Post names not showing in The Grid

My site has a page that displays posts as input by The Grid plugin. For some reason, it stopped displaying the post name, and now only displays the link in the post.

Hey @blmg1,

It looks like you have modified the skin of the grid. Can you remember your site activity before this happened? Please also give us WordPress Admin access in a Secure Note so we could check your grid setup.


Thanks for getting back to me. I’ve added our login in a secure note. Any chance you can walk me through fixing the skin of the grid? I was not the one who modified it to begin with, so I am unfamiliar with how to fix it.

Hey @blmg1,

You’re using The Grid Version 1.4.0 which does not have the Skin Builder feature (release on Version 2.0.0 – August 5th, 2016) yet. Your issue could also be a result of version incompatibility. Please update Cornerstone first then update The Grid to the latest version.

If The Grid update notification is not available, you will need to deactivate The Grid or even uninstall it then re-install again via X > Validation. It’s because version 1.4.0 is a very old version which was specifically release on February 19th, 2016.

It’s strongly recommended that you always ensure everything is up to date according to our version compatibility list at Please follow the best practices when updating your theme and plugins. See for more details.

We’ll only continue investigating once everything is up to date.


I have updated the plugins, including The Grid and Cornerstone. Now the date is showing in the grid as well as the link. Is there any way to have it only display the post name?

Hello @blmg1,

I have logged in and resolved the issue. It turns out that you enabled the link item format in the media content which resulted to the issue.

And by the way, the categories did not display because you added this custom css.

.category {
    display: none;

Removing the css should display the categories again.

Check the page in questioned again.

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