Envira Gallery not showing "Add New" Menu item

Hi All,

my staging site is https://raymondb16.sg-host.com/

I installed Envira Gallery bundled with Pro Theme, but it is not showing the Add New Menuitem. I have the latest Envira version and the latest Pro version 5.1.5.

I get this message, but I thought I could ignore itm, because on other sites it is working fine.
Envira Gallery : In order to create new galleries, access addons, and receive automatic updates for Envira Gallery, [please enter a valid license key here.

What could be wrong?

Thanks in advance fo your help.

Hello @besmans,

Thanks for writing to us.

All the bundled plugins are free with X/PRO themes. You can use it without validating these plugins. In case you need the premium features or add-on features of the plugin then you need to purchase a separate license from the plugin author. As I mentioned, the license is required to activate premium features such as the Social Sharing Addon, Albums Addon, etc.

You can create the new gallery easily, in case you are not able to create a new gallery, I would suggest you purge all the cache, I would also recommend you, please troubleshoot with a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hi @prakash_s

I already checked the common issues, none of them are solving my problem.
I entered my credentials in a secure note

Thanks for checking.

Hey @besmans,

It looks like the user who is a Super Admin is restricted from using Envira.


Try using an Administrator account.


@christian that was it.
I thought SuperAdmin is above Administrator.
Guess not. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot

You’re welcome, @besmans.

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