Iframe In Pop-Up Modal Is Creating Page Errors


I’m developing a new landing page and need to embed some iframe code in a pop-up modal.

The button repeats 4 times on the page and each has a copy of the iframe code that loads a simple form with three fields.

The issue is that the page is randomly adding a load of code to the bottom of the page now. It looks like a combination of theme code and the iframe code.

But this only happens when you have the code repeated more than once.

I’ve set each modal to only load/reset on open but that hasn’t made a difference.

I’ll add the page in a secret note as I don’t want it indexed on search engines.

Hi @DannyC,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Can you please provide us with the URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post so we can check your settings?


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