Theme PRO validation


I can’t validate the theme PRO on one of my website. However, on my Themeco account the website in question is well in the list of websites registered in Pro unlimited.

Can you help me please ?

Thank you

Vanessa Rouiller

Hello @rucho,

Thanks for writing to us.

It might be the issue of any plugin conflict, cache issue, or any browser extension that stops to validate the site. I would suggest you troubleshoot with our troubleshooting guide.

In case you haven’t seen our doc for license validation please have a look at it.

Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Thank you for you answer.

I don’t think it’s a plugin conflict. I never could validate the Theme Pro on this website, even in beginning (before upload extensions or create pages). However, I have Pro unlimited formule on my Themeco acount. Please look the pictures

I have the same problem for two other websites (but it’s work for my others websites), I dont’ understand why ?

Hey @rucho,

I log in to your website and validate it without any issues. You are now good to go.



Oh thank you very much !

Hello @rucho,

I went ahead and validated both sites please check your site. It might be the issue of the browser cache. Please clear your browser cache and then check it again.


Thank you very much for your help !

You are most welcome, @rucho

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