Hi! I have created my main blog page template and my single post template in Pro. It all works fine but now that I have more blog posts than the 10 posts that show on page 1 the navigation shows at the bottom of the main blog page. But when I click on page 2 I still only see the blog posts that are listed on page 1. Any ideas why?
Hello @markusp80,
Thanks for writing to us.
Please make sure you have set the Looper consumer as “ON” in the post element on the blog archive layout.
If it doesn’t work for you we need to check your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details
- WordPress Login URL
- Admin level username and password
You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts
Hello @markusp80,
Please be advised that the Post Pagination element will only work with default loops. It does not work in your blog index because you have added a custom Looper Provider which should not be the case. Be advised that the blog index will display all your post items and that the blog index already runs a loop. You do not need to have a Looper provider for your blog index or any archive layout. Simply disable your Looper Provider because you only need a Looper Consumer for the blog index and the archive layouts.
Kindly let us know how it goes.
Hi! Now I remember how I built this. The Looper Provider is there because I want to exclude posts from a certain category on the blog index page. Is pagination not possible with this option?
Hi @markusp80,
For now pagination and the navigation element works with only with pre-defined templates. I would request you to use the Pre-defined Template which has the pagination or navigation included already.
Thanks for understanding
Hi! That is not going to work since I want to exclude one blog post category. I have solved it by setting the blog index page to show more posts.
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