Do I have a javascript error?

On multiple sites where I use X Pro, I have the following issues:

Please can you help.

Hey @Lorenmn,

Kindly perform the following troubleshooting steps first to help narrow down the cause of the issue:

  1. Testing For Plugin Conflict
  2. Child Theme
  3. Css/Js Customization
  4. Increasing Php Memory Limit

If the issue persists with all 3rd party plugins and child theme deactivated (parent theme active), all customizations removed and PHP memory limit increased to at-least 512M, provide the following info in a Secure Note and we’ll investigate.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.


I’ve already tried all of those. With no success.

The PHP memory limit is already at 768M.

I’ve added login details in a secure note to my original post.

Hi @Lorenmn,

I have checked the site but didn’t find any JavaScript code as described, whereas the code is found at But unable to check it as the credentials are provided for, not for I have also checked and found the page cloning is working fine with the Cornerstone. I would suggest you check both sites once again, and let us know which issue exists on which site. And also share the credentials for both the sites for investigation.


I’ve just logged into and the cloning function is not working. The error only flashes up for a second but I did catch it.

I create the page, then edit with Cornerstone and try to clone from there.

On that same site, there is some weird code at the bottom on the front end that reads

/* ]]> */

This is javascript, right?

I’ll add secure details to to this post.

Hello @Lorenmn,

In your Retail marketing Academy site, you added this in the Custom Code > Global JS :

<meta name="p:domain_verify" content="096ecbf81e990c4c8aa8e37f13f0610f"/>
<!-- Pinterest Tag -->
!function(e){if(!window.pintrk){window.pintrk = function () {
pintrk('load', '2612863864442', {em: '<user_email_address>'});
<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt=""
  src="[em]=<hashed_email_address>&noscript=1" />
<!-- end Pinterest Tag -->

Please remove that code and install the “Insert Headers and Footers” plugin and that is where you insert the JS code above to prevent any conflicts on the site.

Best Regards.

I have a plugin installed for that (this one, the most popular - but I’m getting an error when I click ‘code snippets’ to add the code.

The error reads ‘You do not have permission to access this page.’ Any thoughts?

And what about the failure to clone pages?

Hey @Lorenmn,

I do not have any issues adding a snippet.

  • See the secure note below.

Please provide us the URL or point us to which page you encounter the issue.

Thank You.

I haven’t tried it in that website. I had the error in I used an alternative plugin and the code is now gone from the front end.

However, I STILL cannot clone pages when creating a new page.

Hey @Lorenmn,

If you’re not doing so yet, you need to clone your pages within Cornerstone. Click the Duplicate button when you hover over the page name.


Alternatively, you can save your pages as a template using the Template Manger so you can insert pages to a new page or existing page any time.

If you have more questions, kindly open a separate thread because mixing topics in one thread almost always leads to confusion which increases our reponse time which is not good for all users asking for help.


Okay, that’s a workaround. At least that bit works. Although it would be a pain to have to create a template every time I need to start from a cloned page. BUT, there is still an error in using the other method for cloning a page, once you already have a new blank page created.

Does Themeco accept that there is an error?

Hey @Lorenmn

just visited your site und I can se the a Javascript Error in the console like in the screenshot:

In line 488 there is JavaScript expected, but there is a meta tag printed which is not JavaScript but HTML. Don’t know where this is coming from and it is not clear, if this error leads to your other problems.

If this is in your Page Custom JS Code or Global Custom JS Code section you should remove it.

Surely that’s not the cause of the inability to clone in a new page? This happens on all the websites I have X Pro on.

Oh yes, on the other example site as well. There is really something bogus going on there. :thinking:
There are also script files that are not found (404) and other errors. Never saw something like this on my sites.

Hey @Lorenmn,

The only cloning or duplicating we support is the use of the Template Manager. With that said, can’t provide help with other cloning methods.

Thank you for understanding.

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