Update to Version: 6.2.7 gets 404 Not Found

Now when I open Cornerstone I get this page, https://selectedshop.com/cornerstone, with the 404 Not Found error.
How to fix this, please.
Thank you:)

Hey Edward,

That could be a permalink issue. Please try out the solution here: https://theme.co/docs/common-issues#permalinks

Before reporting an issue to us, kindly try all the common solutions listed in our troubleshooting article here: https://theme.co/docs/common-issues. The the permalink solution does not fix the issue, try out the other solutions like testing for a plugin conflict.

ONLY if nothing helps, provide the following details in a Secure Note

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Hi, yes setting the permalink in WordPress opens Cornerstone again.
But this has stripped all the URLs of the category.
So this has changed all of the indexed URLs.
I need to have all the post URLs to be /category/post-name
How do I do this and still be able to open Cornerstone?

Hello Edward,

Please use a custom permalink: /%category%/%postname%/

Make sure to save your changes and test the site by loading Cornerstone builder.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

This was the custom structure that was set before and for some reason stopped Cornerstone from opening.
I have changed caching and optimising plugins and maybe this was the reason.
Anyhow, all working again now.
Thank you for your help.

Hi Edward,

Glad to know that it is working now.


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