A Green Pro user - How to shrink paragraph space

How to shrink paragraph space?
When hit enter for paragraph I get a large space.
How do I set Paragraph space for page and site wide?
I’ve looked and looked in Docs, looked in videos but cannot find anything about paragraph size control. (But did learn a lot how to use Pro.)
See 2 example pictures. Thank you.

(Unable to send 2 images…new user)

Hey @JamesMD,

Thanks for writing in! The default styling of the paragraph text, it has a bottom margin of 2.15em. You can override that by using custom CSS.

Using your browser’s Development Tool, you can check the live HTML code and find which CSS selector you need to use or what CSS code has been used to style the page.

Check out this video demonstration:

For example;

p {
    margin: 0 0 2.15em;

The code above serves as an example code. Feel free to modify it when needed. Please note that custom coding is beyond the scope of our support. You must maintain any custom coding to ensure it will still work after any updates or does not create any issues or incompatibility in the future.

Best Regards.

Thanks… See image below sort of my problem.
I went Conerstone- Preferences and checked DevToolkit
Then went to Inspector Text Customize… do I paste the p code in Elemental CSS and nothing else filled in?
Wish to do it once then it’ll work for the full site.
Though haven’t gone beyond one page.
Sorry, I’m lost on where to add the CSS code for Pro?
Thank you for your help.

Hey @JamesMD,

The code should be added in Pro > Theme Options > Custom Code > Global CSS. In the Preview Builder, find the Code icon in the lower right corner:

Hope this helps.

Thank-you. Ok… Went to Custom Code then got lost how to enter the code

Double clicked Custom Code blue box, but could not type or paste in code. Tried right click also.
Then clicked on lower right hand can and scrolled to Theme Option…

Clicked Option then scrolled to botton…
selected Custom Theme Option…
pasted the p code in but chagned
the 2.15em to 1.15 to see if any change.
Clicked the + button.
Even saved page to green.

No change on page when click enter for paragraph…
The code did not show up on the blue Global CSS screen, if it is to.
Tried the second code body p and still nothing.
Did click save page.

Getting closer… Do greatly appreciated your help.

What am I doing wrong and must do to get code to take?

The code being tried to enter at different times.
p {
margin: 0 0 2.15em;
(Change to 1.15em:)

X (from another help post)
body p {
line-height: 1.5;
margin-bottom: 1em;

Hey James,

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Best Regards.

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