Lightbox shortcode issue in X theme v7.2.3

Trying to use the [lightbox] shortcode in X theme v 7.2.3 but I get the following error in my Developer console:

Unable to render element TypeError: a.toLowerCase is not a function
at X (eval at (ilightbox.js?ver=4.2.3:7), :1:2121)
at HTMLSpanElement.eval (eval at (ilightbox.js?ver=4.2.3:7), :1:10892)
at Function.each (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:1)
at a.fn.init.each (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:1)
at aa.attachItems (eval at (ilightbox.js?ver=4.2.3:7), :1:10716)
at new aa (eval at (ilightbox.js?ver=4.2.3:7), :1:6820)
at a.fn.init.g.fn.iLightBox (eval at (ilightbox.js?ver=4.2.3:7), :1:54522)
at HTMLSpanElement. (cs.0ce70e6.js:8)
at cs.0ce70e6.js:1
at cs.0ce70e6.js:1 <span id=​"x-lightbox-1" data-x-element=​"lightbox" data-x-params=​"{“selector”:​".lightbox-image",“deeplink”:​false,“opacity”:​"0.85",“prevScale”:​"0.85",“prevOpacity”:​"0.65",“nextScale”:​"0.85",“nextOpacity”:​"0.65",“orientation”:​"horizontal",“thumbnails”:​false}​">​​
(anonymous) @ cs.0ce70e6.js:1

I’ve already tried disabling all plugins (except for Cornerstone) and setting Cloudflare to “maintenance mode” to bypass all cacheing, but the same error appears.

I’m not using a child theme, and there’s no custom JS under Theme Options.

Hello @samuraicow,

Thanks for writing in!

Please make sure that you have updated to the latest version. Our latest versions are:

  • X theme 7.2.3
  • Cornerstone 4.2.3

This latest release contains fixes for several issues so be sure to check out the changelog (

If nothing is helping, provide us access to your site so that we can check your settings. Please create a secure note with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WordPress Admin username / password

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works

Please let us know how it goes.

Hi @ruenel.

Yes, I’m using the latest theme and plugin. My login info and page in question are already in the secure note in my initial post.


Hello @samuraicow,

Thanks for updating in!

You need to update your lightbox shortcode and make sure that you have inserted the correct selector. It seems that you need to use .lightbox-image > img as the selector. You can check out this old demo of the site to know how to correctly use the shortcode:

Hope this helps.

Strange. Your suggestion did not work, but changing the selector to a different name worked! Thanks!

Glad to hear it’s working with the other name now, @samuraicow.

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Wanted to add a note here for posterity after running into this bug myself today. If you have this issue, make sure your selector is targeting an anchor element that has an href attribute. Even if you just set it to #. Looks like iLightbox is triggering that error when it can’t find the attribute.

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