Revolution Slider not displaying (white screen) after update and now getting legacy errors

Hi Themeco, we updated rev slider on a client’s website and encountered the white screen issue. We’ve been through all the usual checks for plugin conflicts, deleted and reinstalled themes (bounced between fresh installs of pro and x and used a default wp theme) and plugins but the error persists.

We turned on wp-debug and are getting a number of error messages about deprecated functions - please see attached note.

Could you please take a look and advise on how we can fix this?

Thank you.

Hello @spaghettiweb,

Thanks for writing to us.

As per your given errors it seems that it is a deprecated notice of the PHP. I would suggest you add the following code into the wp-config.php to suppress the notice.

define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );

Please find the video that will help you to edit wp-config.php and add the above code :

If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • FTP details

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the quick reply @prakash_s

We left wp_debug set to true so that you could see the errors. I’ve set it back to false now. Please see the original secure note where you can find login details to the staging site. The rev slider error persists.

Thank you.

Hello @spaghettiweb,

Thanks for sharing the login details I went ahead and exported your slider and imported the slider on my localhost installation but it is not working. It seems that your slider is corrupted. I created a new test slider on your server and added the shortcode on your page and it worked fine. I would suggest you please create another slider and insert it on the page or you may test it with the new test slider that I have created. Please note you must purge all the cache and recheck it.


Thanks very much for checking @prakash_s.

We recreated the slider and that new version is displaying as expected. The original slider must have been corrupted in the update process.

All is back to normal. Thanks again.

You are most welcome @spaghettiweb

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