envira album page and the cornerstone editor
Admin Dashboard issues
Page Builder not refreshing
Changing Menu font size and removing church demo content
Remove Custom Sidebars & Have 1 Main Sidebar
Work not saving
Weird cornerstone edit page caching
Background images with media queries don't work after upgrade pro
Bug found - global blocks font issue
Trouble aligning container
Slider Revolution video does not load on mobile unless you select or swipe
Dropdown menu: Items first level not clickable on tablets
Dynamic content in modal
Only Classic Elements appearing in Cornerstone
Website is black after udating X theme
PRO Update broke Events Calendar Pro
Essential Grid not updating grid contents when new posts added
Pinch-zoom gesture is buggy on off-canvas modal with contact form 7 form
Layout in Page Builder is different than actual page
Mobile Hamburger Still Not Working
Can't change red buttons
Some Visual Composer Code Stopped Working
Blog page jumps/ shifts if I scroll down
Can't Remove Legacy Widgets
New version of Cornerstone Plugin - lost all styling
Cornerstone - iframe YouTube
Mobile broken after All-in-one WP Migration
Cornerstone triggers a fatal error
Can't assign sidebar to Taxonomy
Button Dynamic Content Url
Can't update in Cornerstone
Essential Grid control setting overlapping views
Menu does not expand on desktop computer
Change background colour of posts page
Adding woocommerce product category in blog post sidebar
Essential grid not displaying properly
License is not validating
Problem Validating a Licence
Anchor links only working once on a page?
Pro Licence Validation not working
Your code is valid but looks like it has already been used on another site. Help
Strange darker band on all pages
Soliloquy shows all the images on the phone
Imposible to validate theme Pro Multiple License despite success message
New page design
Problem wirth headers after updating PRO
Layout Builder: Archive Template for blog no longer displaying
Icon shows splits into column on mobile view
Plugin Conflict Woocommerce Slider Revolution
Video page sort option broken
Image getting cut off
Rev Slider not full-width until window resized
Slider Element and Modern Events Calendar
Weird Margin at Specific Page
Toggle hash not jumping to accordion item
Dynamic content Woocommerce
Overlap and center column 1 over portion of column 2
Error Message When Accessing Builders
Layer Slider plugin causing issues - cant's save pages with Pro/CS editor after LSlider template import failure
License Activation Not Functioning
Dynamic button not working
Display element for variations which are not in stock
Related Post based on custom Taxonomy
Modal popup not displaying elements in Safari 15.4
How can I add a button in the topbar or at least in the header at the end of the menu?
Display Categories with Loopers
Integrated Ubermenu non-responsive
Mailchimp "Add New Form" Is Blank
Using a posts tag to filter a looper embedded in the post
Cornerstone not able to edit Home Page
Woocom | Checkout Manager - Checkout Field Conditional
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
Registered Sidebar - Custom side bars don't appear
I'm trying to use paid membership pro but there an error
Video background and Jetpack plugin
Font really small on mobile
.x-bar-fixed only removes after interaction
Essential Grid not displaying on Safari
Convert Plus Email Notification Form Data Labels Only
Bar Animation effect calculation
Theme error from x theme took down website
Mobile images not loading past a certain point
Footer: Hide element on Blog Page
Anchor link to a specific cell in a grid
Slider (stack) not sliding
Revolution Slider Blank after Update
WP Forms Formatting
Shortcode not working in button
Dynamic URL data, pulling through, but not creating a link on archive layout
Logged in user not on entire site
Audio element not working on some browsers
Possible Bug - Slider
Portfolio sort function not working in Pro or X
X Theme from 2016 - Cornerstone to WP Bakery Page Builder issues
Custom fonts not displaying in browser
Configure cornerstone to run from /blog/cornerstone instead of /cornerstone
Navigation not working on mobile
Preview Could Not Load Due to Iframe Response - Layout Builder
Cannot import demo content for wordpress X theme
Hamburger Menu Not Clickable
Making Text Blocks Responsive
Homepage layout not proper on Firefox
Video Player Controls and Time Rail Adjustments
Unable to activate my "estimation and payment forms" plugin license
Inline slider
Getting very slow page load and google maps errors
Mobile nav links require clicking twice to activate - Pro
Looper Not Displaying All Relevant Posts
Element could not ender due to invalid markup. Elementor Pro installed
Query string by shortcode
Slider Revolution in tabs
Batteries Included Design Cloud asset not installing
WooCommerce Mini-Cart not loading on Home Page
Layout Query to filter by post category
Create layout for CPT Taxonomy Archive
License activation fails
Mobile - Header Builder Nav toggle doesn't work
Header for Multilingual Site not working as expected
Can't edit my footer widgets
How to change breakpoints in "Layout and Design" section - Theme options
CSS to Change Tag Text color, Post Title text color and Sidebar Widget Area background color
Spinning/Lack of support
Cannot access Site or Admin
Excluding current post title
Looper Provider in Header Layout
Responsive Row Layout
Add link to text within the article of a dynamic post?
Weird page behavior
Validation Problems with license
Footer Breaking on Mobile
iFrame response cant build a page unless its live
Post date in post vc post grid
Footer not displaying 2
Broken Gallery related to Posts and (possibly) The Grid plug in
CPT Relationships and Loopers/Dynamic Content
New Web Page Blank After Adding HubSpot Form (?)
Worpress site not making all updates on mobile site
Footer is overlaying content
Saved changes in Cornerstone no longer appearing on live pages
Issue with break points view
Problem with menu not centering on larger screen widths
Browser tab description not matching page title
Full width not showing
Importing Gridorama Templates
Fatal Error on Revslider
Envira Gallery I have a Lifetime License Key that I want to enter
How to get sidebar widget with product categories visible on shop page?
Show only excerpt on category pages
Cornerstone Header Builder
The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found
Help with Queries
Envira Gallery not showing "Add New" Menu item
Pro sticky menu jumps not exactly to section
Sidebar Not Showing Up in Post Layout Setup
MEC Events Short Code Views Not Displaying Correctly
I keep getting a 404 error when trying to re-assign License
WooCommerce Custom Layout Including Out of Stock Products in Count
Mobile Vertical Layout Not Applying Properly
Fatal error immediately after installing
Looper Content with Form Fields
ACF & Looper - Show Post Based on Custom Field Date
Column Break Issue
ACF - Using Loopers to dynamically output the content of a custom post type
Looper Column Collapse
Cornerstone is different than live view
Cornerstone Display Error
Download all versions of Pro template from 4.3.3 to 5.1.5
Header bars jump
Cornerstone cannot open page editor
Can validate site to update theme
Grid not responsively resizing
Use small-size thumbnail of featured image when building archive page in Layout builder
Importing templates gives "uh oh" error
Essential Grid 'Show more' button & pagination white – can't change colour
CF7 integration causes fatal error
Using ACF custom field in a looper to display related portfolio item featured image
Error, this is what I see on my page
How do I manage/ edit the lines between sections?
Toolset Repeatable Fields in Looper
Site not responsive in browser testing, but looks correct and works in cornerstone
Trouble with one page nav
Parallax background images not working
Single custom post template - trying to display custom taxomony
Background Video Volume
ACF Pro Repeater fields
Portfolio template display issue
Revolution slider font color
Boxes same width
Modal View Issue
Change color Business Success Header
Error on X theme, website down!
Button Cutoff on Bottom
WordFence and Pro Theme not playing nicely
Updating X Theme From X 5.0.3
The preview could not load due to iframe response Message
Blog Archive Page Out Of Alignmnet in Ethos
Social links - links not working properly
"Rest of site" header for blog archive
Bug - Mega Menu Dropdown - No scroll on Mobile
Pro Headers Issue - Conditions - Unable to restrict individual Bar to "Blog Archive" page
eCommerce/Store Templates
Cant validate theme
Post Element and Mobile Breakpoints
Link not going to checkout
Query format for a search
Home page not loading properly on first load
Videos not working anymore
Crafty theme image sizing issue
Video tiny on mobile
Animations stopped working
Footer containers inline
Design Cloud not registering validation
Design Cloud not registering validation
My site shows the following errors and will not open
Revolution Slider Shifting to Left on Scroll
Delete classic recent posts element
Error when trying to update X theme WordPress 6.0.2; X Theme 4.4.2; convertplug 1.2.4
Header Builder menu not load
Header Assignments Not Showing
Need help with Query String
Override MEC Page Tittle (OG: Page Title)
Post tiles interaction
How can I apply a custom layout to my portfolio pages?
Activating Cornerstone Causes Critical Error
Estimation plugin not activating
Cornerstone page builder/editor does not load preview
Footer no longer editable
Modals With Facet WP
Page content not displaying on front end
Applying licence on Staging site shows a success message but site remains unvalidated
Top nav global container not applying
No Comments tab in WP Dashboard?
Wordpress not connected to theme x
Slider - not working
Can't center a form integration in a row
Safety First OC
Header issues from editing to live site
Gym demo classes portfolio
Portfolio acting Strange
Font change for Woo commerce
Page inspection right mouse click doesn't work
Buddypress conflict
UberMenu Images Do Not Work From Select Menu
Pro - Cornerstone page is blank
Somebody, Anybody, Please HELP
Logo Carousel not cropping height on mobile
Hero image doesn't load until you scroll down on mobile
I can't download Convert Plus Info Bars
Slider (Inline) - stretch Slide width to fit image while keeping uniform height?
Text Not Wrapping / Flowing to Next Line on Mobile
Cs_column widths / padding
Iframe display error
Slider: image center vertical
Layout like a tree structure
Breadcrumbs missing on posts
Video embed not displaying
Can't translate
"Load Templates" not showing new templates
Staging site not accepting license
Continued Error when trying to update X theme WordPress 6.0.2; X Theme 4.4.2; convertplug 1.2.4
PHP Fatal error Woo Checkout Editor
Custom Font after uploading to site backend, CSS and HTML code
Slider shrinks when scrolling
Can't edit anything after updating Cornerstone
Sale Price not showing
ACF Pro activation strips the formatting of text
How to build a 3 column row that gives scaling priority to one column
SideBar Menu, not able to create
Page Height
Zoom automatically also scrolls unintendedly
Cornerstone Validation Help
No header/footer template for MEC
WC Archive w/ Off Canvas Filter - Not filtering
My cornerstone home page builder is not loading properly
Footer row full width
X Theme 4.6.4 to 9.1.4
Extra Margin on left side of blog when in masonry mode?
Global block has extra added space
Can't click dropdown indicator
Image cover is off
Shuffle in the layout of articles
I'm stuck on the front page
Remove strange space under Footer and second scrollbar
Migrate Content from X Theme / Cornerstone to Pro
Template Download & Upload Option Missing since updating to 6.0.1
I can't load comerstone my page. I do not know what I can do
Mobile site not taking updates
Menu not working since update
Content Dock jQuery Error
Background Video not displaying in header after upgrading to Pro 6.0.2
Cannot type hash symbol #
After update Mobile button at every break point
Site Breaking after Cornerstone Update
Pro Theme (6.0.2) update - carousel no longer working
Background upper layer not working with Global Colours
New update is terrible, post disappears in post magazine and show no photo
How to import a saved column in pro 6.0.3
Pro 6.0.3: Global Blocks lost spacings in Cornerstone
ACF URL Field not displaying
Theme PRO validation
Cornerstone creates critical error
Crafty Demo not working
Wp query => query string => page id
Out of stock products displaying in Layout Builder
Pro WooCommerce Single Page Edit
Issue with Universal Block Not Serving Images in a Generic WP Post Page
Header defaulted to WordPress from my X Pro header
Ignore Sticky Posts keeps reverting to ON position in classic featured posts
Paragraph tag in tab element
Accordion section
Access background image after update
Main Nav Responsive Behavior Broken
Modal Content resizing
Insert Image Meta Fields into Looper Slider
Display Url in an Array
Smooth scoll is not working in chrome, or firefox on my homepage
Vers. 6.x.x License field and Auto Update
Two Bugs in Card element
Looper Provider Query Builder - random on refresh
Stuck in the grid
Video Post Settings with WPML won't save properly
Submenus of Inline menus does not work in Mega Meny for mobile phones
Post Summary Tile Style Images Missing
Since updating my Pro theme to 6.0.7 I can no longer edit "in pro"
WooCommerce layout, products disappearing
Using posts element to display a blog category and split it into two sections
Links in Slider (Inline) not working
Blog layout: related post based on custom taxonomy
Adobe fonts not working in essential grid
Content Modal not opening upon click
Preferences hangs
Two lightbox on same page
Latest themeco Pro update re-enabled back to top, but wont show unless you login
A 2nd link in a linked column?
New themeco update, new problems! Great job developers <3
Moving Elements
Component parameter checkboxes - follow-up question
How long for purchase code to be accepted?
Why can't I import an element as a section/row/column like previous versions?
Design Cloud Elements Not Appearing
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property (After latest updates)
Cannot add Themeco Blog template to Archive
Pro theme not validating after key added
Extra Content before Portfolio Page
Superfly can not be installed
Component With A Slot - Only Slot Available To Edit
We have been using Integrity Stack default Fonts but after updating X a few weeks ago the fonts default to Times or some other Serif font
Limit purchases to 1 item per order Check Box
Can´t find max
Fullwidth custom portfolio item template using Layout Builder?
Change theme colors and icons for blog posts
How can we insert ads shortcode between looper post grid?
Icon position in headline
Checking if an update to PHP8 at WMPUDEV hosting could trigger a critical error in Pro theme
Dev tools has disappeared in Pro 6.1.5
Make a slide container with a background image fill 100% of a cell grid
Recent Posts Widget Empty
Sticky bar element interacting differently with (Slider Revolution) top slider since update
Sliders juddering and reseting in marquee mode
Issues with X theme and Cornerstone mobile menu and more
Unable to Locate Global Block after Update
No preview in "Customize X Theme Options"
Wanderlust header template
Slider above masthead no longer working after Pro update 6.1.6
ACF "Post Object" fields on Single Layout
Can't load new version of pro on website
Cornerstone page not loading
PHP error in backend
Strange Menu scaling after Pro update
Product Category Page confusion
Cannot currently save sections to a template
Remove margin around row
Component Shortcodes do not render selected colors
Post showing "post" in breadcrubs
Loading of lists is delayed
Adobe Fonts Not loading projects
Sites crash when switching to php 8.0
Use dynamic content to pull a media file from an ACF field
Custom Font Upload not showing up on normal page editor
Checking if an update to PHP8 at WMPUDEV hosting could trigger a critical error in Pro theme
Slider (inline) displays slides vertically not horizontally
Newest Pro update not working - Still getting a 502 error
Font not updating or working on top nav links
Slider autoplay stops after drag interaction
Recent X update issue - still displaying critical error
Memory error after upgrading Wordpress and Cornerstone
**Fatal error** : Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function WC() in
Videos not loading after upgrading to Pro 6.1.10
Pro Woocommerce Layout with component does not show the local Google font
Mobile posts page not formatted correctly
X Using the template theme crafty The header and footer styles are inconsistent
Updated successful but no Cornerstone anymore
Pro - Cornerstone missing preview edge
Cornerstone Consistently Slowing Down / Lagging Performance
Feeding recent posts with one of the users of ACF multi author field
Loss of layout after few days online
Error When Uploading Pro Theme
Text styling going wild every day?
Blog Gallery - Featured image thumbnails not loading
Hamburger Menu isn't working on any mobile device
Site hosted on no longer accessible
Flexbox Alignment driving me crazy
Can a component built as a looper be used as a shortcode in another plugin?
How to embed a complete demo theme?
The preview could not load due to a http/https mismatch
How do I edit a global block?
Layout-Grid: This element could not render because its plug in is missing
After updating to the newest pro and Wordpress Effects not working as they did
Cannot use input on mobile forms (Gravity forms)
How to simply copy content from a page to another?
Font selected in Cornerstone not displaying on website frontend
Blank homepage when logged out
Could you please help me to import a demo?
How to display tags on posts and in archive
Getting Fatal Error and unable to access wp-admin, website is running otherwise
Custom links not showing in cornerstone
Display what categories post is in
Cornerstone editor not showing changes
Slider Revolution not sliding!
Styles and hero video dropped out after update
Can't edit specific page with Cornerstone
Post tags : meta robots set to "index" even when set to "noindex" in Yoast
Cornerstone '404 Object not found!'
ACF Pro Datepicker Without Date Displays As Today's Date On Front-End
Error on categories. Header and footer missing
Cornerstone keeps initializing. Need help
Updated PRO to V6.2.5 and now child can't be activated because it doesn't recognize PRO installed
Search query is no longer default
Can the columns change automaticly in numbers in archive pages
Global Block / Layout Builder on Pro is Missing
2023 how to center an image
Cornerstone theme options page not loading
Ubermenu submenu styling
Elements bottom line
Botton in homepage and mobile site
Cart Off Canvas is not showing any items
Cannot add new image
Looper Consumer Data location in database for libsyn integration
Updating from 5.1.5 to 6.2.7 - All layout assignments seem broken
Off Canvas Content
Where did Body and Headings options go for Text element?
Dynamically filter looper content with terms buttons
ACF nested repeater with provider
Display images submitted by users in slider
Stuck on Initializing and other problems
X mini cart in home page doesn't update
WooCommerce product gallery in dynamic slider with WP query string
Pro header jumps / reloads on scroll to top - Safari
Cannot edit with Cornerstone and other issues
Cartflows not working correctly on Themeco Pro Theme
Cornerstone Editor Showing Blank Screen
Gravity Form radio button closes off canvas element when checked
Under construction password not working after Pro update
Updating very old version to newest
Post pagination element not appearing on archive layout
Can't apply license
Blog Page / Archive / Reading Page not showing Header & Footer
Scrolling bar sub-navigation is hidden
Custom Looper Random Post - Custom Example Not Working
Two columns - Same Height. Stretch doesn't work?
No bars or containers in footer
Slider element bug
You do not have permission to inspect this element type
Sliders in Tabs
Pro: Accordion Content Not Visible Unless Starts Open is Selected
You do not have permission to inspect this element type x-theme
Looper Provider and Link manager
Critical Error when attempting to Save changes on a Large Page in Cornerstone, X Theme
Trying to move some pages
Pro slider navigation: multiple click necessary on last slide
Breadcrumbs not aligning in Pro
Active anchor links do not highlight in inline navigation
Button element showing as X on mobile menu
Header Assignment Home / All other pages
Custom Archive Layout not showing as portfolio page
Mini-cart element styles (using blank/starter stacks)
Password Protect Custom Post Type does not work
Strange problem with editor
Cornerstone not working after fresh install
Using F j, Y date format in loopers
Builder showing different results to Safari for Header
URL text showing in header
Classic elements gone from cornerstone
Cannot drag or order elements in/within component div
Use dynamic content to reference parent looper field
How to stop logo shrink in scrolling navbar
Issue with nav bar links and footer on mobile device
Issue with accessing header element in header builder
Filter Archive Posts Display by Category
Using multiple looper providers inside a slider element
Misconfigured URLs Error
Div Element Background image not showing
Errors after updating X theme and Cornerstone
Breakpoint Settings For Padding
Cornerstone not loading on one of the pages
Envira & Soliloquy Gallery Issues
Condition with ACF Field Value that has a space
Slider Pagination broken
Get Started button not working on mobile view
Different footers not displaying on different languages
Yoast not showing up after on specific pages
Remove container and make Home page full screen?
Relational Field connecting 2 CPTs
WPMU Conflict
Cartflows Built with Cornerstone Not Displaying Page Properly
Looper pull only child category
Updating last modified by dynamic content
User Meta not working
Woocommerce User Registration - undefined function wc_print_notices()
Looper with wrong number of attachments
Cornerstone Not Loading - Video Element
All plugin extentions wont install "error encountered"
Cant edit global sections in Cornerstone
X-Theme Pro, Renew Stack - Sidebar Not Displaying
CSS broken and X Theme Options not displaid no more after X theme update
Layer Slider Slides won't open
WooCommerce Order Dashboard using loopers
I need help on this red thin box
Document Error: You are probably offline
Bug in WooCommerce Add to Cart Form Element
Video isn't autoplaying
Condition for hide section but element is still rendered in html
Pro: How to add custome Header and Footer to Layouts
An error occurred while updating Pro: Could not copy file. pro/cornerstone/assets/svg/font_awesome/brands/twitch.svg
Hey I created A imge gallery through ACF But it is not working
Filter posts by category with buttons (2)
Looping text marquee
Woo Commerce Regular Product Price not showing
Move Buttons in Header to 2nd Row?
Navlink - Accordion Bug - weird URL
Exclude Element vom Link Child Effects
WooCommerce Star Selection Error
Gravity Forms Losing Styling from Component Short Code
Accordion looks different live than the settings
All menu items showing sub menu icons
Footer Sections/Bars Backgrounds not working – Strange Value in data-x-bar
Issue removing an old blog post
Exported Elements using dynamic content created in Component Missing
Menu button not working on mobile version
Nested Loopers with 2 Custom Post Types
Looper Provider Quesion
Unwanted white space at top of every page
Dropdown with auto populated categories and post count
Mobile submenus overlap
503 error after accidentally changing themes
Looper Provider/Consumer Question
I can't access the X/Cornerstone support
Parent Item In Mobile Menu Not Clickable
Validation Nothing
Make Article and DIV.x-main span full width of page
Slider Not Clicking With Image
Extracting Specific Value from meta key
Help page can't be changed
Cornerstone editor error message
Off Canvas Menu Showing All Sub Items on Mobile Devices
Background image on mobile
When we make a video ACF field for the products and attached to the product layout for the front end
Cornerstone saves translations in the second language, but displays the translations in the first language
After upgrading header menu links changed with an icon
Secondary menu does not open on small screens (mobile phones)
Pro triggers navigation on map
Element can't render
No negative margin top allowed in Chrome after cornerstone and theme X update
/* ]]> */ Text Showing at the Bottom of Site
Translate template single lay-out
WP Forms not rendering in Cornerstone
Pro 6.4.11 - Issue showing the_content after looper
Warning: Undefined array key "layoutHeader" and Undefined array key "layoutFooter"
Missing blog pictures
Theme no longer working after wordpress update
How to force cornerstone 767px breakpoint to show two columns content as in 480px
X theme killed our website with 503 error
Accordions not working in Safari & Chrome
Weird image uploading limit
cURL error 56: Connect tunnel failed, response 403
Product Pagination, Change Arrows to Numbers
Video backgrounds not working
Custom fonts are present but not showing
Latest core update not compatible with Pro?
Receiving Error Message
Section ID - scroll to ID - offset
Hide during different breaking points for anything apart desktop is broken
How to "remove" a section, row or column if there is no content
Styling Inline Slider (within a Stacked Slider)
Error when installing Superfly