Hamburger Menu isn't working on any mobile device

Android or iPhones that I have tested all have the hamburger menu sliding in, but blank white.

It appears in the Cornerstone editor under mobile and I can see other changes like if I edit the width or which side it’s on, but on mobile, no matter what the screen is blank white.

Any ideas?

Hello @sorendigital,

Thanks for writing to us.

In order to help you with your concerns we need to check your settings I would request you, please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Thank you! I added it in.
Sorry for the delay.

Hello @sorendigital,

I tried to access your site dashboard but the given login details are not working on my end. Please recheck and send us again.


Can you try now? I updated the PW

Hello Paul,

We still cannot log in. Can you please temporarily deactivate the Jetpack plugin on your site so we can log in to your site?

By the way, please make sure to clear all your plugin caches because I think this is just a caching issue.

Best Regards.

Hi Paul,

I have checked and found that the custom attribute data-rvt-offscreen-reset is set to the Off Canvas element which reset the element immediately. I have removed it and now the Menu and Search box is showing properly.

Screenshot 2023-05-03 194204


Just FYI, that came stock in a Themco Header template.
Those might need to be updated. A lot of them use “classic” elements still too.

Thanks so much for finding the issue for me!

Hi Paul,

You are most welcome.

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