Modern Events Calendar has no Mobile menu

Hi, added MEC today, added 4 events which was pretty easy. But then, I viewed on my Pixel 3 and Poof! the mobile menu hamburger is gone on MEC pages. Some conflict I cannot identify. Searched the forum - no similar issue. Have Userway plugin installed which I thought may be an issue, but no, when I deactivated it. Website is:

The styling in the interface is a bit awkward, but that is a different issue.

Thanks for you assistance.

Hi Stan,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have tried to check the given URL but unfortunately, it shows the 503 error. I would request you check and let us know once it is accessible.


Works just fine right off the forum post (desktop). Try the following url and go to Upcoming Events off the top menu (via desktop) or the hamburger via mobile. Might have been slow to respond directly to events page on mobile, hence 503.

Hey Stan,

In the Events Archive, there’s no output the Container containing the mobile menu. You most probably have set Conditions for the Container and the condition is not met in the events archive. That’s why nothing is displayed or generated. Please inspect your Container’s Conditions.

If no Condition is set, please temporarily deactivate all 3rd party plugins and give us the following info in a Secure Note

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.


Thanks for clearing that Up! Simple once you know what to look for and where. Took a minute to understand the Conditions context (again) and only a moment to tweak the Mobile Menu setting in the Global Header. Exhale, and didn’t disclose the situation after adding this new feature and admit to client I didn’t know how to resolve the issue. Thanks again for your help.

You are most welcome, Stan.

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