Cornerstone Plugin fatal error

Hi there!

I installed the X theme, and in my attempt to instal the Cornerstone plugin it shows the following error massage:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’ in /home/storage/a/c6/8b/npsfast1/public_html/public_html/wp-content/plugins/cornerstone/includes/classes/common/class-stable-sort.php on line 10

I already deleted via FPT, and uploaded that came with the X theme folder. But didn’t work.
What can i do?


Hey Glaucia,

You will need to unzip the zipped Cornerstone package. Please ask your web host to learn how to unzip a zip file in their server. It usually can be done via cPanel.

If the problem persists after that, please give us the following info in a Secure Note

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • FTP credentials


Hi Christian!

I Add the informations on the Secure Note.

Hi Glaucia,

I can see the issue. I tried to remove and reinstall Cornerstone too and the error gets back. Comparing the same files on my installation though, it is the same. Same file doesn’t show an error on my install. I tried to check the X > Status but I don’t have access using credentials you shared above. Can you make sure your wordpress installation are using the recommended PHP version and other wordpress requirements?

Hey Glaucia,

You’re using PHP 5.2 and the error could be because it lacks support or feature for the syntax that is being used in our Cornerstone file. Using PHP 5.2, you even could not upgrade to the latest WordPress version.

Please update to at least PHP 5.6.20 as recommended by WordPress.

I’ve deleted Cornerstone in your site, by the way. After you have upgraded your PHP version, try installing Cornerstone again. Just click on the link in the notification in your dashboard.


Hi There,

Oh! Ok, i Will ask for the update with my host and see if it can solve the problem!
Thank you guys. :smile:

You are most welcome!

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