Navigation – dropdown issues

Hello, I have two question regarding the navigation.

  1. When I quickly hover over the individual top links of the menu, the dropdown menus for the individual top links items overlap, see picture. It seems that there is a certain delay here before the dropdown closes again when you have long moved the cursor away. How can I set the dropdown to close immediately so that there is no overlapping of multiple dropdown menus?

  1. The second question also relates to the dropdown. I keep having the problem that I get line breaks in the dropdown for longer sub links (also see screenshot above). I set the dropdown width to auto so that the width of the dropdown should adapt to the length of the longest menu item. But that doesn’t always seem to work. How can I fix this?

Many thanks in advance!

Hello @mrdplusd,

Thanks for writing in!

1.) Regretfully there isn’t any setting that you can change the delay of the navigation dropdown. The delay has been hardcoded with the navigation inline element. To get this issue resolved, please check out this old thread:

2.) Setting the width to auto will not help. Please edit your header and in your navigation inline element, set the width of the dropdown explicitly.

If nothing is helping, we would love to check your navigation inline element settings if we can have access to your site. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
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To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works

Best Regards.

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