Audio element not working on some browsers

Hi There,
There seems to be an issue with the Audio element not working on Google Chrome (Mac), Firefox and Edge on Windows machines.
The URL is
I am using WP 5.9.3 and Theme X Pro 5.1.5

Are there any known issues or work arounds I could use?

thank you for looking into this.

Hey @shuttom,

I see the issue in your site but I couldn’t replicate it on my site even using the mp3 you’re using. That stongly suggests that there’s something in your site causing the issue. Maybe a 3rd party plugin, custom code in your child theme or even resource conflict due to caching because you said you’re using Pro 5.1.5 but I see it’s still 5.1.4 in the source code.

With that said, please do the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Testing For Plugin Conflict
  2. Theme Update
  3. Child Theme
  4. Css/Js Customization

Please get back to us with the result of each step.

Only if none of them fixed the issue, please provide the following info in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.


Hi Christian,
Thank you for following up with this.
I think I may have sourced the issue. I believe it has something to do with a mixed content failure as the mp3 stream uses an unsecure http connection while the site uses https protocol. I believe this triggers the error in certain browsers such as chrome and edge.
I will see if my client can create the mp3 feed using https and see if that solves the problem.

Thank you again for your help.

Hi @shuttom,

Glad to know that you are able to find the reason behind the issue.


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