Issue with CSS not loading on first view

Hello we are experience an issue where the first time someone visits a page after it has been modified the CSS isn’t loading correctly. It does correct after refreshing. And this is just the first person to view the page the first time. After visiting it loads correctly for others. I can reproduce this by either editing a page or clearing the style cache. I’ve seen other topics cover a similar issue but in those cases everyone is using either a CDN or site caching. On our development environment we have all of that disabled and are still seeing this behavior.

Hey @marketing_micasense,

Thanks for reaching out!

By default, the CSS will load first before the HTML is rendered and what you are experiencing is vice versa. That issue has something to do with the caching plugins but you are proclaiming that in your development area the caching plugins are disabled and the issue still persists. I believe what happened is that even though the caching plugins are disabled but the cache files are still present on your website. That being said, it would be best if you could delete the cache files entirely, and also you could do the plugin conflict troubleshooting.

Only if none of that helps, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Hope that helps and let us know how it goes.

I was able to narrow it down to being a conflict with Ajax Search Pro, but I’m still not sure why that would be.

Hey @marketing_micasense,

We’re glad that you’re able to find the culprit to your issue. I suspect that there’s some functions with the Ajax Search Pro that breaks the CSS functionality on the first load or maybe its just only a cache. You could probably disable and enable the Ajax Search Pro plugin and let see how it goes.

Hope that helps and let us know how it goes.

If I deactivate the ajax search pro it works, but the issue comes back as soon as I re-activate it. There are some odd CSS settings for Ajax Search Pro and I made sure to turn them all off where possible, but it seems like none of the setting changes make any difference. Thanks for your help. I’m going to go and bug them now and see if they maybe understand the issue they are causing.

Hello @marketing_micasense,

Please be advised that AjaxSearch Pro is a 3rd party plugin that is not fully supported with the theme. You may need to contact to the creators of this plugin for further investigation. They should be able to give you some insights and solutions to resolve your issue.

Best Regards.

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