Hi there. I reached out to the author of the E&P Form Builder but they told me I should contact you. Here is my issue:
I’m trying to implement a form that uses different prices depending on the dates the user picks. We have a “high-season” from June 1st to August 31st and all other dates are considered “low-season”. If the user chooses a date during high season in the “Pickup Date” field, then the price is 90 x the number of days selected. I used the date difference calculation (Dropoff Date - Pickup Date) to find the number of days. If the pickup date is during low-season, then the price is 60 x number of days.
My question is, how is this possible? This is what my formula looks like after using the buttons and example provided:
if(([item-237_date] >‘May 31, 2019’)&&([item-237_date] <“September 1, 2019”)) {
I’ve tried different variations and methods but nothing seems to work for me. Thank you!