Reduce the size of slider

How can I reduce the size of the sliders on this page?

Right now it’s taking up a lot of the page. I’d like to reduce the size by at least 2/3. The photos are only 1080 x 1920.

Thank you,


Hi Ashley,

Thanks for reaching out!

Would you mind sharing your admin credentials so that we can check your setup? To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Secure note added. Thank you.

Hi Ashely,

You can specify the width into the Content Wrapper of the slider to reduce the width and height of the slides.

Hope it helps.

Hello. When I change the max width, I can no longer get the slider to be centered on the page.

When I change the max height, the bottom section (which happens to be a slider) comes up on top of the section / slider. The same things happen if I am adjusting height and width (not max).

Please advise and thank you.

Hello Ashely,

You should be changing the maximum width of the Slider (Stacked) DIV element instead.

You can set the maximum width for example: 500 pixels and then enable the Margins (auto for left and right) to make it display at the center.

Please check the example URL in the secure note.


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