Design Cloud Wedding Demo Theme

Hi, I have the Pro theme and am trying to find the wedding demo. Is it not available with Pro? Thanks, Christina

Hello Christina,

Thanks for writing to us.

Yes, it is available for the Pro theme you need to go to the Cornerstone—>Design Cloud


Now search for the Wedding on the search box please have a look at the given screenshot.


Thank you. I am not seeing Cornerstone installed. I looked where to download on my Themeco account page and I do not see Cornerstone. Can you direct me on where to find it. I have also attached a snapshot of what my dashboard looks like. Thanks, Christina

Hi @spittinimage,

Based on your screenshot, you are still using an old Pro theme. I suggest that you update it to the latest version or you can manually update it by downloading the latest version of the Pro on your dashboard.

A simple explanation about the new UI, this is the naming convention we mentioned a couple months back here and here.

Nothing has changed, we’re simply more accurately describing how things work on a technical level. The Pro menu link in the left dashboard is for managing top level things related to the theme like validation, then the CS logos are for getting you into the builders.
Hope that helps.

Thank you.

I am still lost. I didn’t realize I did not have the latest version of Pro so I installed. I see Cornerstone, however, when I click on Design Cloud, my screen is different. I attached screenshots to show you what I am seeing. - Christina

Hello @spittinimage,

In order to help you with your concern, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hello @spittinimage,

When you go to Cornerstone > Design Cloud, you will have this screen right?

Click the Hamburger menu on the upper left corner and you will see the navigation menu items. This is where you can load the Design Cloud to be able to install the Wedding demo site.

Hope this makes sense. Thanks.

Yay! I finally got it. Thank you so much for your patience and help!


Hi Christina,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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