Slider post minimal

Hello, I have a question about your latest update.
Is it possible to create an article slider? A bit like “post-minimal” but with the possibility to create a rotation.

Hi Smith,

Thanks for reaching out.
The Modern Slider are populated through the Looper Provider, so you can add the Post Data through the Looper Provider and show it in the Slider using the Dynamic Content.


Hello, thank you for your answer but I don’t understand how to do it :confused:
I would like to redo the slider of video 7 (Post scroll slider) but the video does not seem to be available. Is this normal or is it my fault?
I’m not sure if it’s a problem or not, but thank you for continuing to improve your theme :slight_smile:

Hey Smith,

We’re sorry for not providing links. You will first need to understand the Looper functionality because that will enable you to get the posts. You can learn more about the Loopers here

Next, you need to learn about the Dynamic Content as this will enable you to display post data. You can learn about the Dynamic Content here

So basically, in any slider, you will need to set the Slider Container element as the Looper Provider and the Slide element as the Consumer.

If you still don’t understand, please at least set up a Slider in a test page in your site and give us the following info in a Secure Note so we could point you to specific settings.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin username and password
  • URL of the test page

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.


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