Breakpoint display headers on mobile doesnt allow headers to display

set up with 2 headers, oine for mobile and other for desktop

clicking icons for breakpoints display accurately, but when I do on devices it drops the mages on mobile devices

site in question is

Hello William,

Thanks for writing to us.

I tried to access your site but given login credentials are not working at my end. Please recheck and send us again. It generally happens due to cache, I would suggest you please make sure you have purged all the cache. In case you are using any cache & JS/CSS optimization plugin, I would suggest you purge all the cache from the plugin and then check it again. If it doesn’t work for you we need to check your settings I would request you, please share your correct login details in a secure note. Please provide the following details meanwhile you must troubleshoot a few common issues before we investigate your settings.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


same credentials–sent u reset link

purged cache…same issue


Hello William,

I am another staff checking in. The password is still not working.

  • See the secure note below.

Thank you.

sending password and attaching in secure note

Hello William,

Thanks for sharing the correct login details, I went ahead and checked your settings. it seems that you created multiple headers. I would suggest you add multiple Header Bars in the same custom Header and then you need to show & hide Header Bars as per device in the same header.
Customheader-Header-Builder-Pro (2)

Please note you can not set the same condition to multiple Header layouts, it is not going the render, at the moment you have set the Header condition as Entire Site to multiple Header.


this part u suggested got it to work, however, I have a new issue, the background images have white spaces above and below the images…I can’t use padding or margins to fix it since its not provided…I used the contain parameter for this…adjusting the height works to some extent but adds white space to the top and bottom…am I missing something

the previous credentials will still work for you folks

Hello William,

Those white spaces are the result of the background size “Contain” that you are using. If you set it to “Cover”, the white spaces will be gone. The image will get zoomed in or might be cut off though. You may also play around with 100% value and see how it looks.

You might want to check this out first to have a better understanding relating to the size of the background image:

Hope this helps.

tried ur suggestion, the white area above and below the image is still an issue, r…it doesn’t seem to work the way the css tutorial suggested…need to find a way to cut off the white space instead of reducing the image; also is there a way to parameterize the height without reducing the image or distorting it

Hello William,

If you use the image as a background, you will have to compromise the dimension of the display or that there will be whitespaces around. Another solution would be to use an Image element inserted into the Bar element. You will NOT use background image in the Bar element. Check out the secure note for my demo.

Kindly let us know if this works out for you.

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