I need assistance, serious problems with upgrade (https://hsjcolegiosanjose.org/)

I need assistance
I recently upgraded my page built with theme X and I lost several CSS.
The new cornestone not recognize the old classic.

Old site: https://hsjcolegiosanjose.org/

New site: https://hsjcolegiosanjose.org/mantencion/

I have serious problems with Classic Elements are drag and droppable sections.
Slider Revolution dont’ exist, donts work.

Please need help with this issues.

Hey @Komoder,

The common upgrade issue is the font missing. Please set the Body and Heading fonts again in Theme Options > Typography.

Regarding the dragging the Classic Sections, please do the following and test if the issue persists.

  1. ensure WordPress is updated
  2. switch to the parent theme
  3. deactivate all 3rd party plugins.

If the issue persists, provide the following info in a Secure Note

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.


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