Unable to show sales price and discount price on WooCommerce Product page


On another theme the discount price and regular price showing on the product page and shop page as well: https://prnt.sc/11t7r7x

But on the pro layout shop page it didn’t: https://prnt.sc/11t7xrz

Is there any options or way to make it available on both shop and product page via that layout?


Currently using this shortcode for the price:
What should be the shortcode for the both price ?

Hello Nikolaus,

Thanks for writing to us.

To display the product price and sale price you need to use these dynamic content code

Use this one to display the product price.

Use this one to display the product sale price.

But you must set the condition like this for the sale price so that it doesn’t create blank space if the product is not a sale product.


Thank you for the code. Added that dynamic shortcode, but it’s not strikethrough and don’t find that product (is) conditions: https://prnt.sc/11vuzmn. Please advice.

Hello Nikolaus,

For the original price text element setting, you need to enable the strike-through text decoration.

You are looking in the wrong place. You will need to add a condition within your Text element settings.

Hope this helps.

don’t find that product (is) conditions: https://prnt.sc/11vuzmn. Please advice.

Hello Nikolaus,

Go to the element —>Click on the customize —>Click on the “Conditions”—>Scroll down to WooCommerce and then select “Product(is)” from here.

You can check this video as well


If it doesn’t help you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Exact page URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hello Nikolaus,

By withdrawing the post, I believe you already have resolved the issue. If the issue still existed, you can let us know.



want to show logged-in users, who are having a membership (woocommerce memberships plugin) their discount price next to the crossed out price.

In other words, I just want a copy of the single product page on my shop page (the price part)

The Price on the product page should look exactly like the one below (without the title)

I can add you guys to a membership plan if you give me an email.

Hello Nikolaus,

I went ahead and edited your layout. I added another text element that displays the Original price when a user is logged in. I also added a condition on this text element that it will only display when a user is logged in.

Screen Shot 2021-04-30 at 11.03.04 AM

The orginal price text element is having this dynamic content: {{dc:woocommerce:currency_symbol}}{{dc:woocommerce:product_regular_price}}.

You can compare the URL in the secure note below when logged in and not log in. You will see something like this:

Logged In:

Not Log In:

Check your layout now.

seems fine. Now the only Problem is, that logged in user see a sale price, even though there is no sale price.

Hi Nikolaus,

The condition needs to be applied for where you have added the regular price code {{dc:woocommerce:currency_symbol}}{{dc:woocommerce:product_regular_price}}. The condition should check if the product On Sale before shows the regular price as shown in the given screenshot.

But in your case, the condition is something different and which shows the price if user is logged in. I would suggest you change the condition as described in the above screenshot.

Hope it helps.

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