Hide if content is empty

there is the special element “the content”. can i set a condition if the content is empty?

Hey @Regnalf,

Regretfully, there is no option nor condition to hide the content if it’s empty.

Ok, thanx for the info, might been i’ve overseen something.

You may asking why i need this condition, here is a screenshot from an layout where the contetnt is coming from an event plugin.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-27 um 15.02.49

The layout is set for special events, so that’s why the background is blue. On other events the background is white so it wouldn’t be a problem if the content element is visible even if it’s empty.

The white bar on the screenshot is a section, containing “the content” element. And it would be nice if i could set it so that it disapear if the content is empty.

Hi @Regnalf,

Would you mind sharing your admin credential so that we can check your setup? To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Page URL or name of the Layout

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Thanks, but nevermind. I will handle this by my own. But it would be nice to add this as a Feature request.

Many thanks again

Hi @Regnalf,

Glad that you are able to handle it on your own. And thanks for suggesting the feature request, I will check and if possible will add this as a featured request.


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