Mobile device: Navigation Model in Pro Header is getting stuck, displaying overlapping links/nav item text


Im having two sticky issues with my Navigation Model in Pro Header on mobile devices.

#1 - It is getting stuck - it does not open top level nav item on first click, it seems to take two clicks (obviously this is touch based on mobiles).
#2 - navigation item text then shows up overlapping other nav item texts, so you cannot read it. It does this going from top links to sub links, and also when going back to top links.

Im wondering if you could help me figure out this is happening?

Thank you!

Hey Sophie,

I checked the site shown in your screenshot, but I don’t see that Navigation Modal even searching the source code. Please post the URL where we can see that. You can share confidential info in a Secure Note.

We’ll check the overlapping. The double tap you’re experiencing is a known issue with iOS. That happens if the Off Canvas or Modal content is long that it activates the scrollbar. The only solution for now is to minimize the number of your menus.


Hello, thanks for your reply.

I ended up making a new menu for mobile using an off canvas navigation instead. It seems to be working ok.

(I still have the navigation model in the header but have it hidden for now. It is actually in the protected membership area so you need to be logged in to see it.)

Thanks for letting me know about the double tap issue. Hopefully it will be resolved soon :slight_smile:

Hey Sophie,

We’re glad that you’re able to find an alternative solution to your issue. If you have any other concerns or clarifications regarding our theme features, feel free to open up a new thread.

Thank you.

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