Border color malfunction


As an example; if you have a button with a border color, and have chosen to have no border color on hover - it doesn’t work. The border color is still there?

As an example; - the big buttons below the header section.

Hello @Kobber,

Thanks for writing to us.

To have no border color you need to set the transparent as border color on the Interaction.

Test-Page-Builder-Pro (6)

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Hi @prakash_s

Thanks for your quick answer.

Everytime I have made a button for the last… many years with Pro/X, I have always just pressed the square button as in your example (next to the text “transparent”), and then it would work fine.

I have just discovered now that I have to create and save a new color that is set to transparent to get it to work. That’s new to me, but now it works. The funny thing is, that I only have to do this with borders. With fill colors it works like before…

Hello @Kobber,

Glad that it works for you and things are well for you. Please feel free to open a new thread if you have any more concerns.


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