Box Won't Center

No matter what I try I cannot center the accordian box…

Hello @verobeachmarketing,

Thanks for posting in! Kindly use the v2 Accordion element. Set your maximum width and make sure to set the left and right margins to auto.


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This did not work. I added a secure note.

Hey @verobeachmarketing,

Thank you for providing credentials. Since you’re using classic sections and classic accordion element there are not much options in there. I’d suggest you to switch to v2 elements (sections and element) so you have more control over the layout. Moreover you won’t need any custom CSS.

I see you’ve given inline style to the classic accordion element to restrict it’s width, now to center align, i added margin: 0 auto; in your inline style field.

Please clear your browser’s cache and check your site now. Cheers!

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