Page is making containers

Hi there,

I was designing this page and everything looked fine until I went in to add the line in the blue section. I added a row without a container to get the line to be full width and then section below the blue (FOR PARENTS) went into a container and has the blue background. That is its own section and should not be ‘swallowed’ by the blue.
If you need access, just let me know.
Can you tell me what happened there?

Hey @tkcostello,

I’m sorry I am not 100% sure what’s the issue here but I see the broken HTML structure when I viewed your site’s source code.

Please first check for broken or HTML syntax errors within the content of your page. Manually checking the code might be tedious so you might want to save your page as a template using the Template Manager and then load the template to a test page and remove sections one by one until you see what section is causing the issue.

Please also give us WordPress Admin access in a Secure Note so we could take a look at your exact setup.


SO after deleting section by section, I found that it was the MEC calendar shortcode:

If I take out the section with the raw content, it fixed the rest of the page.

Hello @tkcostello,

Perhaps you have resolved the issue already. When I checked your site, this is what I am seeing now:

You must have fixed the broken HTML already. If you need anything else we can help you with, don’t hesitate to open another thread.


please see my previous reply.

Hello @tkcostello,

I can confirm that the MEC shortcode generates invalid html code that messed up the page. I would recommend that you add something like this:

<div class="events-calendar">[MEC id="258"]</div></div></div>

Remove or add more </div> to override the output generated by the shortcode.

Please let us know how it goes.

Perfect! Thank you for that.

You’re welcome!
We’re glad we were able to help you out.

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