Conditionally Hide Column if Description Does not Exist

I have a column that it’d like to hide if the portfolio item description is empty. How would I go about doing this? I played around with a few settings but can’t quite seem to get it right.

Hi @santosfel5,

Thanks for reaching out!

Would you mind sharing your website credentials so that we can check your setup? To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • URL of the page you’re having an issue

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

All set, I added the secure note for you to review.

Hi @santosfel5,

You need to customize the Portfolio Template by copying it to your child theme. Regretfully the customization is beyond the scope of our theme support. I would suggest you hire a developer who can assist you to do the customization or you can avail of our newly launched service called One, where the customization questions are answered.


I think you may not be understanding my question. I’ll clarify.

When you go under the “Conditions” area for a section, you can choose “If Featured Image is not Empty then show this section”. All I’m asking is do is “If Portfolio Description (see img below) is not empty then show this Column”.

It seems odd to me you’d had a condition for featured image, date, author, even Custom Fields, but not just the main description for a Portfolio item.

Hello @santosfel5,

Regretfully there isn’t an option for the description. This is something we can add to our list of feature requests. This way it can be taken into consideration for future development. All of these items are discussed with our team internally and prioritized based on the amount of interest a particular feature might receive.


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