No Title / H1 Displaying on Blog Archives Pages - Pro Theme with Renew Stack

Hi guys,

I noticed that my blog roll is not displaying any H1 or title at all. This is the blog archive page that shows all of my posts. Additionally, further pages don’t display one. (e.g.: blog/page/2/)

In “Theme Options”, I have a title listed, but nothing comes up.


I checked the site code and it doesn’t appear that there is a title at all: it’s not that it’s being hidden with CSS or something.

I tried with the parent theme only and it didn’t make a difference.

As the title states, I’m running Pro theme with the Renew Stack. I have a child theme but the problem remains even when I use the parent theme.

How to I make it show?

Hello @brianjohnsondesign,

Thanks for writing to us.

To help you with your concerns we need to check your settings, I would request please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • Exact URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Okay, adding credentials now.

I did the troubleshooting for common issues and nothing helped. The problem goes away if I use a default theme. It does NOT go away if I disable all plugins, or use the parent theme.

Hello @brianjohnsondesign,

In the Theme Options, the “The Blog” title for the blog index is part of the Landmark Header which is also part of the default navigation header. Because you are using a custom header, the landmark header no longer displays. If you are satisfied with the current blog index layout, then you would like to edit your custom header to include another Bar element that will contain the H1 “The Blog” and this can be conditionally assigned to the blog index only.

If you are thinking of creating a custom layout for the Blog Index, then that is where you can insert the H1 with the “The Blog” heading instead. Perhaps this can help:

Best Regards.

Thank you!

I was able to add a custom bar to the header which only displays in the blog, using condition:

{{dc:url:path}} in /blog/

However, I can’t get it to display for category pages. For some reason, using the same rule and then changing /blog/ to /category/ does not work and I can’t figure out why.

Ideally I’d have a rule to only display on any blog archive pages at all, but I can’t find any that will do that but NOT display it on the singles pages.

Hello @brianjohnsondesign,

I would suggest you please set the condition as Post (has taxonomy) category.

You can remove the condition you have set for the category and set the condition underlined in the above screenshot.

Hope it helps

Thank you for that suggestion.

That DOES display it on the category archive pages, but as mentioned: I don’t want to display it on single blog posts.

So once I click through to an individual blog post, I no longer want that to show up. They have their own titles.

How can I eliminate individual blog post pages from showing this section?

Hey @brianjohnsondesign,

Since there are other pages where you would like to display the Blog title, you can simply replicate your custom header. One header will have the 2nd Bar element and the other will not have. This is a much better setup because the Conditions and Assignments on the header are much more flexible compared to the available conditions of the elements. I have duplicated the header to demonstrate how this works.

Check out the pages in the secure note.

Hope this makes sense.

Thanks, Ruenel! That does work for me.

I almost have this wrapped up… One thing I’m trying to do is include the page number for archive pages in the H1, to avoid duplicate H1s.

I found this code which works great to display that page number:


Is there any way to add additional content to these types of dynamic content?

So for example, if there is a page number, I can also have it add: "Page: " before the number.

In this case, I can probably just leave it because archives normally have a page number. But, for example, I also display the archive title first, like so:


But in the case that we aren’t viewing an archive, I don’t want to display extra formatting. So for now I have it as:

{{dc:archive:title}} | The Blog

But the " | " displays even on the main archive page without any category selected, which is kind of weird.

Is there anything I can do about that without having to custom-develop something?

Hey @brianjohnsondesign,

You can use a DIV element as a wrapper which will have the <h1> tag. Insert two Headline elements with the <span> tag only. The 1st Headline will have | The PageCrafter Blog | and the 2nd Headline will have Page {{dc:query:current_page}}. You can add a Number condition to the 2nd Headline element {{dc:query:current_page}} > 1 so that the Page {n} will only appear on the second page.

Element Structure:

Bar 2
    Container 1
        DIV - H1
            Headline - Span -  Archive Title (will have condition Blog is not being viewed )
            Headline - Span -  | The PageCrafter Blog | (will have condition Blog is being viewed )
            Headline - Span -  Page {n} (will have condition First Page is not being viewed )

Hope this makes sense.

Thanks for that recommendation! I have implemented it and it almost seems to work. I just have a couple issues:

  1. You said that for the Archive Title headline span: “will have condition Blog is not being viewed”

However, it does not display on category archive pages, which is where I want it to display. These are considered part of the blog, so it won’t display. This was my main problem. How can I display something only when it’s a category archive?

  1. The Headline spans seem to display with divs wrapping them. How do I prevent this? It messes up the formatting. Each one literally has 3 divs wrapping it, which seems excessive. It also makes it impossible to format as a single line.

Let me know on those, thank you!

Hello @brianjohnsondesign,

Since you do not want the 3 DIV wrapping the titles, it is best to separate the header for the Archive pages and for the Blog index.

This is also to prevent any complicated conditions. Kindly check the demo now.


That does appear to have worked! I tweaked it a bit and it’s now working exactly as expected.

Thanks for your help!

Hey @brianjohnsondesign,

You’re most welcome!

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