How to insert and size Layer Slider within text column

I have a populated text column and I would like to insert a layer slider act the start of the text. I have put in the shortcode for the slider, but I have not been able to work out how to size the slider. Is this the right way to do this and if so, how do I size the slider ?


Hello Alex,

Thanks for writing in!

Please set your Layout settings to “Responsive” and make sure to add a100% maximum width.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Hi and thanks for your response. I have checked and the layout settings are as you advise. The slider is appearing way too big in the web, I want to reduce it down and flow some text around it


Hey Alex,

To better assist you with your issue, kindly provide us access to your site so that we can check your settings. Please create a secure note with the following info:

  • WP login URL
  • WP username
  • WP password

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Thanks Nabeel

Secure note created

Hi Alex,

The credential is not working. I suggest that you double-check on it so that we can check your slider settings. See secure note for more information.

Thank you.

Have reset the password and sent in secure note


I have worked out how to size the layer slider itself, what I now need to establish is how to align it to the left in the text box so that the rest of the test flows around it


Hey Alex,

You need to set your maximum width of the slider to 100%. And then you will have to enclosed your slider shortcode with a div that has left utility class and an inline element CSS that defines the width:

<div class="mrm left" style="width: 320px;">[layerslider id="7"]</div>

Check your page now.

Hi Ruenel.
Thanks for that, having seen the correct t code, I can now see where I was going wrong.
Your help much appreciated


You are most welcome Alex.

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