Background video does not play on mobile and poster image does not show either


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I have a background video set up to play plus a poster image and it works fine on desktop but there is no video playing on the mobile view (Apple iphone) and the poster image does not show on mobile either.

Please can you advise. None of the related topics have any pertinent information that can help

Kind Regards

Hello @shailash,

Thanks for writing to us.

All the background videos will be automatically disabled by the browser itself. Please take note that background videos are a bandwidth hogger thus this would really consume data for mobile device users which is why the video is replaced with the poster image instead. It seems that the poster image is working fine, it is not visible due to its size if the image. I would suggest you please add a small size image with different background.

If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

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