Background video doesn't show past Pro 5.08

Hi, my background video no longer plays if I update the theme to any version over 5.08. I’ve gone through and disabled all the plugins to test if there was a plugin conflict, but none of them being deactivated made a difference. I also deactivated caching and it made no difference. I had made no other changes except to update Pro and suddenly the background video will no longer display. If I revert back to 5.08 (where I have it now), it plays fine. There are no issues showing up in the console; it simply is not loading the video for some reason. I saw someone else with a similar issue upon updating and they never received a fix for it, so I know I’m not the only one with this issue.

Hello @geekgoddessx,

Thanks for writing to us.

It might be the issue of version compatibility. Please make sure your theme, plugins, WordPress, and the PHP version are updated as per our version compatibility page.. I would suggest you please purge all the cache. I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings.

If it doesn’t work, it would be best if you could copy your live website to your staging area. and then update the theme there and check it again. If it doesn’t work please send your details in a secure note so that we can investigate your setting without breaking your live site. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Exact Page URL
  • FTP Details

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


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