Hello. i am having a conflict with my LearnDash LMS builder (it won’t load) after updating to the new version on Pro and LearnDash is more important to me than the new Pro. How to I revert/find the previous version of Pro?
Hey Julian,
We’re sorry to hear of the LearnDash LMS conflict with the latest version of Pro.
You can download the previous stable version in your Apex Dashboard: https://theme.co/apex/dashboard
We’d be interested to find out what’s the conflict though so if you’re willing, you can copy your site to a staging server and give us the following in a Secure Note
- Tell us how to replicate the issue
- Staging Site WordPress Login URL
- Admin Username and Password
Hi Julian,
Thank you for the credentials, but I get this access forbidden notice when I tried to login to the site.
You can download the stability PRO 2.5.5 version on the APEX Dashboard (see screenshot above), then delete your current PRO and reinstall it using that PRO 2.5.5 zip installer.
Try it now.
See other reply. Also, how do I change my apex account information? Specifically email address and username? I have since deactivated the email address on file.
Hi Julian,
I also tried to access the staging website with the information given and had the same experience:
Please contact your hosting service provider for that. It is not possible to change the Email address, unfortunately. But if you are interested, we can unlock the licenses that you have, then you can use one of them to register as a new user here with the changed email.
Thank you.
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