Can't change red buttons

Hello! The buttons on my site are staying red. There is nothing I can do to get them back to their normal colors. I am not sure why this happened and would love some support to fix. Thanks!

Hi @creatingyourcalm,

Thanks for reaching out!

Would you mind sharing your website URL so that we can check what’s going on? It would also be best if you could provide us your admin credentials. To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.


Thank you! Just submitted the requested information in the secure note. Website is -

Hi @creatingyourcalm,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have checked your website and found that you are using the X version 9.0.8 and the Cornerstone is also version i.e. 6.1.4. I would suggest you update the X by following the below steps.

  1. Delete the Cornerstone
  2. Update the X theme to the latest version on automatic updates
  3. After the X theme is updated, use the link in the dashboard to automatically install the Cornerstone. It will be at the latest version

After you update the X and the Cornerstone,please check once by clearing all type cache including the Style Cache from Cornerstone > Settings > System > Clear Style Cache and check in the incognito/private mode of the browser.

Hope it helps.

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