Theme Won't Stay Validated

Hey guys,

Weird problem here. The theme successfully validates every time, but then the page refreshes and it’s not validated anymore. No error message (in fact, the message at the top of the screen says it was successful).

I have an unlimited license. I see that it got added automatically on the site, but I just don’t know why it won’t stay validated.

Can you take a look? I’ll share the domain name in a private note.

Actually I just realized that the DNS has likely not finished propagating yet at the new hosting. That’s probably the issue…

I’ll leave this here for reference to others. I’ll check back in when it’s fully propagated.

Hi @brianjohnsondesign.

Thanks for reaching out.

Once the DNS is fully propagated, I suggest that you disable all the plugins and re-validate your website. If it doesn’t help, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

It did, indeed, work once the DNS had fully propagated for a while. So I guess that’s a hard requirement. Might be worth throwing that piece of information on the troubleshooting page!

I’m all set.

Hi @brianjohnsondesign,

Great and if you have any other concerns regarding our theme features, feel free to reach us.

Thank you.

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