Scoial Share on pages

Hi @simonwr1976,

You can add the social share icons using the Social element as described by my colleague. But, unfortunately WhatsApp icon is not available in the list. You can use the Image option instead og Icon option and upload a custom image for WhatsApp.


Hope it helps.

ok thanks. But in the share list whatsapp isn’t an option, what should I choose there?

Thank you for the update.

As suggested above, you can switch Graphic > Type from Icon to Image , then look for the Primary Graphic Image section and upload your own whatsapp icon image.

Let us know if you need more info.

Best regards.

Thanks, I think I get that bit. In the previous screen shot I’ve sent I was trying to highlight the behavior section. I have selected share, but whatsapp isn’t in the dropdown, what should i do here?

Please look for the Primary Graphic Image section after toggling the Graphic > Type settings – screenshot below – and upload your own whatsapp image there.

Feel free to reach out if anything is unclear or needs clarification.

ok, thanks. i’ve added the whatsapp graphic image and the secondary graphic image and this is working fine. But in the behvior section i have selected facebook, so when the user clicks on the button it opens facebook, what should I choose in the behavior section??

Thank you for the update.

Since the icon whatsapp is not available by default, you may need to use the Link type in the Behavior settings, then place the wa link in the provided field. This might help:

Warm regards.

ok great thanks.

I have created this section as a component at the moment. I now want to add this to my product page. I have tried export the component, but haven’t been able to manage this, please advise how I do this

Hello @simonwr1976,

If you are using the Pro theme in your site, you may need to edit your custom Woo Single layout for the products and then you can insert the component that you have created. If you are using the X theme, a custom PHP may be needed to insert the component shortcode into the product layout.

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To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.

added the details on secure note

Hello @simonwr1976,

You have created the Component. You did not exported it. Please check out this Youtube video to know more about how you can export and re use the component you have created.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Thanks for the reply, but the issue that I’m having is that ‘export component’ is greyed out and so I can’t export it

Hello @simonwr1976,

You must first edit the label of the container element:

Once it has the custom label, you can then export the component.


great thanks. I’ve how exported them and added them to my product template and added them to a text element, but now they’re stacked when I want the to be on one line?

Thank you for the update.

Looks like you exported each social icon separately. We reversed this and exported the entire div containing the Icon elements instead, so you don’t have to copy the component shortcode manually. You can simply use the Social Share component from the Elements library. Please make sure to purge the cache before checking the product page.

Warm regards.

great, thanks for your help

You are most welcome, @simonwr1976.

I’ve updated the content in the initial component and this seems to have broken the content on the product page, it’s no longer showing

We reselected the Social Accordion component, and it seems to be working correctly now. Please make sure to purge the cache before checking.

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