Hi there,
My burger menu isn’t working on mobile (viewing it on iPhone 7).
Hi there,
My burger menu isn’t working on mobile (viewing it on iPhone 7).
Hi @jimmillard,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I checked your site and the reason this is happening is that you’ve updated the Cornerstone to the latest version but haven’t updated X to the newer version. To avoid the incompatibility issues and potential errors, always make sure to update both X and Cornerstone to the latest versions.
You can find the latest version numbers here: (http://theme.co/changelog/) Then you can compare them to what’s installed on your site.
If you find anything to be out of date, you can review our update guide.
After doing the updates, always remember to clear all caches (if you are using WP Rocket, WP SuperCache or W3 Total Cache) when updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.
Let us know how this goes!
Hi there,
Thanks for this. I have updated the X theme as recommended and it has fixed the burger menu issue, so thank you for that. However, now several other elements are not displaying instead. There should be a red box with white writing ‘Book your slot now’ which has disappeared, along with coloured boxes further down the page. Any thoughts as to why this is?
Hello @jimmillard,
It seems that you have updated X theme and Cornerstone plugin but your JS_Composer(WP Bakery Page Builder) is still not updated yet. Please update your WP Bakery Page Builder to 6.4.0 since you are using an older version. Please ensure that everything is up to date according to our version compatibility list at https://theme.co/docs/version-compatibility
If it does not work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details
You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts
Hi there,
Thank you - I have added a secure note.
Just to clarify I have done the updates but still have the issue - I have added a secure note as requested. Thanks.
Hi @jimmillard,
The hamburger menu is just working fine when I test it on my end maybe it is just a cache on your end. Please clear your phone cache and any cache in your website.
On the other hand, the issue I am seeing in your website is that the icons is not loading, I advise you that you disable your CDN first in your hosting and let us know how it goes.
Hope that helps.
Thank you.
Yes the burger menu is working fine now - the updates recommended fixed that. However, as a result of doing the updates a new problem has appeared - what you’re describing as the icons not loading may be because they are white and the text is also not visible because that is white - what isn’t loading is the coloured background to the text boxes on the home page and all other pages. The update has somehow changed how this part of the design of the site is working. Please see login details in secure note, above.
Hi @jimmillard,
It has been found that the page is not accessible through the Cornerstone page builder while trying to edit and showing an error.
There might be a few different reasons for this issue, I would suggest you troubleshoot a few common issues:
And also test by switching to the Parent theme whether the issue persists with the Child Theme only, if so please remember that we don’t offer any support to the modified child theme and related issues.
I would also suggest you try by deleting the Theme and the WP Bakery plugin and update it manually once again to check.
If none of these helps, please copy your live site to a staging server so we could troubleshoot freely without breaking your live site. And give us access in the secure note including:
– WordPress Site URL & Admin URL
– WordPress Admin username/password
To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.
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