Problem with plugin Canvasio3D

After latest update of the X theme and Cornerstone I have a problem with the Canvasio3D plugin. Need help to make it work again.

The shortcode works in native wordpress page text editor but inside the cornerstone it doesnt work.

Hi George,

Thanks for reaching out!

Canvasio3D plugin is not part of our bundled plugin but we would like to check if it’s our builder causing the issue. Would you mind sharing the credentials of your website so that we can check and confirm the issue? To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Page where the shortcode is located

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

I am sending you now.

Hello George,

You can use a text element and insert your 3d shortcode without any HTML wrapper tag. It means that you insert it like this:

[canvasio3D width="940" height="700" border="1" borderCol="#F6F6F6" dropShadow="0" backCol="#FFFFFF" backImg="" mouse="on" rollMode="off" rollSpeedH="0" rollSpeedV="0" objPath="<a href="">SINGLE PANEL 250</a>" objScale="7" objColor="" lightSet="1" reflection="off" refVal="5" objShadow="off" floor="off" floorHeight="42" lightRotate="off" vector="off" mousewheel="on" Help="off"] [/canvasio3D]

Nothing will display in the builder. There is NO preview of the 3D in the builder. As long as you have inserted the shortcode correctly, it will display on the live view of the page.

Hope this helps.

I managed to find the problem. Something had to do with an other plugin with the name Yoast SEO.

Hi George,

Glad that you are able to find the cause of the problem. I would suggest you to deactivate the said plugin if that is not needed.


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