Malformed Comment URLs

Hi guys,

I just got a notification from SEMrush that many (all?) of my comments have malformed URLs for the comment author.

I checked and, indeed, they are very strange and also don’t work. Here is an example, including the “cite” tag that is the parent element:

<cite class="x-comment-author" itemprop="author"><a href="http://<i class='x-framework-icon x-comment-author-icon' data-x-icon-s='&#xf35d;' aria-hidden=true></i><span>acrocosm</span>.net" class="url" rel="ugc external nofollow"><i class='x-framework-icon x-comment-author-icon' data-x-icon-s='&#xf35d;' aria-hidden=true></i><span>acrocosm</span></a></cite>

Indeed, this is the literal href:

http://<i class='x-framework-icon x-comment-author-icon' data-x-icon-s='&#xf35d;' aria-hidden=true></i><span>acrocosm</span>.net

What’s interesting is that it doesn’t affect ALL URLs of this nature. It only seems to affect it when the comment submitter has entered a URL, and their comment is a parent comment with at least one reply.

I found this to be the case even with the stock parent theme. I don’t believe I have any plugins or code that modifies this at all, though it’s possible.

Do you know what’s causing this? I’ll share the URL in a private note.

Hey @brianjohnsondesign,

Thanks for writing in! Please do check the user profile. It seems that the link URL for his profile is broken and this may have caused the issue. We can thoroughly check this if we can log in to the site. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.

Hi @ruenel,

It looks like it’s just a regular URL:

I’ll share access to you in a second. You can access and make changes to my site, just confirm what it is that you do so I know.

Hello @brianjohnsondesign,

Changing the URL to will not create an issue. Perhaps there is something wrong with that URL. Check it again and use any other URL.


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