How to change menu colour base on active slider

How would I change the menu colour based on the active slide that it is associated to. Current a link is green when you hover over it but I would like it to say green when the slider is show that specific page.

Hover state:

No hover state:

Hope you can help!

Hi Jason,

Thank you for writing in, are you referring to an actual slider or a section? It is not quite possible if it’s an actual Slider.

But if it’s a section, you can follow the One Page Navigation guide provided here.

Also, please provide us the direct page URL so we can take a closer look.


Hi, I’m not sure I quite understand the question. Would like to make it so the user knows which part they are on.

This is the page I’m referring to


Similar to how this operates, where the white is dependant on where you are as a visual indicator.


Hi Jason,

I just check your website but I couldn’t find the right page (, would you mind sharing with us the correct URL so that we can check your setup properly? It is also be best if you can provide us access to your back-end. To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi, The page is as a draft so that might be why. If you’re logged in this should be an issue. Page is called test in the draft folder. Info attached

Thanks for your help,

Hello Jason,

Regretfully the given login details do not work for us. It seems that password is incorrect. Please double-check it. Meanwhile, please update the X theme and the Cornerstone plugin to the latest versions. Our latest versions are:

  • X theme 9.07
  • Cornerstone 6.0.7
  • WordPress 5.7
  • PHP 7.4

This latest release contains fixes for several issues so be sure to check out the changelog:

After doing the updates, always remember to clear all caches (if you are using WP Rocket, WP SuperCache or W3 Total Cache) when updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.

By the way, you can go to Cornerstone > Theme Options > Headers > Links and change the color of the menu items. There is the base and interaction color which means that the color of the active and the hover state of the menu item.

Please let us know how it goes.

Hi, I just realized I never said this but this issue is in slider revolution. I’ve updated the login credentials in this secure note.

Hi Jason,

You need to modify the Navigation of the Slider Revolution to achieve a similar type slider. I would suggest you go through the following article on this.

Hope it helps.

Ok, I will take a look at these. Thank you for your help


Hi, so I got it all to work. However, I am unsure what is causing the miss alignment on the copy. Hoping you can help.


Hi Jason,

The alignment problem you are trying to point it can’t be recognized through the screenshot. Can you please elaborate, I have tried to check the Slider through the Admin Dashboard, but there are many sliders, and can’t find the specific slider within those.
I would suggest you specify the issue and the slider name, for further investigation.


Hi, I am speaking about the left alignment with the ‘Scheduler’ tab in the top left and the rest of the content hugging the left. Ideally the ‘scheduler’ tab should be in line with the content below it on a left alignment. The slider in slider revolution is called ‘Feature Section’. Thank you for your help


Hi Jason,

Apply a -10px x alignment on the tab navigation to offset the padding that is causing the issue.


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