Hamburger disappeared with latest update

Not sure what is happening but the hamburger is not showing on the site:
Can you help?

Hello @mcostales84,

Thanks for writing to us.

It generally happens due to the cache or plugin conflict issue. In order to help you with your concerns we need to check your settings. I would request you, please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


added to the previous message

Hello @mcostales84,

Please edit your custom header and removed the Toggle Custom Attribute.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Yes, it worked! Thanks

Hi @mcostales84,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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