Cornerstone Editor Error - Can't Edit Pages


Wordpress: 6.4.3
Pro: 6.4.11
PHP: 7.4

I just updated my Wordpress and Pro version to the most recent, but I am getting an error when I try and edit pages with Cornerstone.

Document Error: E_ERROR: Uncaught Exception: Class Themeco\Cornerstone\Controllers\LateData not found in /wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/includes/classes/Util/IocContainer.php:82

I have tried to update the PHP version, clear the cache, increase memory limit, deactivate plugins, install with fresh copies of Wordpress and Pro, and nothing seems to be working so far. Any help here is greatly appreciated.

Hello @lizponce,

Thanks for writing to us.

To help you with your concerns we need to check your setting, I would request please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • Exact page URL
  • FTP login details

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


I just added the secure note. Thanks!

Hello @lizponce,

I tried to access your site dashboard but the given login details are not working at the moment on my end. Please recheck and send us again.


Oops! I had a typo in the username. It’s updated now.

Hi Liz,

Thanks for reaching out.
It seems that the PHP version might be the reason behind your problem. I would suggest you update the PHP version to 8.0 and check if that resolves your problem or not.

Hope it helps.

I have already tried updating and it did not fix the issue.

Hey Liz,

It might be that the Pro theme file is corrupted. You can try to manually update the theme to the latest version by downloading theme files from your Themeco account and uploading them to your website. Here are the things you should do:

  • Activate the default WordPress theme ( this will allow you to delete the current Pro theme )
  • Delete the Pro theme
  • Download the latest version of the theme from your account
  • Upload it to your website and activate your child theme

Hope that helps.

I’m using version control and I never really saw that any files changed, but somehow this worked.


Hey Liz,

You’re most welcome and we’re glad that it is now working properly on your end.


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