Some thing strange on the page

What is going on on the bottom of ?? How did this happen? I cannot find a way to delete the junk on this page. Please help as soon as possible. Thank you.

Hello Ami,

Thanks for writing to us.

It might be the issue of broken HTML I would suggest you please clone the page content and then delete the page content one by one to check which section setting is causing the issue in case it doesn’t work for you we need to check your settings please share your details in a secure note meanwhile you must troubleshoot the common issue. Please provide the following details.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Exact page URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


I also noticed that I cannot reset the page background. Thanks for helping.

OK, after experimenting with cloning rows, adding, deleting elements I added a footer and the page seems to avoid the bottom-of-the-page junk. I need to know if the page does indeed have broken HTML and why I cannot change the page background image. Thanks.

Hello Ami,

I checked your page it seems that it is working fine at my end, please recheck your page and let us know if the issue still persists please let us know. Please check the screenshot in the secure note.

For the page background, it seems that you have set the background image to the section. I would suggest you go to Section —>Setup —>Advanced—>Background image

I would also recommend you please purge all the cache and then temporarily deactivate the cache plugin and clear your browser cache then check it or check in the private mode of the browser cache.

Thanks for the quick response. Why do I have two background images on this page, see attached image and how do I delete the darker image?Background

Hey Ami,

The reason why there’s an extra section at the bottom of the content is that, you forgot to enclose the img tag.


I went ahead and fix it for you then it is now working fine on the frontend.

Thank you.

Smart boy, thanks!

You’re welcome Ami.

The main issue was solved but a problem remains: WHY is there a black section on the bottom when the template is “no footer” ?? Thanks!

Hello Ami,

In Cornerstone > Theme Options > Layout and Design, you have set a “Black” background color. And when the page has no footer or the page has very little content, the black background is displaying because there is no other contents to display. If you want that from happening, you must set a minimum height of min-height: calc(100vh - 50px); in your Section element’s Customize > Inlines CSS.

The calculation is this:
minimum height is equal to 100% vertical height - 50 pixels height of your custom header

  • Check out the example url in the secure note below.

Hope this helps.

You’re the man! I learn something new from you every time. Thanks!

You’re most welcome, Ami.

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