Cornerstone errorors: Document error and Preview could not be loaded

Hi There, i’m having some issues in cornerstone preventing me from editing some posts (well actually lessons from Sensei LMS)

The situation:
I have a site thats fully built recently, i’ve copied it to a different install and am now replacing the text with a different language (french). All the work i’ve been doing is simple text replaces (and i’m doing this in text edit not visual editor and ensuring no additional code/formatting is being pasted.

Everything was fine until i was editing one lesson. Cornerstone got slow and laggy. I was able to save successfully and tried moving to my next post to edit. When i tried that one I got the “preview could not load error”.

I closed cornerstone, cleared cache, even tried resetting permalinks without success.

Some posts open fine, others get the preview error and then some also give me a “Document error: unauthorized”

Any ideas on how to remedy?

Hello @eyedia,

Thanks for writing to us.

There might be a few different reasons for this issue, I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings.

If none of those work, it would be best if you could copy your live website to your staging area. and send your details in a secure note so that we can investigate your setting without breaking your live site. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Thank you, i’m talking with the plugin developer as well as hosting. I believe it’s a translation issue with the permalink / slug and not cornerstone related. I’ll loop back here if I get an answer / solution or need further help.

You are most welcome, @eyedia.

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