How do I get support?

I am not sure what I am paying for.

Hey @janequade,

Thanks for reaching out!

To get forum support, you will ask your question and we will reply to you as soon as we’ve got your ticket. Just want to let you know that we answer tickets from oldest to newest. To know more about how the forum works, you may check this thread.

Hope that helps.

I’m trying to get someone to help with all my websites that are down due to this php error.

Hello @janequade,

Your other thread has already been responded to. You also have subscribed to ONE service. We also responded to your ONE ticket too. One thing to note is that creating a thread here in our Forum Support will have to be queued. If you bump your thread or self-reply the thread, it will be pushed back into the queue which could make us respond to the thread a little longer. As for ONE service, the response time is much quicker and it will have more scope of support which would include 3rd party plugins or customizations unlike Direct Forum Support that only covers getting your site set up and bug fixes.

Hope this helps.

The only reason I purchased ONE was because there was no option to submit a forum post.
So these are 2 completely different support options?

Hello Jane,

We have announced the change of our support policy sometime in October 2022. You can read it here:

When your Direct Support expires, there should be a red info bar that displays in your Themeco account like this:

You can extend your product support by renewing it or subscribing to ONE service which is the advanced support that we offer.

Best Regards.

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