Cornerstone not displaying posts properly when using templates

Loving the new version of Cornerstone, although I have encountered problems when using post templates.

I create weekly blog posts at and each week, I “clone existing” to create the next post.

After the latest update, the post displays full screen with no padding, borders, etc when I click on “clone existing”:

Although when viewed on the front end, everything seems to be fine:

I tried creating a new template from an existing post, but the same thing happened.

I then tried creating a new post from that template by clicking on the + symbol at the top left of the screen and using the post template from the library. This creates a page and not a post, even though it says that it is a post template.

I have cleared the browser cache and cleared the system cache from within Cornerstone settings, but the problem is still present.

Hello @Paul_Hill_Guitarist,

Thanks for writing to us.

In order to help you with your concerns we need to check your settings I would request you, please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


I deactivated all plugins and the problem is still there. I will attach a secure note. Thanks.

Hey Paul,

If you need the look to be the same both in the builder and in the frontend, please create a Single Layout for your posts. Otherwise, the preview will be different as the Page Builder won’t pull the default post layout as it’s only concerned with the content.

The solution to this is to create a Single layout for your posts. If you’re new to creating a Single Layout, please watch the instruction video here:


Thanks, although I am confused. Since the update, I cannot figure out how to create a new layout as the Layout Builder does not seem to be an option anywhere as it was prior to the latest update.

I have created around 60 blog posts by simply cloning the previous post and editing as necessary. I tried creating a single layout from the post template section and various other methods, although the front end never matches the back end. I have also tried saving sections as templates and importing them into fresh posts with no success.

Hey Paul,

I just want to add that I have replicated this issue in my site. In Pro 5.1.5, the previous version, you don’t need to create a Single Layout because the Page Builder outputs the default post template.

You can choose 1 of the options below to get the same display both in the Page Builder preview and the Post frontend.

  1. Downgrade to the previous Pro 5.1.5. You can still download this version in your account for now.
  2. Create a Single Layout for your posts. Note that this is not connected to using the Page Builder for your post content. The Layout Builder deals with the layout while the Page Builder deals with the content.

To create a Single Layout in the new version, click Cornerstone under your WP Dashboard menus.


Once inside the Cornerstone interface, click the + icon and click Single. Follow the rest of the tutorial in the Youtube video I shared previously.


Thanks for the information. Will the Page Builder output the default post template in an update soon? If so, I will live with the front end looking different to the Page Builder until then as I only need to update the content for these posts. Otherwise, I will create a new template.

Hey Paul,

Our developers are already looking into the issue. The default post template should be displayed in the builder preview.

Please bear with us.

Excellent, thanks for the update.

You’re welcome.

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