Replacing the Grid plugin

Hello there,

We are using The Grid plugin on one of our sites. I know you no longer support it so we bought a copy from Code Canyon.

How do we replace your bundled version with the licensed one? Whenever I uninstall and delete your plugin and install the new one, your plugin is reinstalled.

Please see this screen grab from the Grid overview page.

We cannot add the new license key etc.

Kind Regards,


Hey Spencer,

Thanks for reaching out!

I ask one of our developers and he said that there’s no longer reference for the Grid license to override. That being said, I suspect that you are still using an older version of the theme. Please update it to the latest version.

If it doesn’t help, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi @marc_a,

Thanks for getting back.

I checked the theme and we are using v 9.1.4.

The X dashboard is indicating that this is the latest version.

Kind Regards,


Hey Spencer,

Sorry for the confusion! The code was only removed in Pro, not in X. That being said, please add the code below in the child theme functions.php.

add_action('init', 'remove_tg_override', 999999999999999);
function remove_tg_override (){
remove_filter( 'tg_grid_unregister', 'x_tg_grid_unregister' );

Hope that helps.

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