Hello… My English is not very good, but I hope you can understand.
I have a little Problem with my responsive Design of my Site : www.dirksstudio.ch
The responsive Options in Cornerstone depend solely on the Screen resolution. Correct?
But any Users have maybe a high resolution, but a 120 – 150 Percent View in the Browser. And than my Portfolio - Gallerys are not in the Middle…. The self Problem I have on iPad. The Ipad has a high resolution but also a 150 Percent View (estimated).
It is possible, that my Gallerys on my Portfolio ( Slider Revolution on Desktop-View) are always in the middle and the self size ?
Regardless of whether 100 or 150 Percent View, or iPad
Wich Approaches it gives? Gaps with Percent? ? Browser-Scaling deactivate?
Thanks for Helps……